As a mother, I know the frustration of dealing with temper tantrums. Whether it’s in public or at home, these outbursts can be a huge challenge to navigate. Recently, my seven-year-old daughter has been experiencing increased episodes of emotional turbulence and her behavior has become more unpredictable than ever.
So, Is 7 year old temper tantrums normal?
It’s normal for children to experience tantrums or display aggressive behavior during development. However, if your 7-year-old is exhibiting these behaviors, it could be a sign of underlying issues that may impact their mental health, such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
After much research on the topic, I’ve found there is an art to managing those meltdowns – and today I want to share some tips that have helped me get through this difficult parenting journey with my little one.

Why Do 7-Year-Olds Throw Tantrums?
When an older kid throws a tantrum, some people think that they are being unruly or spoiled.
The truth is, a tantrum is simply a method for children to communicate that something is wrong and they are unable to correctly express it.
7-year-olds are frequently caught off guard by emotional meltdowns from older children, who are still experimenting to figure out how to communicate their emotions.
Typically, as children become older, their feelings mature and they can express stronger emotions.
For example, their objectives, complaints, worries, and emotions.
External influences can also have an impact on a 7-year-old’s temper tantrum, so you must dig deep and find the real source of the problem.
The most common cause of 7-year-old temper tantrums is that they are having difficulties with something, such as conduct or learning.
Tantrums are an expected reaction to anger or aggravation, and they’re frequently within your child’s control. On the other side of the spectrum, emotional meltdowns are a different sort of circumstance and one that is out of your child’s control. Many individuals mistake tantrums for emotional meltdowns, so keep this in mind to properly assist your kid.
Stress and fear are prevalent themes among this age group as they become increasingly exposed to the typical concerns of adulthood.
When we think of tantrums, one word that springs to mind is clinginess. Tantrums might also be a sign of anxiety in kids. All this depends on the brain’s wiring. You’ve undoubtedly heard about the fight or flight response; when the amygdala in the brain detects danger, anxiety occurs.
The anxiety may be based on a real or imagined danger, and the body responds with a surge of hormones to prepare the body for action. This is a built-in response that has kept us alive for millennia.
An anxious mind is in good shape, but senses the danger more frequently, resulting in worry. Many people believe that anticipating when your body will react without warning and enter into flight or battle mode is the most difficult aspect of having anxiety.
Emotional Regulation
Uncontrolled temper tantrums can also be caused by insufficient emotional regulation in children. All kids have unique environmental stimuli that might set off their emotions. This is influenced by character and personality characteristics, which implies that some youngsters are more prone to have highly charged emotional outbursts than others.
It’s difficult to deal with 7-year-old temper tantrums. Various youngsters have distinct emotional triggers.
This indicates that, to a greater extent, children with certain personality or character flaws are more likely to have outbursts in their emotions.
Gain Attention
Although your child may seem angry for other reasons, seeking attention might be another cause. Children require attention, and if they believe they can’t obtain what they want through good behavior, they may turn to negative behaviors to satisfy their demands.
Consider a scenario where your child has seen something he or she desires on the shelf but is unable to have it! Attention-seeking behavior is quite typical among youngsters aged three to seven since they are young and have trouble distinguishing between needs and wants.
Some youngsters throw tantrums to gain attention. It’s not unusual for 7-year-olds to have temper tantrums as a way of seeking attention.
Children need attention, and if they are unable to get it through good conduct, they may turn to negative conduct as a way of getting what they want.
Difficulty In Expressing Emotions
Temper outbursts can also be an indication that your child is having trouble expressing complex emotions and feelings. If your child considers schoolwork difficult, for example, he or she may use a temper tantrum to avoid dealing with a certain homework scenario.
Tantrums are sometimes used by children as a coping mechanism. As a result, it’s critical to recognize the causes of this behavior so that you may help your kid learn how to control it.
Behavioral Conditions
Not uncommon is the presence of a particular form of behavioral issue in older children.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
It’s worth noting that some behaviors are commonly linked to these diseases. For example, Inattentiveness, Hyperactivity, and Impulsiveness are examples of this.
Learning Difficulties
If your child has a learning disability and difficulties concentrating in class, he or she may use challenging behavior as a way to handle it.
This is a great example of the concept in action. For instance, dyslexia, which affects the ability to comprehend words, letters, and other symbols correctly, is one such condition.
Many learning disorders go undiagnosed for years because they’re an underresearched topic.
When you discover that your child has been dealing with undiagnosed or underdeveloped learning difficulties for a long time, you may be confronted with a variety of issues.
Over Stimulation, And Autism
Some youngsters are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and may act out as a means of coping with it.
This can put them under more stress. Stimulation of the pleasure centers of the brain can be overstimulating.

What Are The Signs Of 7-Year-Old Temper Tantrums?
There are a few key signs that a temper tantrum is about to occur in a seven-year-old child.
First, the child may start to whine or complain about something that they want or do not want to do. This whining can escalate into full-blown crying and screaming if the child does not get their way.
Another sign that a tantrum is imminent is when the child starts to stomp their feet or hit things, including themselves. This behavior is usually a result of frustration and anger boiling over.
Finally, the child may hold their breath or refuse to talk to anyone until they get what they want. With some patience and understanding, they will eventually grow out of it.
If you see any of these signs in your seven-year-old child, likely, a temper tantrum is about to occur. Try to remain calm and patient, as this is only a phase that they will eventually grow out of. With some understanding and patience, you can get through this difficult stage together.
7-Year-Old Tantrums: How to Handle Them?
1. Acknowledge
When you witness an uncontrolled temper tantrum at seven years old, the first step is to recognize that your youngster is emotionally exhausted and in need of more attention.
When your child is furious or dissatisfied, don’t try to reason with them.
Your youngster will be irritated and upset in this condition, and it will be very difficult for them to see any logic in what you’re saying. They’ll probably be highly agitated. Instead of reacting, just acknowledge that your kid has a tantrum, remain calm, and be patient.
2. Be Clear & Consistent
Once you’ve recognized a tantrum is underway, make certain to handle it in a specific manner. Try to give an acceptable resolution to the tantrum without adding any more fuel.
3. Calmness is Key
Show your youngster that throwing a tantrum isn’t an appropriate method of expressing their feelings. Instead, concentrate on finding a practical solution to the problem and promoting calmness.
4. Look For Triggers
Temper tantrums are quite typical at certain times of the day, even for 7-year-olds and older children. Perhaps this is a good time to mention that you’ve got an adorable pair of baby shoes on your way! For example: try to identify what sets them off and when it happens more frequently.
Do they exhibit oppositional behavior towards one parent more frequently than the other?
When children have to switch off an electric device, such as a Games Console, iPad, or TV program, tantrums are common. Give your kids ample notice so they’re ready for the screen time to come to an end.
5. Ignore it
While ignoring work, it isn’t always the ideal solution since the tantrums may occasionally get worse.
When it’s safe to do so, try ignoring the signs of a tantrum (howling, shouting, hitting, etc) and give them space to calm down. After they’ve had some time to calm down, take a more proactive approach by attempting to figure out why the disruption occurred.
Following the advice above, you’ll be better prepared to parent 7 Year Old Temper Tantrums proactively.
How Can You Prevent Temper Tantrums From Happening In The First Place?
There are a few things you can do to prevent temper tantrums from happening in the first place.
Set A Regular Life Routine
A big trigger of temper tantrums is when a child feels like their life is out of control. This is when they start acting out.
You can help your child feel more in control by establishing and sticking to a daily routine.
Create A Safe Space For Your Child To Express Their Feelings
If they feel like they can’t express themselves, they may act out in other ways, such as having a temper tantrum.
Create an open and welcoming environment for your child so they feel comfortable coming to you with their emotions.
Teach Your Child How To Recognize And cope With Their Emotions
One of the best ways to prevent temper tantrums is to teach your child how to recognize and cope with their emotions.
Help them understand what they’re feeling and why.
Then provide them with tools to deal with those emotions, such as taking deep breaths or walking away from the situation.
If your child knows how to deal with their emotions, they’ll be less likely to have a meltdown.
Monitor Your Child’s Sugar Intake
You might not realize it, but sugar can trigger temper tantrums in children.
Try to limit the number of sugary foods and drinks your child consumes throughout the day.
Remove The Child From The Stimulating Environment
If your child is having difficulty managing emotions or staying calm, remove them from the stimulating environment if possible.
This could mean taking them out of the store if they’re throwing a fit because you won’t buy them something.
Or it could mean stepping outside for some fresh air if they’re tantruming at home.
Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery to calm a child down and alter the negative behavior.
These are just a few ways you can prevent temper tantrums from happening in the first place. If despite your best efforts a child’s tantrum still happens don’t worry. They’re a normal part of childhood development.
What Should You Do If Your Child Has A Temper Tantrum In Public?
They can happen anywhere, anytime, and usually when you least expect it. If your child has a temper tantrum in public, there are a few things you can do to help diffuse the situation.
First, try to stay calm. It’s easy to get frazzled when your child is throwing a fit, but if you lose your cool it will only make the situation worse. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is just a phase that all children go through.
Next, try to distract your child with something else. If they’re fixated on the toy they’re fighting with you about, offer them another toy or activity to focus on.
If those two methods don’t work, you can try walking away with your child. This will usually only work if they’re old enough to understand that you’re leaving and they’ll have to come with you. But sometimes the threat of being left alone is enough to snap them out of their tantrum.
No matter what method you use, remember that temper tantrums are normal and all children go through them at some point.

How Can You Help Your Child Calm Down After A Temper Tantrum Has Ended?
It can be tough to know what to do after your child has a temper tantrum. You may feel like you need to comfort them or maybe even discipline them.
- Talk to your child calmly and soothingly. This will help them understand that the tantrum is over and that they can now relax.
- Give your child a hug or cuddle. This will help them feel loved and supported, which can be very calming.
- Try to distract your child with a toy or activity. This can help take their mind off of whatever was causing the tantrum in the first place.
What Long-Term Strategies Can You Put Into Place To Help Your Child Manage His Or Her Anger Issues?
It can be difficult to know how to best help your child when he or she is struggling with anger issues. You may feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to be working. If this is the case, it might be time to consider some long-term strategies that can help your child learn how to manage his or her anger healthily.
One strategy that can be helpful is to encourage your child to express his or her feelings constructively. This could mean journaling, painting, drawing, or any other activity that allows him or her to express emotions safely. It’s also important to provide support and understanding; let your child know that you’re there for him or her and that you understand how difficult it can be to deal with anger.
Another strategy is to teach your child how to identify and manage triggers. This includes helping him or her to become aware of what situations or activities tend to lead to feeling angry and then brainstorming ways to either avoid these triggers altogether or deal with them more productively.
For example, if your child gets angry when he or she feels like his or her independence is being threatened, you could work on giving him or her more control over his or her life and choices.
Relaxation Techniques
Finally, it’s also helpful to encourage healthy coping mechanisms. This might involve physical activity, such as going for a run or playing sports, as well as deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
Are There Any Other Resources That Might Be Helpful For Parents Of Children With Anger Management Issues?
If you’re looking for additional resources to help your child with anger management, here are a few ideas:
- Look for books on the subject at your local library or bookstore. There are many titles available that can offer helpful tips and strategies.
- Consider talking to your child’s doctor or a mental health professional. They may be able to provide you with additional information and guidance.
With a little effort, you should be able to find some helpful resources that can make dealing with your child’s anger issues a bit easier.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What are the common reasons for childhood anger?
Ans: Many reasons can cause children to feel angry. Some common reasons include feeling frustrated, feeling threatened, or feeling powerless. Children may also become angry in response to a perceived injustice. Additionally, some children have difficulty regulating their emotions and may become angry more easily than others.
Q2: Why are my 3 year old temper tantrums getting worse?
Ans: There could be a few reasons why your 3-year-old’s temper tantrums seem to be getting worse. It could be that they are experiencing more big emotions and don’t yet have the skills to cope with them constructively.
If you’re concerned about the frequency or intensity of your child’s tantrums, it’s worth speaking to their doctor or a child psychologist for advice on how to best support them.
Q3: What are some of the common 4 year old temper tantrums?
Ans: Some common 4-year-old temper tantrums may include throwing things, hitting, kicking, screaming, or crying. These tantrums are usually a result of frustration or anger and can be triggered by something as simple as not getting what they want or not being able to do something.
If your child is having frequent temper tantrums, it may be a good idea to talk to their doctor or a therapist to see if there is an underlying cause.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that seven-year-old temper tantrums are normal. They are a part of childhood development and should not be a cause for concern.
First, try to remain calm. This will model appropriate behavior for your child and help them to see that it is possible to manage their emotions without losing control.
Second, provide your child with a safe outlet for their frustrations, such as allowing them to draw or write about what is upsetting them. With time and practice, your child will learn how to better cope with their emotions and tantrums will become less frequent.