Can Cinnamon Cause A Miscarriage? Safety & Benefits

As a mother, your highest priority is the health and well-being of your unborn baby, so it’s natural to be concerned about anything that could potentially harm them. One food product that may have caused worry for you is cinnamon.

Although considered by many to be a safe and beneficial spice, there has been speculation over whether or not consuming cinnamon can lead to a miscarriage.

So, Can Cinnamon Cause A Miscarriage?

Cinnamon may increase the risk of miscarriage, although the data is weak. However, excessive consumption of cinnamon, particularly in supplement form, may be harmful to pregnant women and their developing fetus. It is best for pregnant women to consult their healthcare provider before taking any supplements or making significant changes to their diet.

We will provide reliable sources of information so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to include cinnamon in your diet for a healthy pregnancy.

Can Cinnamon Cause A Miscarriage

Can Cinnamon Cause a Miscarriage?

The simple answer is no. Cinnamon is a safe and healthy spice that can be enjoyed by pregnant women and their families.

During pregnancy, you can safely consume a small amount of cinnamon, either as a flavoring or a seasoning agent.

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blood sugar-regulating properties. However, over moderate amounts, it can have harmful side effects.

Low Blood Sugar Levels

Pregnant women on insulin should be careful, particularly before surgery, since it can lower blood sugar levels and prevent clots. Be mindful of what you eat before glucose tests or just, in general, to keep your blood sugar levels in control during pregnancy.

Liver Illness

Cinnamon might be poisonous if taken in high doses, especially for people with liver issues. That’s due to the chemical coumarin. Coumarin is a substance found in Cassia Cinnamon, which has been linked to liver damage.


Allergens can be triggered by cinnamon. During pregnancy, your immune system is often weaker.

What Is Cinnamon And Where Does It Come From?

Cinnamon originated in Sri Lanka, where it was used as a medicinal herb. It later spread to other parts of Asia and the Middle East, and eventually made its way to Europe.

Ceylon cinnamon (also known as genuine cinnamon) and cassia cinnamon are the two most common varieties of cinnamon.

The former is lighter in color and has a sweeter, more delicate flavor than the latter.

Cassia cinnamon is more frequently available in supermarkets because it is less expensive.

Cinnamon is supposed to benefit a wide range of health issues, including diabetes, gastrointestinal difficulties, and infections. Therefore many people consume cinnamon in their food or take cinnamon pills to enjoy the health benefits.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Cinnamon For Pregnant Women, If Any?

Can pregnant women eat cinnamon? Yes, pregnant women can eat cinnamon in moderation. However, too much cinnamon may cause an upset stomach or other side effects due to its strong flavor. Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for millennia in traditional medicine.

It is supposed to be beneficial for several health issues, such as pregnancy.

Helps Control Nausea And Vomiting

Cinnamon is thought to help with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, as well as assist with good health. It’s also supposed to help circulation and decrease inflammation.

Reduces Gestational Diabetes

Cinnamon may also help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

Aids Digestion

It is believed to work by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

Reduces Inflammation

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that may be beneficial for pregnant women. This spice is thought to help reduce swelling, burning pain, and stiffness in joints.

Soothes Cramps

Cinnamon is often used as a natural remedy for menstrual cramps. It is believed to work by reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles.

Boosts Immunity

Cinnamon may also help to boost the immune system, which can be beneficial during pregnancy. This spice is thought to increase the production of white blood cells and improve circulation.

Can Cinnamon Cause a Miscarriage If Consumed More Than The Recommended Amount?

Many people like adding cinnamon to their food, as it is a spice that is popular. The maximum amount of cinnamon to ingest each day is no more than six grams. However, some people may want or need to consume more than this amount. If so, it is safe to do so as long as you consult with your physician first and do not exceed the maximum recommended amount of 12 grams per day.

When it comes to consuming more than the recommended amount of a particular nutrient, it’s important to remember that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another.

What Are Some Recipes That Include This Spice Safely For Pregnant Women?

As much as we love spices, it’s important to be aware of which ones are safe to consume during pregnancy. Certain spices can pose a risk to both you and your baby, so it’s always best to check with your healthcare provider before consuming anything new.

If you’re looking for recipes that include a particular spice safely, here are some great options:

  • Curried lentils with spinach and tomatoes.
  • Roasted cauliflower with cumin and chili powder.
  • Chickpea soup with ginger and turmeric.
  • Carrot cake muffins with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Salmon with dill and lemon juice.
  • Clam Chowder

Is Cinnamon Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

Herbal teas are not regulated by the FDA and their safety during pregnancy has not been well studied. Therefore, it is best to avoid herbal teas, including cinnamon tea, during pregnancy.

Cinnamon tea may contain compounds that can stimulate contractions and therefore should be avoided during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.

If you are pregnant and looking for a safe herbal tea to drink, speak with your healthcare provider about options.

When You’re Pregnant, Here Are Some Precautions To Take With Cinnamon

  1. When you’re expecting, don’t start downing copious amounts of cinnamon.
  2. If you’re expecting a baby with a high chance of coming early, stay away from it.
  3. Avoid cinnamon pills or supplements.
  4. Do not eat low-quality or out-of-date food.

Is Cinnamon Safe During Pregnancy? 

Most likely. Despite the health advantages of cinnamon, excessively high dosages can be hazardous to a pregnant woman’s health.

Some obstetricians advocate using cinnamon after childbirth to cleanse the uterus.

However, your doctor will have to approve of this. Women who are pregnant without any issues don’t need to be concerned about taking little portions of cinnamon.

Foods to avoid in pregnancy

It’s wonderful to be expecting a child, but you need to watch what you eat to make sure everything goes well. There are many nutritious options that are OK for you and your kid to eat while you’re expecting.

Some items to avoid while pregnant are listed below.

  1. Consuming unpasteurized dairy products increases the risk of food sickness and possible injury to an unborn child from germs like Listeria. You should avoid becoming sick by solely consuming pasteurized dairy products.
  2. Meat that has not been properly cooked may potentially harbor hazardous pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli. Meat must be boiled for at least three minutes to eliminate any germs present.
  3. Sharks, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish are among the fish that contain high amounts of mercury, which may be hazardous to your baby’s growing neurological system. Consumption of these species should be limited in favor of alternatives with lower mercury levels, such as salmon and trout.
  4. Eggs that are raw or undercooked might harbor deadly pathogens like Salmonella. To prevent food poisoning, eggs should be cooked completely.
  5. Fruits and vegetables may harbor hazardous germs and chemicals if not properly cleaned. Every product should be washed properly before consumption.
  6. Caffeine: Some caffeine use is safe during pregnancy, but too much may damage the developing baby. Caffeine consumption should be limited to 200 mg per day, which is about equivalent to one 12-ounce cup of coffee.
  7. Fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth defects may be prevented by abstaining from alcohol throughout pregnancy.

Signs of a Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the term used to describe the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. Between 10% to 20% of all pregnancies may experience this. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester of pregnancy when many women also have symptoms that might indicate a miscarriage. Some of the first warning signs of a miscarriage include:

The most frequent sign of a miscarriage is bleeding from the uterus. Bleeding that is strong enough to form clots may begin as faint spotting. Cramps and stomach discomfort are possible side effects of the bleeding.

Mild cramping is common in early pregnancy, but severe cramping might indicate a miscarriage. The cramping might be similar to stomach discomfort or menstruation cramps.

Miscarriage may cause back discomfort for some women. The pain may range from minor to severe, and it often comes with accompanying symptoms like bleeding or cramping from the uterus.

Miscarriage may cause a woman’s pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, breast soreness, and exhaustion, to disappear suddenly.

Miscarriage may result in the vaginal discharge of tissue or clots. There may be bleeding and cramping beside this tissue, which might be grey or pink in color.

It’s crucial to remember that some people may have no symptoms whatsoever during a miscarriage and that other women may have all of these symptoms. Several of these signs and symptoms may also appear during a healthy pregnancy, so if you’re experiencing any of them, it’s vital to talk to your doctor.

Get immediate medical treatment if you encounter any of these symptoms. A miscarriage may be diagnosed with an ultrasound or with blood tests performed by your doctor. Miscarriage may be diagnosed even in the absence of symptoms.


Q1: What does cinnamon do in early pregnancy?

Ans: Cinnamon contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for pregnant women. It can help reduce nausea, improve the digestive system, and boost immunity. However, cinnamon is not recommended in large amounts during early pregnancy as it has been associated with a higher risk of miscarriage.

Q2: Can cinnamon end early pregnancy?

Ans: No, cinnamon cannot end an early pregnancy. However, consuming cinnamon in large amounts during pregnancy has been associated with a higher risk of miscarriage. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking cinnamon supplements or adding cinnamon to your diet while pregnant.

Q3: Does cinnamon clean the womb?

Ans: No. There is no evidence that cinnamon can clean the womb or cause a miscarriage. In fact, cinnamon has traditionally been used to help strengthen and support healthy pregnancies.

Q4: How much cinnamon is safe to consume during pregnancy?

Ans: Cinnamon is typically safe for pregnant women to ingest at dietary levels. Nonetheless, it’s best to stay away from cinnamon pills and excessive cinnamon consumption. Safe dosages should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

Q5: Can cinnamon help induce labor?

Ans: There is some anecdotal evidence that cinnamon may help bring on labor. Nevertheless, excessive cinnamon consumption is not advised when pregnant because of potential dangers.

Q6: What are the benefits of consuming cinnamon during pregnancy?

Ans: The risk of developing gestational diabetes may be reduced and glucose tolerance can be enhanced by eating cinnamon when pregnant. Moreover, it may aid digestion and lessen inflammation.


Pregnant women should not consume more than the recommended amount of cinnamon each day. If they desire or need to consume more, they should consult with their physician first and not exceed the maximum recommended amount of 12 grams per day.

Some recipes that include this spice safely for pregnant women are curried lentils with spinach and tomatoes, roasted cauliflower with cumin and chili powder, chickpea soup with ginger and turmeric, and carrot cake muffins with cinnamon and nutmeg, and salmon with dill and lemon juice.

Certain precautions should be taken when consuming this spice while pregnant, such as avoiding cinnamon pills or supplements and not eating low-quality or out-of-date food.

Pregnant women should also be cautious about consuming cinnamon and should only do so under the guidance of their doctor. When it comes to spices, always remember that quality and freshness are key! This goes for both pregnant women and everyone else.

Sarah here, mother of two here to guide you on your parenting journey. I know motherhood isn't easy, but I'm here to share my wisdom and experience so that you can make the most out of this amazing adventure. Linkedln

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