Is It Possible To Remember Being A Baby? Science Behind It

Is it possible to remember being a baby? Some people swear that they have memories from when they were very young, while others believe that memory only starts to develop after a certain age. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of infantile amnesia and see if there is any evidence to support the idea of remembering being a baby.

Is It Possible To Remember Being A Baby

Why Is Childhood Memory Loss So Common?

Babies can form long-term memories as early as six months of age; by the time they begin school, children can recall events that occurred years before. However, adolescent development is required for full memory maturity, which may contribute to childhood amnesia.

The forgetting of the earliest memory could be because of the changes in the development of the brain. For example, myelination (the process of wrapping nerve cells in a fatty sheath) is not complete until age five, so connections between neurons may not be as strong in young children.

Other Reasons For Infantile Amnesia

It’s also possible that infantile amnesia is an evolutionary mechanism to protect us from painful memories. Our early years are often filled with difficult experiences, such as teething, vaccinations, and being weaned off the breast.

It’s also worth noting that many of the early childhood memories we form are based on stories we’ve told our parents or other adults. This is known as source amnesia, which could explain why some people swear they remember being a baby when they don’t.

Is It Possible To Remember Being A Baby?

Unfortunately, people’s chances of remembering events between birth and three years old are slim. Some individuals may remember events from the age of two, while others might recall anything until they reach the age of seven or eight.

Some people have claimed to remember their birth and other events in infancy, which is remarkable given that most of us are born blind.

Babies, on the other hand, can form memories. Also, infant amnesia does not imply that toddlers cannot recall events. Infantile amnesia only indicates that toddlers cannot recall events from their prior existence.

What Do Babies Remember?

Now that we have answered your question – “Is it possible to remember being a baby?” let’s see what babies remember after all. Fortunately, infantile amnesia does not affect non-declarative or procedural memory; these personal memories contain information on how to perform tasks. For example, the amount of learning that occurs throughout those early years while riding a bike.

Infants don’t have to relearn the languages they learned in the womb. They also know how to count and whom to rely on and trust. Infants can recall explicit memories, some events from their early years, as demonstrated by adults. For example, certain people can remember their scars from falling off the couch or other injuries without remembering more information. 

Memory Milestones From Early Age – Birth To Adulthood

Birth – 1

  • Ability to recall events for brief periods.

1 – 2

  • The brain’s ability to recall things for longer and longer periods is referred to as neuroplasticity (form long-term memories).

2 – 3 years

  • Memory for facts and events improves.

4 – 7 years

  • The capacity for prospective memory (maintaining a record of things to do in the future) begins to develop.

8 – 10 years

  • Improved fact recall.
  • Improved spatial relationship recalls.

10 – 12 years

  • Long-term memory improves.
  • The ability to suppress emotions and memories.

13 – 21 years

  • Prospective recall improves.
  • Working memory improves.

Why Should Parents Make Memories With Their Babies?

Infantile amnesia isn’t a just cause for parents to avoid creating great memories for their children in the early years, as with, say, celebrating your baby’s first birthday.

It’s critical to capture unforgettable moments with your baby during those early years for them to learn more about the world around them and form relationships. They also help a kid’s development by boosting their memory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why is it difficult to recall being a baby?

Ans: Babies lack fully developed memory, so it’s difficult to recall being a kid. Episodic memories are formed and stored in the hippocampus. Unfortunately, the hippocampus isn’t completely mature at birth and needs 18-24 months to become robust.

Q2: Do babies have trauma memories?

Ans: Babies and toddlers can be badly affected by trauma. Traumatic events in infancy will likely stick with them. The specifics may be vague, but infants retain the broad picture.

Q3: What is it called when you can remember your birth?

Ans: Primal healing, psychoanalysis, concentrates on early traumatic memories, similar to Freud’s theory of repressed and screened memories. Primal therapy reconnects patients with their current suffering, taking them back to the memory of their birth in a procedure known as rebirthing.

Q4: How far back can humans remember?

Ans: According to research, the first events people recall start when they are two-and-a-half years old.

Q5: What is the maximum age a person can recall being in their mother’s womb?

Ans: According to research, people aren’t able to recall their births. Infantile amnesia occurs when children aged three or four cannot recall early childhood events such as birth.

Q6: Can you remember being 3 years old?

Ans: It’s possible to remember being three years old, but it isn’t common. Most people forget their earliest memories as they age. The forgetting process is known as childhood amnesia.


Is it possible to remember being a baby? The answer is maybe. It’s difficult to recall being a baby because babies lack a fully developed memory. However, it’s still important for parents to make memories with their babies and toddlers. These memories can help a kid’s development by boosting their memory. If you’re looking for ways to improve your memory, consider trying some memory exercises or games.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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