How Many Bibs Do I Need? Factors Involved

When it comes to motherhood, one of the most important items you should stock up on is bibs – because, let’s face it, there is almost nothing that can keep a baby clean. From unavoidable spit-up between feedings to art projects gone wrong and particularly messy meals, you’ll find yourself reaching for your trusty bib pile more times than not.

So, How many bibs do I need?

There’s no fixed quantity of bibs essential for your baby, as it depends on their age and how self-sufficiently they eat. Generally, 6-10 bibs may be appropriate for your baby at any given time. When your baby’s less than six months of age and their diet involves mainly breastfeeding, we recommend possessing 6-8 dribble bibs.

How Many Bibs Do I Need

How Much Do Baby Bibs Cost?

The cost of baby bibs can range widely, depending on your chosen style. A multipack of 10 fabric bibs might cost around $15-20, while a single feeding bib (fabric or silicone) starts at around $8.

 Some smock-style bibs with sleeves that cover your baby’s entire upper body can be closer to $14. They’re absorbent enough for a messy meal or a drooling infant. You may choose from plain white or a variety of bright colors.

When Do Bibs Become Necessary For Newborns?

It is more about your baby than his specific age when it’s time for him to start wearing a bib.

Additionally, your baby’s needs will evolve as they hit new milestones like teething and eating solids. For example, you might find that older babies drool less often but make more of a mess when they eat!

At what age do babies outgrow bibs? Most children will tell you when they’re finished wearing a bib, usually as early as eighteen months. Some youngsters may be content to wear a bib for much longer, and there is no harm in allowing them to do so until they have stopped creating messes at mealtimes.

How Many Bibs Do I Need For My Baby?

How many of these do you need? Remember that newborns do not need feeding bibs, so focus on purchasing the drool bibs first.

Several variables will affect the number of bibs you’ll need. If you identify any of these to be accurate for your situation, consider increasing the number of bibs you keep on hand:

  • You may need to go through several bibs in a day if you have to use separate ones for each feeding. This is due either to your baby’s messiness or because milk may dribble out after feedings.
  • Even before they begin teething, some infants appear to drool endlessly. It can get a lot worse once their primary teeth emerge.
  • The frequency of your laundry will hugely affect how many bibs you need on hand. If, for example, you only need to use three bibs a day and wash them every third day, then nine total bibs should suffice. I assume that I’ll fall one day behind in my laundering.

What Is The Difference Between A Drool Bib And A Feeding Bib?

You may be surprised by the variety of bibs available now, compared to when we were babies and only had one type to choose from. They’re designed to catch baby’s dribble and typically only cover their chest and neck areas.

Although drool bibs are considerably smaller than feeding bibs, they do not completely cover the torso; rather, they just extend down over the shoulders.

While all bibs have the same general purpose, some excel in different areas, such as drool absorption or food collection. Thus, it’s best to have a variety of both kinds before expanding your selection.

Do Babies Require Bibs At All Times?

The time your baby spends wearing a bib daily varies, depending on the situation.

Having a bib around your child’s neck during or after feeding is dangerous as it could strangle them in their sleep. To avoid this, either remove the bib before they fall asleep or risk waking them up by taking it off afterward.

Which Bibs Should You Purchase?

On the surface, many drool bibs appear to be the same, but there are several factors to consider when selecting the best one for your youngster.

Drool Bibs

  • The material that the drool bib is composed of is important. Cotton is a decent choice because it absorbs liquid, but if your baby has particularly sensitive skin, you may want to try an organic muslin or a hypoallergenic bamboo model.
  • Closure types – You might want to consider having bibs with snaps available for an older child, even though your newborn probably won’t be able to use a hook and loop closure yet.
  • If he is wearing it a whole day, you might want to look at another style, such as bandana bibs.
  • Who doesn’t love an adorable baby bib with kittens or dinosaurs on them? They’re too cute to resist, and you know you’ll take lots of pictures of your little one wearing them. Why not choose a bib that shows some personality?

Feeding Bibs

Some brands have more variety than others when it comes to feeding bibs and smock bibs. You might better try a few different designs before committing to one brand based on your child’s preferences.

  • Cleaning – Most bibs are either coated with polyester or made of silicone. The former will require you to wash and dry it after every use, while the latter can simply be wiped down and reused immediately.
  • Some bibs cover more of the child’s clothing than others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How many bibs can you put on your registry list?

Ans: You can put as many bibs on your registry list as you want.

Q2: Are bibs necessary for newborns?

Ans: Bibs are not necessary for newborns, but they can help clean your baby’s clothes.

Q3: Can a baby sleep with a bib?

Ans: You should not let your baby sleep with a bib on. This can be dangerous as it could strangle them in their sleep.

Q4: What is the right amount of burp cloth bibs to buy?

Ans: If you plan to use them multiple times daily, we recommend having at least three to five burp cloths.

Q5: Are silicone bibs good for babies?

Ans: Silicone bibs are good for babies because they are easy to clean and can be reused multiple times. You can also go for plastic bibs or disposable bibs.


Now that we have addressed your question about how many bibs you need and the different types of bibs available. you can make an informed decision about which ones are right for your baby. Don’t forget to add a few extra to your registry list so that you have a variety to choose from.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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