24 Months Vs 2T Clothes – Difference Between Baby Sizes

Because most parents believe their kids will outgrow them quickly, they typically choose 2T apparel. However, in some cases, 24 months of kid’s clothing may be a better option. In this blog post, we will do a comparison of 24 months Vs 2T clothes so that you can make the best decision for your family!

Is 2T the Same as 24 Months?

Children’s clothes are sized according to periods. As a result, you’ll see six- to twelve-month and twelve- to eighteen-month clothing for children.

Older baby clothes, on the other hand, are made to fit a kid who is older than six months but younger than twelve months. Toddlers who have recently turned two and toddlers about to turn three should be able to wear it.

24 Months Vs 2T Clothes

24 Months Vs 2T Clothes Differences

Sizing Differences

The distinction between the labels 2T and 24 months is the manufacturer size sizing charts. Size 24 months is generally shorter than 18-24-month-old rounder bodies, according to manufacturers’ sizing charts. 2T, on the other hand, is generally cut longer to allow for the abrupt growth of a child’s body.

Before purchasing clothing for your child, take their measurements. Some will require a 2T size before their second birthday, whereas others may wear a 24-month size after this age.

Baby Styles Choices

You would be shocked at how much wider the 2T style selection is than that of 24 months. While baby clothes manufacturers generally stick to infant-like designs, they do provide a range of child-like and even tiny adult fashion for toddlers.

If you’re searching for kid styles of clothing that match yours, it’ll be a lot easier to discover after your kid reaches the age of two. This isn’t to say that you can’t locate amazing clothes in size 24 months; all you have to do is shop around a bit more.

This also implies that toddlers who are more mobile are becoming curious about forms and colors on and around themselves. This is yet another cause for the 2T’s larger range, particularly for females.

Fit, Quality, And Safety

This is true for children of all ages, but it’s particularly important for toddlers who wear diapers. Manufacturers are conscious of this problem. Therefore, most clothing is produced in sizes 24 months larger at the bottom. Because of their thicker, heavier texture, these clothes come with a fastening solution for simple removal and easy diaper access, as well as a more rounded form to provide extra room and fit a baby’s body.

Manufacturers also believe that most children aged 2 and above are potty trained, which means that clothes labeled 2T will fit tighter at the bottom and lack a place for diaper access. Toddlers’ clothing has an all-around slimmer cut to suit their bodies. Furthermore, if you have a 2-year-old who has been potty trained, you’ll want to organize their wardrobe with attire that they can easily remove on their own.

24 Months Vs 2T Clothes In Different Brands


Carter’s sizing chart separates its 24-month clothes from its 2T clothes. The biggest size in the baby section is labeled as 24 months, and the tiniest size is 2T in the toddler area. There’s some overlap between the two weight ranges for both sizes.


In the toddler section, there are two distinct age ranges: 12 months and 36 months.

Old Navy

The ‘baby’ category at ‘Old Navy’ also extends to 24 months, and the biggest size is labeled as 18-24 months. Like Gap, their toddler division begins at 12 months old. The 2T size is after 18-24 months old.

Cat & Jack

Cat & Jack is a Target brand that goes to 24 months for newborns’ sleepers and 12 months for toddlers. There’s more of a difference between 24M and 2T in terms of style.


The Garanimals brand, which is marketed by Walmart and has a size of 24 months as its biggest baby size, follows the same height and weight parameters as Cat & Jack’s 2T edition.

Children’s Place

The largest size in the baby category at The Children’s Place is labeled 18-24 months. 6M is the starting point for toddler clothing at The Children’s Place.


The sizes of the 24M and 2T Gerber are identical. The designs for the two clothing sizes, on the other hand, might differ. They say whether or not there is a difference between the baby size and toddler size in some of their apparel descriptions.

How Do I Know If My Baby Should Wear 24 Months or 2T Clothes?

If your child is on the taller side, or if you think they’ll grow quickly, size up to 24 months or even beyond. If your baby is shorter or slimmer, go with the smaller size. Also, keep in mind that two-piece outfits tend to run a little larger than one-pieces for newborns. And finally, don’t be afraid to mix and match sizes – it’s not uncommon for a baby’s wardrobe to be a mishmash of different sizes!

If you’re still unsure, take some measurements. Compare them to the size charts on clothing designers’ websites or in-store. And if all else fails, ask a salesperson for help. They should be able to give you some guidance on what size will work best for your child.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: T is what in 2T?

Ans: The T in the name of clothing size refers to tiny children. It is most often used to indicate that this dimension is particularly intended for young toddlers when it is combined with the number two.

Q2: Should I buy 24 months or 2T?

Ans: The 24-month silhouette is rounder, indicating that it’s better suited to a healthy, developing baby of any age who is still crawling. Size 2T clothes are meant for early walkers and have a more upright silhouette to make movement easier as your little one begins to explore on his own.

Q3: Is 3T the same as 24 months?

Ans: The T sizes, on the other hand, are a somewhat tighter fit than the by-month newborns, such as 24 months. You may also come across sizes without the ‘T,’ which adds to the confusion. A 3 and a 3T, for example, aren’t the same size.


It depends on your child’s individual measurements, how quickly they are growing, and what style of clothing you are looking for. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow. 

If your child is on the taller side, or if you think they’ll grow quickly, size up to 24 months or even beyond. If your baby is shorter or slimmer, go with the smaller size.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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