How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C-Section – 11 Tips

The postpartum healing period, while caring for your newborn baby, may be overwhelming. Some women struggle with breastfeeding, while others deal with weight gain, body fat, and belly overhang. If you had a cesarean delivery, you might have noticed that your stomach has loose skin that extends beyond your abdominal muscles.

Now, what is this, and how to get rid of hanging belly after C-section?

Well, this is called an apron belly, postpartum belly, or sagging belly. While the female body is intended to heal itself after childbirth, some women want to take care of it themselves for quicker results. To avoid any difficulties, it’s better to give your body some rest.

How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C-Section

But for many women, the post-baby belly can be a real source of anxiety.

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! We’ll understand what causes the belly overhang. Moreover, we’ll go over some of the best exercises and diet tips to help you achieve your desired results.

So read on and start feeling confident again!

What is a C-Section?

If you’re reading this, it’s quite likely that you’ve had a C-section before. Whether it was you, a friend, or a family member who underwent surgery, you’re aware of the fact that a cesarean section, commonly known as a C-section, is the surgical delivery of a kid.

A horizontal incision is made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to safely deliver her kid during a C-section. C-sections are most often done as a result of medical reasons.

C-sections can be planned ahead of time depending on the circumstances, while at other times, they must be performed as an emergency operation. The following are some of the most common causes of a C-section:

  • Lack of oxygen to the baby.
  • The position and size of the baby.
  • Placenta and umbilical cord issues.
  • Urgency is required for certain health issues.
  • A previous C-section.
  • Multiple pregnancies (i.e. twins).

C-sections, on the other hand, are more common in affluent nations and have been linked to a higher risk of complications. Although approximately 1/3 of all American births take place via C-section, it is still a major operation. You must allow adequate time for your body to heal and recuperate before you consider losing the post-C-section tummy.

A C-section entails the complete division of your abdominal muscles, as well as a surgical wound to heal. Before you start attempting to reduce your tummy region, the wound must heal, and your muscles must repair.

It might take several weeks for this injury to heal, sometimes up to eight weeks, so plan ahead of time if you want to get rid of your tummy fat. Your doctor will be able to tell you how long it will take and what you need to know.

What Is A Stomach Overhang Or Mommy Tummy?

A stomach overhang refers to the underlying fat that hangs down from your waistline and covers your abdomen. After periods of weight loss or gain, a “Mommy tummy” is generally seen. This can occur in the postpartum period.

Because of its appearance, a stomach overhang is also known as – Apron belly and Mommy Tummy. Stomach overhangs are a common issue among women who have had children. It can be an embarrassing issue, as it can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance.

There are several ways on how to get rid of the c section overhang or a stomach overhang, which we will discuss in this article. But before this, you need to know the difference between an overhang and a mommy pooch.

What Is The Difference Between The Stomach Overhang And The Mommy Pooch?

The first item on your to-do list is to figure out whether you have a “pooch” tummy or a stomach overhang.

  • The term overhang refers to fat that hangs from your stomach and hangs down like an apron.
  • The term “mommy pooch” refers to a protrusion in your belly that may or may not be linked to extra abdominal fat.

Mommy pooch is usually caused by a condition called Diastasis Recti.

This is when your abdominal muscles split. This happens to most pregnant women.

A protruding belly and a sensation of weakness in the core area are two of the signs of diastasis recti following a cesarean. You may also have urinary leakage 8 weeks after childbirth, as well as beyond.

How does diastasis recti feel? Because of the split abs, you might experience pelvic floor problems that result in urine leaking, discomfort during sex, and constipation. For months or even years after birth, you could experience lower back discomfort and appear to be pregnant.

What Causes A Stomach Overhang After C-Section?

It’s not simple to have a C-section, and the recovery time is often longer than natural delivery. This is why a stomach overhang can develop after giving birth via a C-section.

After pregnancy, many women develop an “apron belly,” which is a thick layer of fat around the navel. The condition appears to affect mothers who had a C-section more than those who delivered vaginally.

You are not alone if you have a stomach bulge as a result of having a C-section. A sagging abdomen during pregnancy is typical, and there are several causes for it:

Increased Surface Area Of The Skin

The surface area of your stomach’s skin grows as your baby develops, and the bump expands throughout pregnancy. After your kid is born, the skin surface area does not immediately return to normal when he or she leaves the womb.

Stretched Muscles

Your abdominal muscles stretch throughout pregnancy to accommodate your expanding baby. The stomach muscles weaken as a result of this tremendous stretching, preventing your abdominal wall from remaining flat and sturdy.

Thinner Skin

Your skin will be thinner than normal during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations. Thin skin is laxer, allowing it to contribute to the formation of that tummy bulge that so many new moms dislike.

C-Section Scar

When a woman has a C-section, her surgeons cut into the skin, abdominal and uterine connective tissues, and uterus to deliver her child.

However, after having a Cesarean Section, many new moms will have a scar on the bottom of their stomachs.

After a C-section, a belly hang occurs frequently because the incision scar acts like a tight band across the tummy. The stretched skin with minimal elasticity will drape over the constricting C-section scar, giving rise to a stomach hang or ‘C-section’ pouch.

Don’t worry if your once flat stomach comes at the expense of getting your baby into the world safely. You’re a mother now, so hug and keep reading to discover why and how to get rid of hanging belly after C-section.

Why Getting Rid Of Belly Fat Is A Must, Especially For Women?

To begin with, there are two varieties of belly fat.

  • Subcutaneous fat is found just beneath the surface of your skin. This is the kind of fat that most individuals can perceive.
  • Visceral fat is thicker. This is when additional fat deposits are found within your abdomen, encircling your internal organs.

If you have a lot of lower belly fat, you may also have a lot of visceral belly fat.

Visceral fat is linked to a variety of medical co-morbidities. These are some of the adverse health effects linked to visceral fat:

  • It can lead to hormonal imbalance and diabetes.
  • In rare cases, it can also increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

So, getting a flat stomach isn’t just about looks; it will provide significant health benefits!

How Long Does It Take For A C-Section Belly To Go Down?

Most women experience some degree of abdominal swelling and bloating following a c-section. This is due to the build-up of fluids in the body and the slow return of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size. For many women, it takes several weeks for the belly to start going down. Some women may notice a difference within a few days, while others may not see any change for several weeks. 

Generally, it takes about six to eight weeks for the majority of the swelling to subside. However, it may take longer for some women, particularly those who have had multiple c-sections or who are overweight.

How To Get Rid Of C-Section Pooch?

One approach to accomplish it is by utilizing the MUTU system. It’s an online program that can assist you in getting fit and eliminating diastasis recti.

The program is subjected to medical review by experts to ensure that it is suitable for new moms who want to get a boost.

A second choice is to massage your scar. It aids in the reduction of adhesions, which may be rather uncomfortable.

Adhesions can form when the c-section scar tissues connect to the skin or other organs, cutting off nerve connections and blood flow.

After giving birth, most women do not anticipate having a c-section overhang.

It might be challenging to figure out how to get rid of a hanging belly after cesarean delivery.

With these helpful ideas, you should be back to your desired weight in a few months.

How To Get Rid of Hanging Belly After C-Section Through Exercise?

One of the best ways to get rid of a saggy belly after a c-section without surgery is to follow an exercise routine. Here are four exercises to start with:

Pelvic Tilts

It helps tone your lower abs and strengthens your back.

To perform pelvic Tilts, stand with your feet hip-width apart and one hand on your lower back.

Tilt your pelvis forward, then backward, arching your back as you tilt. Repeat 20 times.


Bridging is a great exercise to do after your baby is born because it helps lift your pelvis and strengthens your lower back.

Position yourself on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor to connect.

Raise your hips off the ground and hold for two seconds before lowering them back down. Repeat 20 times.


Clamshells are a great way to help tone your inner thighs and improve hip stability.

To make a clamshell, lie on your side with both legs bent at a 90-degree angle. To help support yourself, place your hands on the ground in front of you.

Keep your feet together and lift your top thigh as high up as possible without moving your pelvis.

Repeat 20 times for a lower back workout.

Side Plank

The side plank is a fantastic core exercise that works your entire core, including your obliques.

To perform a side plank, start by laying on your side and stacking your feet one on top of the other. With only one arm propped up, straighten a line from your ankles to your shoulders.

Begin by performing two sets of each movement, and increase as needed.

Begin with two sets of each exercise and work up if necessary. If an exercise seems to be too difficult or painful, stop immediately and consult your physician.

You’ll notice results quickly if you put in the effort and dedication.

Diet Tips To Get Rid Of A Stomach Overhang After C-Section

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated is one of the most effective methods to aid your body’s recovery following a C-section. Drink lots of water throughout the day, and avoid carbonated beverages like soda.

Eat Plenty of Fiber

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to make sure you’re getting enough fiber in your diet.

Get Plenty of Protein

Protein is essential for healing and repair, so be sure to include plenty of protein-rich foods in your diet.

Protein foods include red meat, poultry, fish, tofu, beans, and eggs. Protein may also be found in nuts and seeds.

Limit Sugar

Sugar can contribute to inflammation and delay healing, so it’s important to limit sugary foods and drinks in your diet. Instead, eat fresh fruits and vegetables that’ll improve your health and help in reducing postpartum pregnancy belly.

Additionally, take unsweetened tea and coffee instead of diet soda or sugary drinks.

Just keep following the tips and eventually you should see results.

Patience is key when it comes to healing after a C-section. So hang in there, and soon you’ll be on your way to getting rid of that hanging belly for good.

How Can I Hide My C-Section Pooch? – Alternate Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Overhang

Exercise is always the best method to reduce any sort of stomach bulge. But let’s face it, when you’ve just had a baby, the last thing you want to do is add extra stress to your body by working out.

Abdominal Binding

One method is abdominal binding. This involves wrapping a long strip of cloth around your stomach and tying it in place.

Abdominal binding can help support your back and abdomen, and it may also help improve your posture.

It’s important to make sure that the abdominal bind isn’t too tight, as this could cause problems with breathing or circulation.

Compression Garment

Another method is to wear a postpartum girdle or compression garment. These garments are designed to support your abdomen and help reduce swelling. They can also help improve your posture and make you look and feel slimmer.

Wear A Supportive Bra

If you’re breastfeeding, wearing a good supportive bra can also help reduce the appearance of a hanging belly.

Breasts can get quite large when they’re full of milk, and this can add extra weight to your stomach area.

Wearing a supportive bra will help lift your breasts and take some of the pressure off your stomach.

Surgical Methods To Reduce Hanging Belly After C-Section

Still wondering how to get rid of hanging belly after c-section years later? If you are looking for more immediate results, some medical procedures can help with tightening skin around the stomach area:

Tummy Tuck

This is the surgical removal of extra skin and fat from the stomach, as well as abdominal wall muscle tightening. It’s typically done as an outpatient procedure that takes about two hours. The rehabilitation period is usually four to six weeks long.


Suction lipectomy is a type of liposuction in which the abdominal area is suctioned to remove extra fat. The recovery period is generally two to four weeks.

Thermi Tight

This is a non-invasive technique that uses radiofrequency heating to stimulate collagen production and tighten skin.

It is usually done as an outpatient procedure and takes about one hour to complete the procedure. The recovery time is usually one to two weeks.

Vaser Shape

This is a minimally invasive procedure that uses ultrasound energy to break down fat cells and promote collagen production, which can tighten skin.

It’s a relatively simple outpatient procedure that usually takes about an hour. The healing period is usually one to two weeks.

Cool Sculptor

Non-invasive ice sculpting, often known as cryolipolysis, employs cold temperatures to melt fat cells non-invasively. It’s generally done as an outpatient treatment and takes around one hour. The healing period is usually one to two weeks.


This is a fat-loss medication that works by dissolving fat cells. It’s usually done as an outpatient procedure and takes about an hour. The rehabilitation period is generally one to two weeks long.

These procedures can help you achieve a flatter stomach, but it is important to remember that they are not a replacement for weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes.

How To Stay Motivated Throughout Your Journey To Getting Rid Of The Belly

It’s difficult to stay motivated when attempting to get rid of the fat pad. You might not see results as quickly as you’d like, or you might feel like you’re never going to reach your goals.

But it’s important to remember that every little bit counts and that every step you take is bringing you closer to your goal. Therefore, have patience and continue your journey one day at a time. There are many ways to stay motivated during this tough time.

Find A Workout Buddy

Working out with someone else can make a huge difference. It will not only keep you focused, but it will also speed up the process. Furthermore, when one of you is feeling down, the other can encourage him or her to continue pushing forward despite how he or she feels inside.

Create A Playlist

Music is a versatile tool that can assist you in overcoming any obstacle. As a result, create a playlist with songs that will boost your energy and get you going.

Set Small Goals

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the end objective. Therefore, it’s critical to break down your long-term objectives into smaller milestones. That way, you can celebrate each accomplishment and keep your eye on the prize.

Find A Role Model

Finding someone who has already accomplished what you’re trying to do might be beneficial. Seeing other people’s success may inspire you to believe it’s possible and provide the drive to persevere.

So, there you have it. These are just a few tips to help you stay motivated throughout your journey to getting rid of the belly.

Just keep moving forward one step at a time.

Note On Tightening The Saggy Skin After Pregnancy And Weight Loss

After pregnancy, most women develop loose skin. The skin stretches while a pregnant woman’s belly grows. As a consequence, after childbirth, many ladies notice that their abdominal skin is loose. How can you tighten loose skin after weight loss?

Food and Supplements – Collagen supplements, bariatric surgery, and radiofrequency therapies can all help you reduce loose skin. Follow a proper diet that includes food rich in vitamin C and zinc. Egg whites, garlic, tomato, bell peppers, and sweet potato are good for maintaining your weight.

Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which helps to improve skin tone and increase collagen synthesis. It also has astringent properties that can help you tighten your skin.

Skin-tightening creams – In addition to this, you can use skin-tightening creams such as –

  • Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Firming Butter Body Lotion.
  • Kayo Concentrated Firming Serum.
  • StriVectin Crepe Control Tightening Body Cream.
  • Juice Beauty Green Apple Firming Body Moisturizer.
  • Perricone MD Cold Plasma Plus+ Neck & Chest SPF 25.

Coconut oil – Aside from its moisturizing capabilities, coconut oil helps to tighten loose stomach skin. Coconut oil contains substances that counteract free-radical damage to the body. If wrinkles are caused by sun exposure, you may use the oil for sunscreen.

Aloe vera extract promotes collagen synthesis in the body, which contributes to reducing visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen aids in wrinkle reduction and skin tightening. It also improves the skin’s suppleness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How to get rid of mommy belly?

Ans: Excess weight gain, whether due to overeating or insufficient activity, does not go away on its own. You must combine diet and exercise to get rid of any extra weight accumulation. This is not just for appearance’s sake. Excess abdominal fat (especially visceral fat) has been linked to several serious diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Q2: Does the mommy pooch/ c-section pooch ever go away?

Ans: The mommy pooch is not the same as a tummy overhang. Diastasis recti is the reason for the pooch. The motherly tummy and poodle, on the other hand, are both fixable issues that do not go away on their own. To build up your stomach muscles, you’ll need to follow a specific diastasis recti training program.

Q3: How long does it take to get rid of mommy pooch?

Ans: Depending on how severe your split is, you might notice distinct improvements in your mommy pooch as early as 6 weeks. Others may require 12 weeks or more to observe significant changes.

Q4: What is the difference between c section pooch before and after exercise?

Ans: The only difference may be in the size of the pooch, as exercising can help to tone and reduce the overall fat content in the area. However, the best way to get rid of a c-section pooch is through surgery. This procedure is known as a tummy tuck, and it can remove excess skin and fat from the area, resulting in a flatter, more toned stomach.

Q5: Can I get rid of loose skin naturally?

Ans: When you lose a significant amount of weight, your skin can stretch and develop loose, as well as stretch marks. Unfortunately, there aren’t many excellent conservative / non-surgical choices for more skin. If you do decide to go ahead with any surgical treatments, keep in mind that good nutrition is not a substitute!

Q6: Is it harder to lose belly after a c-section?

Ans: There’s a lot of talk about how cesareans make it more difficult to get rid of post-pregnancy belly fat. Even though a c-section necessitates substantial abdominal surgery, you can still lose weight from your abdomen.

Q7: Can Massages Get Rid of Hanging Belly? 

Ans: Women who receive a postpartum massage report being less tense and having better moods, as well as many other health benefits. In reality, having a post-pregnancy massage aids in the reduction of belly fat. They also aid in the loss of fluids from the lymph nodes, resulting in a smaller waistline.

Q8: How Long Does It Take To Lose Postpartum Belly Naturally?

Ans: Typically, it is determined on a case-by-case basis. For example, some women may lose their postpartum tummy in months, while others might take years.

The amount of time it takes for your postpartum belly to go away is also determined by age and how far you hang. Nonetheless, it generally takes around six weeks for the uterus to return to normal size.

Q9: Can you get rid of the apron belly after the C section?

Ans: It’s difficult to remedy an apron belly with spot therapy. The only ways to decrease one are by reducing body weight and through surgical/non-surgical choices.

Q10: How can I lift my saggy stomach?

Ans: Firming creams. A retinoid-containing firming cream is a wonderful option.

  • For those with loose or sagging skin, maintaining a healthy weight and eating well are important. Supplements may help in some cases.
  • Exercise and Diet are good to lose weight.
  • Massaging the area frequently to loosen the muscles.
  • Cosmetic procedures.


For all the wonderful moms thinking about how to get rid of a hanging belly after c-section, there are several things you can do. First, make sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. Additionally, several surgical procedures can help tighten the skin and muscles around your abdomen. Talk to your doctor to see what options are best for you.

You can achieve any goals that you set for yourself if you remain motivated throughout the journey. The key is to make sure that your motivation comes from within and isn’t contingent on external factors. When you internalize your motivation, it becomes much easier to stay focused and driven toward your goal, even when faced with difficulties. 

Sarah here, mother of two here to guide you on your parenting journey. I know motherhood isn't easy, but I'm here to share my wisdom and experience so that you can make the most out of this amazing adventure. Linkedln

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