How To Make Breastmilk Fattier? Proven Tips

Making breastmilk fattier is important for babies who are struggling to gain weight. If your baby is not gaining enough weight, you may need to make your milk fattier. This blog post will show you how to make breastmilk fattier using a few different methods. Keep reading for more information!

How To Make Breastmilk Fattier

Why Is Breast Milk Fat Necessary For Your Baby?

Did you know that the fat in your breast milk can help ensure your baby gains the weight they need? By their first birthday, babies born at average weight will have tripled their birthweight and grown nearly ten inches. The calories and energy from fats are crucial for physical growth and the brain, eyes, and nervous system development. Fat also helps protect your baby from infection.

One cup of breast milk contains around 11 grams of total fat. This means that fats make up 3 to 5 percent of all the nutrients in breast milk. However, these numbers can change throughout the day depending on factors such as how full your breasts are, your baby’s age, and diminishing fat levels.

What Causes “Fattier” Breast Milk?

The fat content in your breast milk varies depending on how full or empty your breasts are. If you have a newborn, they require nursing around the clock, so your fat content is likely to be much higher than if you have a toddler who occasionally gets their fats from table food and nurses.

You might be shocked to learn that your diet has little bearing on the amount of breast milk you produce. It only transforms the form of saturated, trans, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Therefore it is necessary to know how to make breastmilk fattier.

How Do You Know If You Need To Make Your Breast Milk Fatter?

  • Although you may feel like you’re feeding your baby around the clock, they are not gaining weight as anticipated.
  • It’s typical for babies to lose weight in their first week, but they should start gaining it back through breast milk intake.
  • If your baby frequently feels cold, it may be a sign of hypothermia. If babies lose heat quickly, this content helps give them the necessary fats to maintain and regulate their body temperature from breast milk.

Foremilk Vs. Hindmilk 

Begin each feeding by letting your baby drink the foremilk. It consists mostly of water with other nutrients and is thinner than Hindmilk. Foremilk will quench your baby’s thirst, but they will likely become hungry soon after finishing it.

Hindmilk is the milk that follows foremilk, usually appearing towards the end of a feeding. This type of milk is higher in fat content than foremilk and takes ten to fifteen minutes for your baby to consume since it flows slowly and becomes richer as your breast empties.

In a single feeding, your baby will drink both foremilk and Hindmilk. If you believe there is an imbalance in your infant, discuss it with their healthcare provider. 

How To Make Breastmilk Fattier? 

Adding More Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Although we said that your diet does not always influence the amount of fat in your breast milk, it does influence which kind is present. Unsaturated fats are beneficial fat. Nuts, salmon, avocados, seeds, eggs, and olive oil are all good sources of unsaturated fats. These fats play an important role in your and your child’s diets. Your baby will ingest something similar to what you eat in one form or another.

If you want to increase the fat content of your breastmilk, focus on including more unsaturated fats in your diet and limiting saturated and trans fat. However, Moderation is key! You don’t have to ban all processed or saturated foods from your diet. Indulge when you want- whether a bacon cheeseburger or a buttery biscuit. 

Consume More Protein

Protein is vital for both you and your infant’s diet. Raising your protein intake could assist in augmenting your breast milk supply, providing more benefits for you and your baby, like increased fat content in breastmilk.

Incorporating protein into your diet is as easy as eating chicken, lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, or seeds. 

After A Nursing Session, Drain Your Breast

The alveoli produce breast milk from within your breasts. Once the milk is made, it travels from clusters of cells and into ducts that lead to your baby. They should drink all of the milk during a feeding session to ingest the thin watery foremilk first and then move on to denser Hindmilk which will help them grow and become more sustained.

Only start nursing on the second breast once your baby has stopped breastfeeding on the first. This will help promote a copious fatty milk flow, keep them at the breast longer, and ensure they get more milk per feeding. It can be beneficial to pump if your baby doesn’t fully empty the other breast; doing so later will maintain a stockpile of milk, stave off clogged ducts, and bolster your overall lactation.

Use A Journal To Consider The Time Of Day

Start a breastfeeding journal to document every session. You can begin to see patterns of when your breasts are fuller.

All mothers differ, but breast milk typically contains the most fat in the evening or at night. If your baby is sleeping and you have full breasts, that would be an ideal time to pump so you can store your higher-fat breast milk later.

Extra Pumping With A Breast Pump

A breast pump may be useful to assist you in increasing milk production and obtaining a higher fat content. An empty breast usually indicates fattier breast milk, but we recognize this is not always the case so pumping can assist with it.

Consider the number of times you pump throughout the day. Some parents find it useful to pump out the thinner foremilk and store it, then have their baby nurse on the Hindmilk instead of nursing directly from their breasts.

Breast Milk Fat Separation

If you want to separate your breast milk, pump more often. Start pumping normally, and after a minute or two, when the breast milk is flowing steadily, turn off the pump. The first few minutes of pumped milk are usually foremilk, so consider feeding your baby hindmilk immediately or starting a new bottle.

When you switch off the pump, only a third of the usual quantity should remain. Continue pumping with a new bottle until your breasts are completely drained.

Breast Compressions 

Another simple method for those who don’t know how to make breastmilk fattier is breast compressions. Squeeze gently with one hand on your breast while squeezing the other. This is how you perform this technique while feeding your child. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Does breastmilk become fattier as the baby grows?

Ans: No, but the amount of fat in breastmilk changes throughout the day. In general, breastmilk is fattier at night.

Q2: How can I make breastmilk nutritious?

Ans: Eat a balanced diet and try to include plenty of protein. Pumping can also help increase the amount of fat in breastmilk.

Q3: Which food makes breastmilk fattier?

Ans: There is no specific food that makes breastmilk fattier. However, a balanced diet with plenty of protein can help increase the amount of fat in breastmilk.

Q4: Is it possible that my breast milk does not have enough fat?

Ans: It is possible for breastmilk not to have enough fat. This can happen if you are not eating a balanced diet or if you are not pumping often enough.

Q5: What time of day is breast milk thickest?

Ans: The fat content of breast milk varies throughout the day. In general, breast milk is fattier at night. However, all mothers differ, so keeping a journal documenting when your breasts are fuller is important.


Making breastmilk fattier is important for your baby’s health. You can use a few simple methods to make your breast milk fattier, such as pumping more often, massaging your breasts, and separating your breast milk. You can also try eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein to help increase the amount of fat in your breast milk. 

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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