How Long Does It Take To Heal Diastasis Recti? Core Concepts

If you are like most people, you have probably never heard of diastasis recti. Diastasis recti are a form of abdominal muscle separation that can be quite unpleasant. We will answer the question: how long does it take to heal diastasis recti? Keep reading to find out!

How Long Does It Take To Heal Diastasis Recti

What Constitutes As A Severe Case Of Diastasis Recti?

While there are no official guidelines on how to diagnose severe diastasis recti, many doctors agree that you probably have severe abdominal separation if:

  • When you split, the tissue separating your abdominal areas is as wide as three or four fingers.
  • It results in your abdominal organs bulging out significantly.
  • You are experiencing lower back pain which your doctor has diagnosed as DR.

Will Diastasis Recti Improve Over Time Without Treatment?

Many postpartum women find that their diastasis recti improve without intervention.

Though most experts tend to agree, it is still important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new workout routine, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

  • Only do safe for diastasis recti if you have a diastasis recti.
  • Exercises that increase abdominal pressure, like the standard plank, should be avoided.

Is Diastasis Recti A Permanent Condition?

According to a study of hundreds of postpartum women, most see a resolution to their diastasis recti within the first year after giving birth. The earliest most women can exercise is 6 weeks postpartum!

It’s a good idea for mothers who wish to continue being active after giving birth. Resuming strenuous activity before your postpartum body has had a chance to heal can cause injury.

Always seek a doctor’s advice before beginning any postpartum exercise because starting too soon may result in negative side effects and worsen your gap.

How Long Does It Take To Heal Diastasis Recti?

It usually takes an average of 6 to 12 months after delivery. Some women may heal in a shorter period, while others may take longer.

People’s bodies are different, which leads to these variations. Make sure you work with a reputable physical therapist who can always advise you on the finest treatment choices for your situation and track your development.

How Can I Quickly Heal Diastasis Recti Abdominis?

If you’re looking to heal diastasis recti quickly, here’s what you can do:

  • To acquire a six-pack, you must do abdominal workouts and strength training for your rectus abdominis muscles.
  • Avoid workout routines that could potentially make your condition worse.
  • Improve your posture by exercising more.

Some people undergo diastasis recti surgery to fix diastasis recti, but you should only do this if other less-invasive methods haven’t worked.

Once again, each person’s situation is unique. Some people will need to tighten their stomach muscles. Others may require a more invasive technique, such as a complete tummy tuck, especially if they have a lot of loose skin.

How Long Does It Take To Heal Diastasis Recti With Exercise?

Fortunately, some exercise routines can aid in the repair of diastasis recti and the abdominal wall. However, each person’s situation is unique. Therefore, before engaging in any physical activity to repair diastasis recti, you should consult with a physical therapist.

This way, you’ll receive a correct diagnosis and the best physical activity recommendations for your condition. With that in mind, here are four strength routines to focus on to build your core muscles. In 6-8 weeks, you should begin seeing results like a smaller space between your abdominal muscles (even though it might not disappear entirely within this time frame).

Your abs, hips, and back might start feeling less painful. The four primary workout programs to include in your fitness routine are:

  • Crunches target your rectus abdominis muscle, which helps to strengthen and mend the abs’ separation.
  • Planks – perform these abdominal exercises to work all of your core muscles
  • By doing glute bridges, you not only tighten your rectus abdominis but also build up strength in your hamstrings, lower back muscles, and glutes.
  • Do front-leg split stretches to strengthen your rectus femoris and reduce the strain on your abs muscles.

Is It Possible To Heal Diastasis Recti Without Surgery?

According to some studies, diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles) can heal independently for some women within 6 months postpartum. Treatment options exist that can improve their condition, whether conservative or invasive.

Please take a deep breath the next time you’re concerned about how long it takes to heal diastasis recti. While some people’s situations may take 6 months or less to mend, others might require as much as 12 months.

How To Check If You Have Diastasis Recti?

Checking for diastasis recti only requires you to get into the modified curl-up position, as demonstrated below.

Diastasis recti are diagnosed without a standard method, and how much separation is viewed as normal vs. abnormal is vague. However, most experts agree that anything more than 2 1/2 fingers’ space width is considered outside the norm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When is diastasis recti considered close?

Ans: Diastasis recti is considered closed when the separation between your abdominal muscles has decreased to less than or equal to half a finger’s width.

Q2: Do Diastasis recti ever go away?

Ans: For some people, diastasis recti goes away within a few months.

Q3: Can diastasis recti occur after 20 years of pregnancy?

Ans: Yes, diastasis recti can occur after 20 years of pregnancy.

Q4: What to do when diastasis recti are healing?

Ans: During the healing process of diastasis recti, focus on core muscle strengthening exercises like crunches, planks, and glute bridges. Stretching your rectus femoris muscles is important too.


We hope that this blog article has addressed some of your concerns about how long does it take to heal diastasis recti. Remember, each person’s situation is unique, so be sure to consult with a physical therapist before beginning any exercise routines.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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