Parental Queries
What Is The Digital Style Of Parenting?
Parent who monitors the online activities and habits of young children and teenagers
Why Does Digital Style Of Parenting Matter?
It helps you to connect with your child in the digital world.
How Is Traditional Parenting Different From Digital Parenting?
Parents use technology to connect with their children and monitor their online activity.
Different Styles of Parenting
From Authoritarian to Uninvolved Parenting
What Are The Types Of Digital Parenting?
From Tech Limiting Parent to Neglectful Tech Parent
7 Strategies To Become The Best Digital Parent
Today’s open-ended discussions about what your kids are doing online.
Today’s parenting standards have evolved, and parents are now responsible for their children in real life as well as in the online world. The growth and use of technology, particularly cell phones, gadgets, computers, and internet access have altered the whole picture of parenting. It can be hard to keep track of what they’re doing online, and it’s important to set rules and guidelines for them to follow. Good digital parenting can help you do that. Digital parenting is all about using technology to help you parent your children.
There are a lot of different ways that you can do this. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for digital parenting. We will talk about how to keep your children safe online. We hope that this information will help you protect your children and keep them safe in today’s digital world!
What Is The Digital Style Of Parenting?
This type of parenting refers to the parent who monitors the online activities and habits of young children and teenagers to keep them safe from internet dangers. Children can now create social media accounts and establish online friendships with individuals who are more likely than not to be strangers in person. As a result, parents employ high-tech – tools like cell phone parental control software to maintain a vigilant eye on their children’s digital activities.
Parents use a variety of tools to keep track of their children’s internet activity, including listening and recording phone calls, texting, and emails. They also collect information on the locations of their kids and teens using GPS devices or monitoring social media apps. All these parental activities are undertaken to safeguard their children from internet dangers.
Why Does Digital Style Of Parenting Matter?
This style of parenting is important because it helps you to connect with your child in the digital world. Technology has indeed given us a lot more responsibilities as parents. Computers have indeed become an essential part of family life, and digital talks may now influence our child’s development, self-image, and perspective on their place in the world.
All of this digital dominance has made things like mental health, anxiety, and cyberbullying top parenting issues. You, as a parent, should be aware of the dangers that exist online and how to keep your kid safe. When it comes to technology usage, you also need to be able to offer direction and support. This is where the digital style of parenting comes in.
How Is Traditional Parenting Different From Digital Parenting?
Digital parenting is a term that is used to describe how parents use technology to connect with their children and monitor their online activity. This can include anything from setting up parental controls on devices to monitoring their child’s social media activity. Traditional parenting, on the other hand, generally refers to how parents raise their children without the use of technology.
So, what are the main differences between digital and traditional parenting?
- Digital parenting often relies heavily on technology, whereas traditional parenting does not.
- Digital parents may be more likely to monitor their child’s online activity, whereas traditional parents may not be as concerned about this aspect of their child’s life.
- Digital parenting can provide parents with more opportunities to connect with their children, but it can also lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety.
- Traditional parenting may be more hands-on, whereas digital parenting can often feel more like a passive form of parenting.
Different Styles of Parenting
Authoritarian Parenting
Parents under authoritarian control simply enforce rules and consequences without giving much consideration to their child’s opinion. Parents who demand that their children obey the regulations they have established for them are referred to as authoritarian. All they want is to impose roles on their children, no matter what it takes.
Authoritative Parenting
It is a form of parenting in which parents create their own set of rules and warn their children about the consequences if they break them. They also believe in their child’s point of view. Adults, however, have the final say. As a result, authoritative parents regulate both themselves and their children’s behavior.
Permissive Parenting
In this parenting style, parents are pleased with their children and adolescents and create rules based on their children’s needs and desires. They also remain cool throughout the punishment. When it comes to regulations, however, an exception may be made when they are doing permissive parenting.
Uninvolved Parenting
In this case, parents don’t get involved with their children and teenagers on the internet or in real-world activities. They just want their kids to live on their own and make decisions on their own, rather than being restricted. As a result, swear penalties may be incurred, and parents may have to deal with a variety of concerns regarding child safety.
What Are The Types Of Digital Parenting?
Tech Enabling Parent
Although these parents are hands-off in terms of digital parenting, they provide their kids a great deal of freedom when it comes to making technology choices. Enabler parents may check in on how things are going from time to time. Conversations about tech use are rarely deep and don’t include much follow-up.
Tech Limiting Parent
They believe that cutting tech usage prevents their kids’ intellectual growth from being damaged by technology. It’s often simpler to withhold tech when children are younger. It becomes more difficult to prevent access to technology once youngsters enter school, but they’re already falling behind in both technical knowledge and responsible behavior compared to their peers.
Neglectful Tech Parent
The neglectful form of digital parenting is the fourth type. This do-whatever-you-want-because-I-don’t -care approach to digital parenting is the most common form. This style emerges from a lack of communication with your children. Negligent parents fail to lead their children. As a result, the child must make judgments based on what they’ve learned. Staying silent while your kid explores technology might cause them to become disoriented.
The Tech Mentor Parent
Your child will be guided from behind with this digital parenting method. When your kid uses technology, his or her parents frequently sit beside him or her. They may engage in digital games and communicate electronically with distant relatives through chats or videos. The mentor approach is the one that aids children in making wise decisions when it comes to utilizing technology, according to the research.
It is entirely up to you as a parent to determine what kind of digital parenting works best for your children. You may restrict the use of some technology for younger kids while increasing the level of trust you put in older kids who have earned it.
7 Strategies To Become The Best Digital Parent
1. Communicate With Your Kids
Today’s open-ended discussions about what your kids are doing online are no less significant than keeping track of their activities in person. You should talk to your children about the dangers and risks. However, don’t think that negativity should be the focus of these talks. Make sure you’re aware of the good things as well: their online world’s exciting and engaging aspect.
2. Educate Yourself
It’s not just about recognizing that you dislike technology and have no desire to learn more about it. You may genuinely be unfamiliar with how social media or other digital apps work. Inquire about current events with other parents and your child’s teachers. Ask for assistance and advice from your children. Sit next to them while they’re playing a game or visiting social media sites.
3. Use Parental Controls
There are a lot of reasons why cyber specialists across the world make this recommendation. It is not prudent parenting to allow your children to go free-range on the internet. You should have tight restrictions in place from the first time you give a device to someone to prevent bad content and help you regulate their screen time.
4. Set Some Rules And Boundaries
You must be careful about what is and isn’t required when it comes to internet time, passwords, bedtimes, downloads, in-app purchases, and streaming – Yes, the list does go on!
5. Follow Your Children on Social Media, But Not Stalk Them
When it comes to parents engaging with their children on social media, there are limits. One of them is self-control. It’s all over if you spy on or, God forbid, publicly nag or lecture your child because they’ve given you access to their account. You’ve broken trust and agreed without even knowing it.
6. Share And Celebrate
Look for and participate in the positive aspects of your child’s online life. Perhaps she developed something amazing in Minecraft or took a fantastic photo on Instagram. Maybe she’s accomplished a new level in a difficult game or discovered some interesting search techniques on Google. Encourage your youngster to tell you about her accomplishments.
7. Be A Role Model For Digital Parenting
Do you read your emails while dining? The fact is that if your device usage is out of control, you are modeling behavior that your kid will most likely follow.
Digital Skills That You Must Teach Your Kids
Here are five digital skills that you must teach your kids:
- Digital literacy: Just as kids need to be able to read and write, it is also important for them to be able to navigate the digital world. Teach your kids how to use computers, tablets, and smartphones, and how to find information online.
- Cybersecurity: With so much of our lives taking place online, kids need to understand how to protect themselves from cyber threats. Teach your kids about online safety and security, and help them create strong passwords for their accounts.
- Critical thinking: In the age of fake news and online scams, kids need to be able to think critically about the information they encounter online. Help your kids learn how to evaluate sources and identify reliable information.
- Creativity: The digital world provides endless opportunities for creativity. Encourage your kids to explore their creative side by trying new things and experimenting with different tools and applications.
- Collaboration: With so much of our lives taking place online, kids need to know how to work effectively with others in a virtual environment. Teach your kids about communication and collaboration tools such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing.
- Digital citizenship: Kids must learn the norms of decent society as well, and they must also be taught how to act correctly as digital citizens. Teach your children about responsible internet usage and assist them in creating an excellent online presence.
The digital world is constantly changing, and it can be difficult for parents to keep up. However, by teaching your kids these five digital skills, you will help them thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the digital age.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How does social media influence parenting?
Ans: Excessive use of social media has been linked to detrimental effects on parenting, including parental distraction, decreased daily parental involvement, and an increased risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your social media usage and make an effort to limit it when possible, especially when around your children.
Q2: What age should a kid get a phone?
Ans: The appropriate age for a child to get a phone will vary depending on the child’s maturity level and need for independence. However, most experts agree that 11 or 12 is generally an appropriate age for a child to get their first smartphone.
Q3: At each age, how do you control a youngster’s use of technology?
Ans: For toddlers and young children up to 6 years, it is generally recommended that parents heavily monitor and limit their screen time, as too much exposure at this age can interfere with healthy brain development. For elementary-aged children, you should still aim to limit screen time, but may be able to give them more leeway than younger kids. For teenagers, it is important to have open communication with them about their tech use and to set clear guidelines and expectations.
Q4: Is it appropriate for parents to restrict screen time?
Ans: The basic idea is that screens should not be used to replace parent-child communication. Excessive screen time has been linked to a variety of health issues, including sadness and obesity, as well as reduced sleep in children.
Q5: Should parents who are digitally unskilled be on social media?
Ans: No. They can make poor judgments like posting photos with only “one buddy” that are quickly seen by everyone at school. They can also be cyberbullies in their own right. Aside from being victimized, they may be exposed to a variety of inappropriate materials, including adult sites, foul language, and offensive videos.
Q6: How To Keep Your Children Safe Online?
The internet can be a dangerous place for children. They can easily access inappropriate content, chat with strangers, and be cyberbullied. As a parent, it’s critical to do all you can to keep your children safe when online. Here are some suggestions for being a good digital parent:-
- Discuss internet safety with your children. Stress the importance of never disclosing personal information or meeting people they met on the internet.
- Monitor their internet use. Install parental control software if necessary to cut down their time online.
- Encourage your children to come to you with any issues they’re having on the internet. Let them know you’re available to assist and support them.
Digital parenting is not easy, but it is worth it. It takes time, effort, and patience, but the benefits are well worth it. You can be a digital parent that your youngster can be proud of if you have a little knowledge and lots of love. Digital parenting is not about being perfect, it’s about being there for your children and helping them to grow into responsible adults. The most important thing is to keep communication open with your children so that they feel comfortable coming to you with any questions or concerns they may have. By being proactive and informed, parents can help create a positive and safe digital experience for their children.
Parental Queries
Parental Queries is dedicated to providing resources and support to parents. Both Mark and Rachel are here to offer advice, information, and support along with the latest information on educational resources, medical care, and other services that may be beneficial for your family.
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