Milk Coming Out Of Baby’s Nose – How To Stop It?

When my baby was born, I had no idea that a new parent’s biggest challenge would be trying to stop milk from coming out of their little one’s nose! It can be shocking at first (trust me, it happened to me!), but there are some simple and practical steps you can take as a mom to help reduce your frustration and keep this issue in check.

Why is there milk coming out of baby’s nose?

It is a common occurrence in infants when they drink milk too quickly or when the milk flows into their nasal passages. While it may appear alarming, it is usually harmless and can be resolved with gentle nose wiping and burping.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you all the strategies that worked for our family when dealing with the issue of milk coming out of our precious baby’s nose.

Milk Coming Out Of Baby's Nose

Why Does Milk Come Out Of My Baby’s Nose?

Nasal regurgitation is caused by the nasal passage being connected to your baby’s mouth and stomach. Occasionally, spit-up that was going for the child’s mouth comes out of their nose instead, thus, the reasons for nasal regurgitation are similar to those for conventional burp cloth over the shoulder infant spit-up.

Taking In Too Much Air While Feeding

If your kid is hungry and thirsty, they may eat too fast or improperly latch to get fed. This will cause them to swallow air at the same time as their milk. As the bubbles try to flee, the milk follows with it, causing spit-up.


When your infant’s stomach is filled, it will overflow, and milk will spray out of its mouth and nose.

Distracted Feeding

Babies sometimes forget to swallow when fed. If their mouth becomes too full, they will choke on the milk, and it may drip out of their nose.

Immature Stomach Valve

The lower esophageal sphincter muscle, which separates the stomach and esophagus, is sometimes not fully formed when newborns are firstborn. This makes it simple for milk to flow up their nose as a result of its incomplete development.


Your baby might have acid reflux if he or she frequently spits up, is losing weight despite eating well, or appears to be in a lot of pain after each feeding. It’s important to note that while cow’s milk allergy (CMAD) is the most common cause of acid reflux in children, it isn’t the only one.

Coughing Or Sneezing While Spitting Up

This could be due to a number of factors, but the most likely reason is that he was simply unlucky and coughed or sneezed at the same time. Because of this, milk shoots out of his nose.

Cleft Palate

Nasal regurgitation can occasionally be caused by a submucous cleft palate. A cleft palate occurs when the tissues that form the roof of the mouth don’t join completely during pregnancy.

When Should You Worry About Baby Spit-Up?

In most cases, baby spit-up is nothing to worry about. It’s perfectly normal for babies to spit up after feedings, and as long as your child is happy and healthy otherwise, there’s no need for concern. If you’re concerned about the messiness of frequent spit-ups, try using a baby wipe, bib, or burp cloth to protect your clothing. The only times you should be concerned about it are when your kid:

  • They just can’t seem to catch their breath.
  • If the child vomits something other than their meals.
  • Stops gaining weight.

Is Milk Coming Out Of Nose of a Baby Normal?

If you notice milk coming out of your baby’s nose, it is probably nothing to worry about. This happens occasionally when a baby drinks too fast or swallows too much air while nursing. 

67 percent of all four-month-olds suffer from regurgitation and gastroesophageal reflux, which is a condition in which food comes back up into the esophagus, causing gas to build up. When this happens, some of the food may come out of the baby’s nose.

This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. The best thing you can do is try to keep your baby upright for at least thirty minutes after eating and avoid overfeeding. 

What Should You Do When Milk Comes Out Of Your Baby’s Nose?

When your baby spits up, they’ll look to your expressions to understand what just happened. So remain calm and pleasant while cleaning them up. Being as gentle as feasible is critical.

Comfort your baby. When changing them, speak to them in a soft voice and wear clean clothing. To assist calm a fussing infant, provide some skin-to-skin contact.

What To Do When Milk Comes Out Of Baby’s Nose When Sleeping?

If your newborn baby falls asleep and you detect milk leaking from their nose, it’s not essential to rouse them. Wipe away the fluids as needed, and double-check that your baby is breathing properly.

If your baby chokes on the milk that comes out, turn them to their side and stay with them until the flow subsides. Newborns should never be put to sleep on their sides unless under close supervision. If your kid is choking and turning one way does not help, you’ll need to pick him or her up and turn him or her upright on your shoulder.

How To Prevent Milk Coming Out Of Baby’s Nose?

  • Burp your kid in the middle and at the end of feeding to release any trapped air from their tummy before too much gas builds up.
  • Overfeeding is a common problem that can lead to iron deficiency anemia. If they’ve had enough but seem to want to keep sucking for comfort, try feeding smaller quantities more frequently or giving them a pacifier at the end of the feed.
  • Experiment with a variety of postures to help you keep your baby upright for several minutes after each feeding.
  • The suck-swallow reflex can cause your baby to take in too much milk if they fall asleep while feeding. Switch the bottle or breast for a pacifier as soon as possible to prevent waking them up.
  • If you’re bottle-feeding your newborn, try using a bottle nipple with a smaller hole.
  • Make sure your baby’s lips are turned outward like a fish, with none of the areola displaying when you’re feeding. You should be able to see their ears moving while they suck, indicating that they have enough of the breast in their mouth and won’t breathe air.
  • If you suspect that noises are the reason behind your baby’s crying, try feeding him in a secluded space free of outside noise.
  • Make sure your infant’s clothing and diaper aren’t too tiny. You may need to go up a size in diapers, but make certain they stay firmly in place.

When Do Babies Stop Spitting Up?

Your baby’s teeth and gums are still developing, so he or she will continue to spit up. You can expect burping and nasal regurgitation to lessen by around 6 months. The majority of baby spitting and other reflux problems get solved between the ages of 7 months and a year. Some babies, however, will continue to have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) after their first year.

If your baby is older than a year and continues to spit up or has other symptoms of GERD, talk to your pediatrician. He or she may recommend changes in your child’s diet or medications to help relieve the symptoms. Don’t worry, though. With a little time and patience, your little one will outgrow this phase.

How Can You Tell If the Milk Coming out of Baby’s Nose is Spit-Up or Vomit?

Spit-ups are usually just like breast milk or formula, and it typically comes out rather gently without causing too much discomfort. Vomit, on the other hand, is violently ejected from their stomach muscles contracting, so it will come out quicker and there’ll be more of it.

Spit-ups and vomit are usually nothing to worry about, but if it happens frequently or your baby seems uncomfortable, be sure to mention it to their doctor. They’ll be able to give you peace of mind and rule out any other possibilities.

Spit-Up Vs. Vomit

It may not be spit-up if it:

  • It is released as a spray or as a projectile.
  • It comes out of the nose and mouth together.
  • Causes your newborn discomfort or anguish.

Causes Of Vomiting In Infants

  • Norovirus and rotavirus are viruses that affect the stomach. Just like grownups, babies can acquire these viruses as well which causes vomiting.
  • Inflammation, blockage, or infection. These can induce stomach and intestinal inflammation. Bile or even blood might rise as a result of this. If you see green, yellow, red, or black liquid in your baby’s vomit and it smells bad, get medical help immediately.
  • Motion sickness can occur when the baby is being moved about too quickly. Vomiting may be caused by rapid movements in the stomach of a newborn.
  • Your baby’s vomit could be a symptom of poisoning from chemicals or medicines. If your kid has accidentally consumed toxic chemicals (such as cleaning products), adult drugs, or too much of a prescribed infant medicine to attempt to clear the poison from their body, they may be vomiting.

When To Call A Doctor?

  • After every feeding, you notice milk coming out of your infant’s nose. Your child isn’t gaining weight or losing it.
  • Green or yellow spit-up.
  • Food or even blood may be present in your baby’s spit-up.
  • When your baby is feeding, they arch their back and neck.
  • After a feeding, your baby is frequently uncomfortable or distressed.
  • They won’t eat or cry whenever they spit up.
  • Your infant has trouble breathing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What to do when a baby chokes on milk?

Ans: For this, you’ll need to think about the way you’re feeding the kid. While feeding him, hold him upright and let him burp now and then.

Q2: Do your feed the baby again after spitting up?

Ans: Don’t offer the kid food right away after he spits up or throws up. He must receive milk so that he does not become dehydrated. So, let him spit up first before feeding him.

Q3: What if the baby doesn’t burp and falls asleep?

Ans: If your toddler falls asleep while drinking milk, keep him upright. He will burp in a few minutes if you hold him in this position.

Q4: What to do when milk is coming out of the baby’s nose after feeding?

Ans: If this happens frequently, you may want to talk to your pediatrician about it. In the meantime, try burping your baby more often during feedings and keeping his head elevated after eating.

Q5: Why is milk coming out of a baby’s nose after nursing?

Ans: It’s likely due to swallowed air. When a baby is nursing, they may sometimes swallow large amounts of air. This can cause the milk to come out of their nose when they burp.

Q6: What to do when clear liquid is coming out of the baby’s nose?

Ans: If the liquid is clear and your baby is otherwise healthy, there’s likely no cause for concern. However, if the liquid is green, yellow, or red, or if your baby is showing other signs of illness, call your pediatrician.

Q7: What are the dangers of vomiting through a baby’s nose?

Ans: Vomiting through the nose can be dangerous because it can lead to aspiration pneumonia, which is a serious lung infection. If your baby is vomiting through their nose, call your pediatrician immediately.

Q8: Why is the baby gasping for air and milk coming out of nose?

Ans: This could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a condition that causes stomach contents to back up into the esophagus.


If you notice milk coming out of your baby’s nose, don’t panic. In most cases, it’s due to swallowed air and is nothing to worry about. However, if the milk is green, yellow, or red, or if your baby is showing other signs of illness, call your pediatrician.

Vomiting through the nose can be dangerous because it can lead to aspiration pneumonia, which is a serious lung infection.

If your baby is vomiting green or yellow liquid, blood, or black liquid, or if they have trouble breathing, call your pediatrician immediately. If you’re concerned about your baby’s spitting up, talk to your pediatrician to see if there may be an underlying problem.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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