Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Gain Weight? The Real Truth

They are a source of critical nutrients, which are necessary for the baby’s growth. Do prenatal vitamins make you gain weight? We’ll look at the research and resolve that issue once and for all in this blog article!

Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Gain Weight

What prenatal vitamins are?

Prenatal vitamins are not like other multivitamins in that they have been developed to meet the specific demands of pregnancy.

  • Vitamin B Complex – Folic acid has been found to lower the incidence of neural tube defects and severe brain and spine malformations in pregnancy. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and folate help your body utilize nutrients more effectively during pregnancy by improving nutrient absorption.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Iodine.
  • Zinc.

When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

Once you’re expecting, it’s advisable to get your nutrients from food first, but a supplement can help ensure that you get enough of the right stuff.

When you’re pregnant, you require additional folic acid. This B vitamin helps protect your baby’s brain and spine from birth defects. But other medicines like Nyquil are not recommended during pregnancy.

Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Gain Weight?

Prenatal vitamins are not calorically dense and do not cause weight or fat gain. You will not acquire weight or fat if you consume prenatal vitamins because they have no calories. Just like other multivitamins, prenatal Vitamins lack calories. Expectant mothers’ extra calorie intake must come from a balanced diet rather than the vitamins she consumes.

Multivitamins support bodily functions, increase feelings of wellness, and assist with hunger. Iron’s metallic taste, on the other hand, may cause nausea during pregnancy and result in a decreased appetite.

Because of this, taking prenatal vitamins does not increase your calorie intake on its own; however, some of the adverse effects might cause you to feel heavier or eat more than you should. Although pregnancy weight gain, in general, indicates that you are gaining weight or fat, using prenatal tablets does not imply that you will.

Prenatal Vitamins Side Effects

  • Black stools. Metallic taste.
  • Sleeping problems.
  • Appetite reduction.
  • The urine has a yellow or green tinge to it.

What Happens When You Don’t Take Vitamins?

Your body will give all that it has to the fetus first; then, it’ll take from you. Your body will be depleted of the nutrients it needs to function after this. If you run out of everything, you may become ill or die. It might also raise the chance of miscarriage.

Prenatal vitamins are usually safe. Some women report feeling sick or nauseated when they first start taking them. If this happens to you, eat food or go to bed before taking them. If you’re still having issues, see your doctor or midwife about changing brands.

When Should You Stop Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins assist ward off many risks associated with pregnancy in addition to providing a variety of nutrients for the baby. Because the nursing mother’s body is deprived of numerous nurturing vitamins and minerals throughout milk production, she benefits from taking a daily prenatal vitamin.

If you formula-feed, you might not need to take a prenatal vitamin at all. Check with your doctor to see if you should continue taking them or switch to a regular multivitamin.

Is it true that you can obtain weight while not pregnant by taking prenatal vitamins?

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are not uncommon during pregnancy, so prenatal hormones may be used to ensure that your vitamin and mineral levels are sufficient to support a potential pregnancy.

Some people are concerned that taking prenatal vitamins when they are not pregnant will result in weight gain. At this time, the fat belly may seem like the pregnant kind. The majority of prenatal vitamins have the same amount of vitamins and minerals as standard adult multivitamins.

Taking Prenatal Vitamins: Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Calorie Tracker

You may use internet calorie calculators to make keeping track of your daily calorie consumption a lot simpler.

Avoiding Eating For Two

You may already be aware of the misconception that you must eat for two when pregnant. In fact, eating twice as much food as usual while pregnant might be detrimental to your health.


Exercising boosts your body’s calorie expenditure by eliminating extra calories that it doesn’t require. Pregnant women are also encouraged to exercise since it aids in weight reduction more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Are Multivitamins similar to prenatal vitamins?

Ans: Prenatal vitamins are designed to meet the nutritional needs of your developing fetus as well as your own. On the other hand, a multivitamin will just satisfy the demands of your body.

Q2:Do prenatal supplements cause you to gain weight by boosting your appetite?

Ans: Prenatal vitamins have been found to help with hunger. They do, however, create a few digestive issues.

Q3: What are the effects of prenatal vitamins on your body?

Ans: Prenatal vitamins, in a nutshell, give your body everything it needs during pregnancy.

Q4: Do you believe that taking prenatal vitamins aids in weight reduction?

Ans: While no evidence taking post-natal vitamins aids in weight reduction, new parents should consider it since their bodies may require additional nutrients.

Q5: Do prenatal affect your menstrual cycle?

Ans: The hormones produced by various organs in the body are responsible for menstruation, not the vitamins you consume.

Q6: What vitamins cause weight gain?

Ans: Vitamin B12 is a fat-promoting vitamin that has been linked to increases in body weight.

Q7: Is it true that prenatal vitamins might alter your hormones or make you fertile?

Ans: Prenatal pills do not help you become pregnant, but they can assist with a healthy pregnancy and the prevention of problems. The adverse effects of some prenatal vitamins are comparable to those observed when your hormone levels fluctuate.


So, do prenatal vitamins make you gain weight? The answer is no. Prenatal vitamins are often misunderstood and misjudged. If you’re thinking about using prenatal vitamins, it’s critical to consult with your doctor first. Prenatal vitamins can have negative effects, and they might not work for everyone. However, if you’re pregnant or intend to become pregnant, taking prenatal supplements is a smart method to guarantee that your baby gets all of the nutrients it needs.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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