Can You Watch Scary Movies While Pregnant?

For many pregnant women, the idea of watching a scary movie might cause their hearts to race and their palms to sweat. After all, the pregnancy hormones can be overwhelming on their own.

Can you watch scary movies while pregnant?

Perhaps it will be a good idea to avoid scary movies while pregnant as they might stimulate fear or emotional turbulence in you while watching them. Although, if you still feel the need to watch it then maybe once in a while watching scary movies won’t harm you.

In this blog post, we will explore the topic of watching scary movies while pregnant.

Can You Watch Scary Movies While Pregnant

What Is A Horror Movie?

A horror film, in essence, is a movie intended to frighten its audiences. The themes of good horror films are typically disturbing, sometimes gruesome, and frequently violent. While many horror movies are not particularly graphic, some may include scenes of blood and gore. 

There is no one formula for a horror movie, which is why the genre is so popular. Some people enjoy being scared by films that rely heavily on suspense, while others prefer jump scares and gore.

Facts and Myths About Watching Horror Moving While Pregnant

In Chinese mythology, looking at pictures of cute babies while pregnant is thought to guarantee you a beautiful baby. There is no scientific evidence, however, that viewing a horror film throughout pregnancy has any influence on the fetus.

Can You Watch Scary Movies While Pregnant?

Pregnant women can watch any type of film, as long as they are calm and used to watching them during typical conditions. Those who dislike the genre may be frightened or become emotionally engaged with traumatic sequences. Increased stress might induce hormonal phenomena in your body that influence the development of your baby.

As you are already feeling emotions more strongly while pregnant, any potential stress or worry would only be amplified. However, some women just can’t resist a good scare, even when they’re expecting. So if you’re one of those women who just have to watch a scary movie while pregnant, don’t overdo it.

Watching one or two horror movies during pregnancy isn’t going to hurt your baby. But if you find yourself obsessively watching them, it’s time to take a break. Too much exposure to scares can be bad for your mental health, and that’s not good for you and your baby.

Does Watching Scary Movies Affect Your Unborn Baby?

It’s probably best to avoid them altogether. However, some women just can’t resist a good scare, even when they’re expecting. So if you’re one of those women who just have to watch a scary movie while pregnant, don’t overdo it.

Watching one or two horror movies during pregnancy isn’t going to hurt your baby. But if you find yourself obsessively watching them, it’s time to take a break. Too much exposure to scares can be bad for your mental health, and that’s not good for you and your baby.

Does Watching Scary Movies Affect Your Unborn Baby?

It all comes down to whether the mother in question is at ease throughout the film. Is she squeamish, over-stressed, or nervous? All of which could induce hormonal changes in her body. Even minor hormone changes may lead to a lot of cortisol (stress hormone) being produced by the body.

However, regardless of how much stress you had throughout your pregnancy, your fetus will develop into a healthy adult. However, premature labor and fetal distress near the conclusion of gestation are two things that should be avoided at all costs.

Can You Watch Scary Movies While Pregnant In the First Trimester?

If you want to keep a frightening movie streak going, the first three months of pregnancy would be ideal. The baby is the most protected physiologically during the first three months of pregnancy from the powerful hormone changes caused by movie viewing.

The placenta is also fully developed by the end of the first trimester, so the baby has an extra layer of protection. Additionally, the developing neural circuitry in the baby’s brain is not yet able to process and make sense of complex images. So even if you are watching a truly scary movie, your baby probably won’t be disturbed by it in utero.

After Effects Of Watching Scary Movies While Pregnant

When you watch a scary movie while pregnant, you may experience several physiological changes. You may breathe more quickly, have a faster heart rate and blood pressure, and your pupils might dilate.

All of these are common responses to stress, and they don’t necessarily imply that anything is wrong.

If you’re prone to being frightened, it’s best not to watch them while pregnant.

However, if you don’t mind a little bit of suspense and can handle jump scares, then watching a scary movie while pregnant might be okay for you.

Can A Scary Movie Induce Labor Or Cause Miscarriage?

It’s critical to remain stress-free throughout pregnancy since stress can contribute to preterm labor. When a pregnant woman is stressed or afraid, her body releases a powerful hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol is a potent hormone. We must maintain cortisol in check as frequently as possible, whether we are pregnant or not.

There’s no proof that expose-style horror movies are harmful to the fetus in any way. Fear, on the other hand, would cause an increase in adrenaline which may disturb the developing baby. However, it will not cause miscarriage.

Things to Consider When Watching Horror Movies

  • Water or another caffeine-free beverage is the best choice since it won’t boost the intensity of the film’s adrenaline rush.
  • Distract yourself from something else. If it’s getting to you, put down the remote and do something else instead of watching.
  • Look for movies with a running time of 30 minutes or less.
  • Watch with a buddy or friend.
  • Choose a comedy-horror movie. Several horror/scary films also provide humor. That comic relief is truly beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can you go to a haunted house/scary maze if you’re pregnant?

Ans: During pregnancy, most people are unaware that a haunted house or a scary maze is safe. The main issues that might endanger the mother’s safety would be physical limitations such as crawling, running, or even tripping and stumbling in dark places.

Q2: Can you watch a movie in the ninth month of pregnancy?

Ans: You can watch a film throughout the ninth month of pregnancy, or at any other time during pregnancy.

Q3: What movies can a pregnant lady watch and what should you not watch when pregnant?

Ans: Any type of movie may be watched by pregnant women. You should avoid anything that you know will cause an emotional response if you have an episode.

Q4: Can a 2-year-old watch a scary movie? Are babies scared of horror movies?

Ans: Yes babies are scared of the unknown, scary, loud scenes shown in horror movies. Don’t allow your children to watch scary movies, since this will only increase their fears.

Q5: Can you play video games that have jump scares while pregnant?

Ans: Scares in games, like with scary films, have a short-term impact on you so there should be no long-term consequences.

Q6: Can I watch a scary movie in a theatre in the third trimester?

Ans: Yes, you can watch a scary movie in the theater during your third trimester, but be sure to take some precautions. Sit close to the exit so you can make a quick getaway if needed, and bring along a friend or family member who can help keep you calm. Also, try to avoid movies that are particularly graphic or disturbing.

Q7: When should I stop watching scary movies in front of my baby?

Ans: You should stop watching scary movies in front of your baby when they start to show signs of distress. Babies are very sensitive to the emotional reactions of those around them, so if you are feeling scared or anxious, your baby will pick up on that.

Q8: Why shouldn’t you watch scary movies while pregnant?

Ans: Watching scary movies can raise your heart rate and blood pressure, which isn’t good for you or your baby. Second, if you’re already feeling anxious or stressed, watching a scary movie can make those feelings worse.


It’s critical to consider how the film might make you feel. Choose a comedy-horror movie instead, which will provide some comic relief from the suspense. Lastly, if you have any concerns about how a particular movie might affect you or your baby, speak with your healthcare provider.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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