If your baby falls into the latter category, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Swaddling can be a great way to soothe and calm a fussy baby, but if it’s not working for your child, there are plenty of other ways to help them relax. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the reasons why a baby hates swaddle, and we will also provide some tips for soothing them without using a swaddle.

What Is The Importance Of Swaddling A Baby?
It allows them to feel less anxious in their various environments and eliminates the requirement for comforting things, such as plush animals, in the baby’s crib.
A swaddled baby also sleeps for longer and more quietly, which is great news for a new mother searching for as much rest as possible. Even if the kid wakes up at night, swaddling simulates touch, making them more likely to self-soothe and fall back asleep on their own.
Swaddling promotes back-sleeping and makes it more difficult to roll, one of the major causes of SIDS.
Safe Swaddling Tips
Use a large swaddle blanket that can cover your baby’s entire body.
- Fold down one corner and lay the rug on the bed or a clean floor.
- Tuck the baby’s body underneath them and wrap one side of the blanket over their body.
- Make sure the fold of the swaddling blanket at the bottom goes over to the baby’s chest and isn’t too tight, as well as that the baby’s legs are free to move.
- Finally, tuck the remaining side of the blanket over the baby’s body and under them. Now, gently place the baby in the bassinet or crib to sleep.

Why Does My Baby Fight Swaddle?
The struggle to get out of swaddling is frequently a sign that the baby hates swaddle and is having a very active slumber. This is completely natural for newborns.
Although newborns sleep in the same way as adults, there are some major distinctions. The activity of newborns is similar to that of adults during REM sleep, with one significant difference. This isn’t the case for newborns. Swaddling helps minimize flailing by restricting movement.
What Should You Do If Your Baby Hates Swaddle?
You may have noticed that, when you swaddle your baby, he or she screams a lot or shows a great deal of resistance. The method you use may be incorrect. If your newborn baby hates being swaddled, it’s possible that he or she feels suffocated with the blanket and the technique. You could try leaving an arm or a leg out of the swaddle to see if it helps.
You may also use music and decrease lighting to create the ambiance so that when you begin swaddling your baby feels even more secure. Please keep in mind that, if the swaddle swells their cheeks, your infant will attempt to struggle out of it.
If the baby is teething and you’ve changed their bottles, they may believe that it’s a breast and start crying and getting frustrated when they can’t discover the nipple. To avoid this, make sure your baby’s face is swaddled in a V-neck pullover style.
If your new baby is always scrabbling out of the swaddle, this is also a good sign. This generally indicates that they’re ready to sleep without the swaddles. You may also take it as an indication since loose blankets in the crib are not permitted when they are sleeping alone.
Swaddle Alternatives
If your baby hates swaddle, there are a few alternatives you can try.
- One is to let them sleep in a loose-fitting onesie. This will allow their arms and legs to move around freely while still keeping them warm.
- You can also try using a light blanket or wrap instead of a heavy one.
If you have tried all of these alternatives and your baby still hates being swaddled, then it is probably best to just let the baby sleep without any type of swaddling. They will probably fuss for a little bit, but eventually, they will fall asleep.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How can I ensure that my swaddling is secure?
Ans: The blanket should be tucked in snugly around the baby’s chest, not too tight and not too loose. Make sure that the baby’s hips and knees are in a flexed position and that the blanket is covering their feet. You should only use a lightweight blanket so that your baby doesn’t get too hot.
Q2: What is the minimum number of swaddles I’ll need?
Ans: Between 2 and 4 swaddles are common among families. This makes laundry easier while your baby is young. You may also discover that you need additional swaddles as you experiment with different designs, sizes, and other swaddle features to see which ones work best for you and your child.

Q3: What is the best swaddling blanket for newborns?
Ans: A lightweight cotton blanket is a good option for swaddling. You may also want to consider a muslin blanket, as these are often softer and more breathable than other types of fabric.
Q4: How can you tell if your baby doesn’t enjoy being swaddled?
Ans: They might be hungry, weary, drowsy, hot, or undergoing a growth spurt.
Q5: What to do if a gassy baby hates swaddle?
Ans: There are a few things you can try if your gassy baby hates swaddling:
- Try different positions for burping your baby. Sometimes, babies need to be burped in a position that is different from the one they were in when they ate.
- Use a pacifier. A pacifier can help soothe a gassy baby.
- Try different types of bottles. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, try different types of bottles to see if that makes a difference.
Q6: How long should a newborn be swaddled?
Ans: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents to swaddle their babies for 12-20 hours a day for the first few weeks after birth. This allows infants to relax. Swaddling a newborn correctly also prevents heatstroke, injury, and sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, among other things.
You can let them sleep in a loose-fitting onesie, use a light blanket or wrap, or try using a sleep sack. If you have tried all of these alternatives and your baby still hates being swaddled, then it is probably best to just let them sleep without any type of swaddling. Don’t sweat it if your baby hates being swaddled. There are a variety of other options for keeping them warm and comfortable at night.