If your baby spits up when laid down, you may be wondering what is causing this. There are many different reasons why this could be happening, but the most common one is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition is caused by stomach acids coming back up into the esophagus and can cause discomfort for your baby. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms of GERD in babies and some treatment options.

What Does Baby Spit Up Mean?
It could be that they are simply overfeeding or a sign of an allergy or intolerance. If your baby is spitting up frequently, you should consult your pediatrician to rule out any underlying health issues.
In most cases, however, spitting up is simply due to overfeeding. This can happen when parents feed their baby too much at once or if the baby eats too quickly. To prevent this from happening, try smaller feedings more often throughout the day.
If you think your baby may be allergic or intolerant to something in their formula or food, talk to your pediatrician. They will be able to help you figure out the best course of action.
Are Baby Spit Ups Normal?
Some parents worry that their baby is spitting up too much, but in most cases, it’s perfectly normal. Here’s what you need to know about baby spit-ups.
Spit-ups usually happen after babies eat. Most babies will spit up at least once a day, and some may even do it several times a day.
If your baby is spitting up more than usual or if it seems to be causing them discomfort, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor. They can rule out potential medical problems and give you peace of mind.
Try burping your baby more often during feedings and after they eat.
If breastfeeding, ensure you’re drinking plenty of fluids and eating enough calories.
Finally, don’t worry too much about spit-ups. They’re normal and usually nothing to worry about!

Why Your Baby Spits Up When Laid Down?
Feeding Before Going To Sleep
A bedtime feed can help to soothe your baby, but if they eat too quickly before sleeping, it may cause them to spit up milk when you lie them down. Your little one swallows air while nursing, especially when eating rapidly. However, once you lay your infant down, the air rises and brings the milk along with it – forming spit up.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
If you believe your baby may have GERD, you should take them to the doctor for a checkup. Some symptoms of GERD are weight loss, fevers, breathing, and feeding issues. Additionally, when babies with gastroesophageal reflux disease lay down or sit up, their spitting up is more prominent than usual.
When a baby is laid down, overfeeding is a frequent cause of vomiting. There’s a notion that feeding your infant excessively before bed might help them sleep longer, but it doesn’t work out. Not only will your child be uncomfortable from overeating, but they’ll also most likely bring up too much milk when placed down or later in the evening.
Burping Too Quickly
It’s crucial to burp your baby post-meal to release any trapped gas or air bubbles. This will ensure they’re comfortable after eating and help avoid spitting up later. The best way to do this is by holding them upright and rubbing their back until they let out a burp. Doing it too quickly, however, won’t be as effective, leaving the potential for more gas buildup and an upset tummy later on down the road. A recessed chin can also affect burping in an unusual position.
Heavy Letdown
Once they lay down, the air rises, causing spit up. Many parents experience a strong letdown, and expressing it into a bottle before attaching your infant permits you to save the milk while enabling them to get a steadier milk supply.
Preventive Ways To Stop Baby Spit Ups
While Feeding, Keep The Baby Upright
When feeding your baby, don’t bend over. If your baby spits up when laid down, try to keep yourself and your child in an upright position while feeding. Keeping your infant upright also aids in keeping their food down.
Maintain A Good Feeding Routine
Your breast milk feeding routine ensures that they never go too long without food. If they’re not hungry, they won’t feed as fast, which means less air taken while eating.
It’s best to have more small feeds rather than large ones.
When Feeding, Stay Calm
Try to relax and remain calm throughout the feeding. Any distractions or surprises might cause the baby to swallow air or drink too quickly. Remove your child if they become angry while nursing, soothe them down, then resume feeding once they have calmed down.
Prevent Overfeeding
Babies aren’t the only ones who feel uncomfortable after eating too much. You know how bad it feels as an adult, so don’t put your baby through the same pain. Overfeeding is one of the main causes why babies spit, which can make nighttime sleeping difficult for you and your little one.
After Feeding, Keep Baby Calm
After feeding:
- Do not move your baby around too rapidly.
- After a feed, do not immediately put your child to sleep.
- Allow gravity to assist the food in settling and staying down.
After Feeding, Burp Your Baby
If your baby spits up frequently, you might have to stop and burp them during a feed. Burping helps remove any excess air or gas bubbles, reducing the pressure on your baby’s stomach and making them more comfortable.
Avoid Tight Apparel
When choosing bedtime clothing for your baby, beware of items that are too tight. Snug diapers and garments can pressure your infant’s stomach and spit up.
For a good night’s sleep (for both you and Baby), comfortable, breathable clothes are best.
Watch For Allergies
If your baby spits up when laid down more often than usual and nothing else appears to be working, they may have a food allergy. In this case, please speak with your doctor to determine what the allergen might be and how you can best avoid it in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Is it dangerous if my baby spits up while sleeping?
Ans: The ridiculous myth that babies can choke if they spit while sleeping is only a worry for parents who have fed their children earlier and did not make them burp. However, don’t fret – most babies don’t even spit up while sleeping!
Q2: Is it safe to feed my baby another time if he spits up?
Ans: Vomiting and spitting up are typical in newborns. However, please do not feed the infant immediately after he vomits up or vomits. Instead, offer him the milk as soon as possible to avoid dehydration.
Q3: What to do if the baby spits curdled milk while burping?
Ans: Curdled milk is usually caused by overfeeding, which can signify that your baby is taking in too much air. To prevent this, burp your baby more frequently during feeds.
Q4: Is it okay if the baby spits up 3 hours after feeding?
Ans: Yes, it is perfectly normal for your baby to spit up several hours after a feeding. However, if the Spit ups are frequent or your baby shows other signs of discomfort, such as fussiness or diaper rash, speak with your doctor.
Q5: What is the difference between baby spit-up and reflux?
Ans: Baby spit-up is normal and usually nothing to worry about. On the other hand, reflux is a more serious condition that can cause pain and discomfort for your baby.
Baby spitting up is a normal part of life for many babies. However, if it becomes frequent or your baby shows signs of discomfort, it may be time to speak with your doctor. You can do several things to help reduce the amount of Spit up, such as burping more often and avoiding tight clothing. If you think your baby may have an allergy, be sure to speak with your doctor to determine the best course of action.