It’s a common worry for parents – can toddler suffocate under blanket? The answer is yes, toddlers can suffocate under blankets, but there are ways to keep them safe. In this blog post, we will discuss how to keep your sleeping baby safe and prevent them from suffocating under blankets. We will also provide some tips on what to do if you think your child is in danger of suffocating.

What Are The Dangers Of Leaving A Baby Or Toddler Under A Blanket For Too Long?
Blankets can pose a suffocation hazard to young children, and they are also often associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
There are a few simple steps you can take to help prevent tragedy from striking while your baby sleeps under a blanket. Never place a baby on his or her stomach to sleep under a blanket. Finally, keep the crib or bed clear of other blankets and pillows to reduce the risk of suffocation.
How Can You Tell If Your Child Is Suffocating Under A Blanket Or Pillow?
If you think your child may be suffocating under a blanket or pillow, it is important to act quickly and take steps to ensure their safety.
- Your child is struggling to breathe through nose or is making gurgling sounds.
- Your child’s skin is blue or purple.
- Your child is unresponsive or lethargic.
- Your child is exhibiting signs of panic or distress.
If you notice any of these signs, remove the blankets or pillows from your child’s immediate area and call 911 immediately. Do not attempt to move your child unless they are in immediate danger of further harm; instead, focus on keeping them calm and still until help arrives.
Is It Possible For A Toddler To Suffocate Under A Blanket?
The majority of infants aged 12 months or more can roll over and remove blankets from their faces.
You don’t want to miss out on this time with your little one, and you’ll have an easier time bonding if you’re getting some rest. Even though your baby is older now, he or she will still need a lot of attention at night (at least that’s the idea!). This might imply that he or she can sleep through the night without waking up, but it also means they may wake up momentarily.
As a result, understanding safety and all of the research surrounding sleeping through the night is essential for better sleep and increased safety. The standards that assisted your infant in sleeping at night do not apply to toddler sleeping safety recommendations.

Can Toddler Suffocate Under Blanket: Additional Guidelines
At age one, your youngster has learned how to get rid of undesirable things and materials from themselves, therefore if they feel a blanket approaching their face, they will be able to move or turn over.
When it comes to three-year-olds, for example, just watching them sleep with a blanket is sufficient. A newborn who has only been at home for a week might require some monitoring simply to ensure that they are responding safely to the excessive blankets.
At night, try not to overpack the crib with additional blankets or soft toys. Safety is your main concern, and the crib should be kept pretty empty.
When Can Baby Sleep With Blanket And Pillow?
At night, try not to overpack the crib with additional blankets or soft toys. Safety is your main concern, and the crib should be kept pretty empty.
Remember, most parents don’t allow stuffed animals or other types of stuffed toys in the crib or during sleep for safety reasons. A toddler can sleep with a blanket anytime after they reach 12 months old, but at 18 months your child should have no trouble sleeping with a light blanket at night.
If you are able, try to keep an eye on your youngster at first to look for any unusual symptoms of fighting or tension, such as a blanket in their crib.
Remember, your child’s crib should only be used to sleep in, so keep them out of it for playtime if possible. Now that you know when toddlers can sleep with a blanket, let’s look at duvets for toddlers.
Can Toddler Suffocate Under Duvet?
Infants under the age of a year are not advised to sleep on duvets. Take care to select an appropriate size duvet for your toddler’s bed. Don’t use a single blanket on a standard cot bed, for example.
1. Lightweight
Toddlers are still learning how to control their temperature and, as a result, frequently need assistance removing or adding clothing.
2. Washable
This will save you money in the long run when potty training begins and you have multiple nighttime accidents.
3. Natural & Anti-Allergy Duvets
A down comforter is a filling made of feathers, down, or other similar material. If you’re going with a synthetic duvet filling or a natural duvet filling, pick one that doesn’t include feathers or other components that might cause allergies or adverse reactions.
A cotton cover or bed liner is required for either, however, a natural duvet filling may provide more comfort. The advantages of utilizing a natural duvet filling include keeping your child cooler.
If you’re not sure which duvets are best for toddlers, contact a pediatrician. Some kids’ allergies can be triggered by natural fillings, so be cautious and get confirmation from an expert if you’re unsure. An anti-allergy duvet is more appropriate for children with allergy or asthma problems.
Finally, using this method will help to calm them down at night and protect them from unnecessary sneezing and coughing. In the end, they’ll get the most restful slumber possible.
Toddlers’ Bedtime Routines: What To Expect?
1. When A Youngster Reaches The Appropriate Age, Move Them To Their Bed.
You may wait until the top of the rail is roughly three-quarters of your child’s height.
The changeover should be made when your child reaches three years old, although technically between the ages of 18 months and 3 1/2 will also do the trick.
2. Keep The Sleeping Space Secure
To keep the crib as safe as possible, you must protect it from the majority of foreign items that are out of reach. Strings, window pulls, and curtains are just a few examples.
3. Ensure That The Bed Is Free From Any Hazardous Objects
Keep cribs away from any heaters or electrical outlets that may generate extreme heat, including a gas heater in the corner of your room. Also, take down any mobile phones that may be around the crib.
4. Prevent Your Child From Crib Climbing
Some things are easier to avoid than others, and a toddler’s exploration of their bed and surrounding items is one of them.
5. Allow For Pleasant Sleeping
They don’t have to sleep on their back anymore once they reach 1 year old.
Whatever position they select, go with it and don’t make a fuss about it. However, keep a constant eye on your baby if they are sleeping on their stomach with butt in the air. This will prevent the risk of suffocation.
What About Co-Sleeping?
If you’ve been co-sleeping with your infant since the beginning, there’s no reason to stop now.
If you don’t have enough room for a separate bed, you’ll have to co-sleep until you find somewhere suitable.
- It’s more convenient – you don’t have to get out of bed every time your baby needs a feed or a cuddle.
- It makes night-time feeds and nappy changes easier.
- Your baby is less likely to wake you up during the night if he’s sleeping next to you.

Are There Any Other Ways To Keep Your Child Safe While They Sleep During The Colder Months?
As the colder months approach, you may be wondering can toddler suffocate under blanket? Here are a few additional tips to help ensure a restful and comfortable night for your little one:
- Invest in a quality sleeping bag: A good sleeping bag can make all the difference when it comes to keeping your child warm at night.
- Use an extra blanket: If you are worried about your child getting too hot, you can always use an extra blanket to keep them warm.
- Create a cozy space: Make sure your child’s bed is in a warm and cozy spot away from any drafts. Consider using a space heater in their room if necessary.
How Can You Create A Safe Sleeping Environment For Your Baby Or Toddler In Your Home?
Remove any pillows, quilts, comforters, toys, or other objects from the sleeping area. These items could potentially cause suffocation if your child were to roll over on them during sleep. Always put your baby on their back to sleep to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Use a light blanket instead of a heavy one to keep your child warm.
If you have any questions or concerns about creating a safe sleeping environment for your baby or toddler, consult with your pediatrician.
Additional tips for a safe sleeping environment:
- The room should not be too hot or too cold.
- There should be minimal noise and light in the room.
- The crib or bed should be away from windows, curtains, or blinds that could potentially blow around and startle your child awake.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: When can toddler sleep with blanket?
Ans: When they are at least 1 year old. This is the time when they can start to control their body temperature and are less likely to accidentally cover their face with a blanket while sleeping.
Q2: Can a 2 year old suffocate with a blanket?
Ans: Yes, a 2-year-old can suffocate with a blanket. If the blanket is covering the child’s nose and mouth, it can block the child’s ability to breathe and cause suffocation.
Q3: Can a 1 year old suffocate under a blanket?
Ans: While a 1-year-old can suffocate under a blanket, it is important to make sure that the child is supervised at all times and that the blanket is not too heavy or thick.
So, can toddler suffocate under blanket? Yes, it is possible. If you think that your child has rolled under the blanket and is stuck, or if the blanket is covering your child’s face, immediately remove the blanket and check on your child. If you are concerned about your toddler becoming entangled in a blanket while sleeping, you can take some precautions. Choose lightweight blankets for your toddler’s bed and tuck them in securely so they cannot be pulled up over your child’s head. And always supervise your toddler when he or she is sleeping to make sure that the blankets are not covering his or her face.