How to Discipline a 1 Year Old? 6 Practical Tips

As a parent, disciplining a 1-year-old can be one of the most challenging tasks you face during your child’s early years. It’s an overwhelming feeling when it seems like nothing you do or say works.

You may find yourself wondering if there is a right way to discipline this age group that has not yet fully developed their language and ability to understand complex instructions from adults.

So, How to Discipline a 1 Year Old? Disciplining a one-year-old involves setting clear boundaries, using positive reinforcement, and redirecting their behavior. Consistency and patience are key, and parents should avoid physical punishment or yelling. Instead, they can use simple language, provide choices, and offer praise and affection to encourage good behavior.

This post provides practical advice on how to effectively discipline toddlers so that parents are able to provide them with the necessary tools for development without causing frustration and confusion for both parent and child.

How to Discipline a 1 Year Old

When To Start Disciplining Baby?

You may instruct your child at any age. That implies you can use positive discipline strategies on a youngster even after he or she is born.

Discussing the reasons for excellent conduct helps you get into the habit of instructing your youngster about how things work instead of just punishing him or her for unwanted behavior.

Age-Appropriate Discipline Chart:

0-12 months: Time outs, patience, positive reinforcement, the reward for good behavior.

13-24 months: Taking away privileges, verbal rebuke, logical consequences.

25-36 months: All the above techniques combined will help them to listen to you.

When Do New Babies learn Right From Wrong?

The ability to distinguish right from wrong is dependent on the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is one of the last regions in the baby’s brain to develop.

Although the fundamental circuitry begins developing before birth, it is not fully developed until around age 40. So, begin instructing and teaching right away, but be patient because learning takes time to take in.

How To Discipline A 1 Year Old?

1. Prevent Mistakes

Before 1-year-olds learn how to comply with regulations, put in place measures to avoid errors and keep themselves safe. Make your home toddler-proof. Install a barrier to keep hazardous things out of children’s reach, impose limitations on what they can do, and have someone watch over them.

If your youngster gets into trouble, instead of expressing your disappointment, make sure they aren’t harmed. When you demonstrate that you care more about your child, it will boost their confidence in your love for them significantly.

2. Set Some Boundaries

One-year-olds are tiny children. They aren’t deliberately misbehaving. But, whether it’s reaching for an outlawed object or straying away, they have a talent for getting themselves into issues. Establish clear boundaries and be consistent in your application of them.

3. Remain Calm And Take Deep Breaths

If parents think about the mistakes with negative feelings, they are more inclined to overreact to poor conduct by being furious and irritated, as well as using physical punishment. So stay calm and take deep breaths.

4. Be A Good Role Model

Your kid is always watching you. Start modeling the behavior you want to see in your child. That means if you don’t want your kid to yell when things aren’t going their way, don’t yell at them. You must treat others with kindness and respect if you expect your child to be polite even after disagreeing.

5. Chose Induction Over Punishment

A parent uses his or her power and authority to force a child to change actions to assert power. These parents frequently issue their children with coercion, abusive language, and psychological domination as punishment.

A love withdrawal is a nonphysical form of disapproval or rage that is direct. Induction involves teaching the youngster why their actions have repercussions. Children learn to be more empathetic when they understand how their behavior affects others without the need for external punishment.

6. Praise The Efforts

Providing encouraging feedback for good conduct is a great approach to praising children. One of the most well-known forms of positive discipline techniques is positive reinforcement.

7. Be Positive And Patient

Many parents think that if their strong-willed children don’t learn it after a few attempts, they must be stubborn and deliberately misbehave when it comes to discipline. The human brain processes information in a complicated way. For the new information to be absorbed and utilized, there is a necessity for repetition.

How To Discipline A 1 Year Old Who Throws Tantrums?

1. Speak In A Firm Voice

If you want to convey something to your baby who throws tantrums, use an assertive and deep voice. They will notice your voice becoming louder when they are doing something wrong, and they will eventually learn that it is not acceptable.

2. Be Consistent In Your Approach To Discipline

When it comes to parenting, consistency is crucial. After all, they must know that if they act a certain way, they will be in trouble. As a result, you must discipline them in the same manner every time they do the specified behavior, and it will prevent them from doing it again.

3. Redirection

It’s a good idea to attempt to redirect your youngster when they’re engaged in an activity that they shouldn’t be. Look for a toy that your child will like and is safe and entertaining enough to divert them away from their current behavior.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

When your toddler performs well, you should compliment and act in a good manner to encourage them to do more of it. If they understand that they will be rewarded with a positive reaction if they behave in a certain manner, they will desire to continue doing so. for eg giving Tums as a reward for positive behavior.

How Not To Discipline a One-Year-Old?

Hitting, slapping, or spanking should never be used as a form of punishment at any age. When your toddler vents their anger by hitting, slapping, or spanking others, they may believe it is acceptable behavior.

As a result, you could soon have a raving lunatic on your hands who throws tantrums and kicks when enraged and doesn’t know how to deal with their emotions healthily.

It’s also essential to avoid using humiliation as a form of discipline. Yelling, name-calling, and making fun of your child can lead to long-term emotional damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the techniques for disciplining 3 year olds?

Ans: One approach is to use positive reinforcement, which involves rewarding good behavior with praise or compliments. Another option is to use redirection, which means redirecting the child’s attention to something else when they start to misbehave.

Q2: Does a one-year-old understand discipline?

Ans: Discipline is a concept that might be difficult for a one-year-old child to grasp. However, they can still grasp certain limits at this age. Most of your discipline in this stage will be about setting boundaries and educating your kid on acceptable conduct rather than punishing them for bad behavior.

Q3: How do I get my 1 year old to listen without yelling?

Ans: One way to get your toddler’s attention without yelling is by using a firm voice. Another option is to use redirection, which means redirecting the child’s attention to something else when they start to misbehave.

Q4: Is it Ok to scold a 1 year old?

Ans: You may teach your child at any age. This implies you may discipline a kid at any age, even right after birth. It appears absurd to punish a newborn, yet that is not what it means to discipline him or her.


The methods described above can help teach your toddler appropriate behavior. Be sure to remain consistent with your approach, and avoid using any form of punishment that involves hitting, slapping, or spanking.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to discipline your one-year-old, be sure to speak with a pediatrician or other medical professional. It is essential to have a plan for disciplining your one-year-old before you need to implement it.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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