Pregnant Belly Vs Fat Belly Difference: How To Figure It Out?

When you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes. One of the most noticeable changes is your growing belly. As your baby grows, your belly will get bigger and bigger. It’s sometimes difficult to tell a pregnant belly vs fat belly difference. Let’s check how to tell them apart!

Pregnant Belly Vs Fat Belly Difference

What Does a Pregnant Belly Look Like?

Pregnancy affects a woman’s body in many ways at once. One of the first is that the uterus expands, resulting in greater pressure on the abdomen.

Uterine growth might produce a sensation of hardness in the belly region if your uterus is expanding to support the baby’s development. It should not be completely hard, however. The hardness level varies at different times, yet there must still be some give throughout pregnancy.

What Does A Fat Belly Look Like?

To key pregnant belly vs fat belly difference is the softness of the stomach. Abdomens that are excessively spherical have a soft, squishy texture. Moreover, the fat will be distributed all around the belly creating stomach crease lines.

The most typical kinds of belly fat to provide you with a better idea of what might be causing your belly fat:

1. Inflated Or Bloated Belly

When your stomach just expands as the night approaches, you have bloat. This might result in an imbalance in your intestinal flora, sluggish bowels, or an allergic response to specific types of food.

2. Low Belly

This may be because of a recent pregnancy, due to your diet, gaining weight, or the shape of your spine. It’s also feasible that you do a monotonous gym chain which is not helping you lose weight.

4. Stress Belly

It’s caused by fat surrounding the belly button, which causes the stomach to appear “thick.”

5. Mom’s Belly

Finally, there’s the mommy tummy, which is a form of fat stomach that new moms acquire immediately after giving birth.

Pregnant Belly Vs Fat Belly Difference

Tissue hardening is a critical difference between fat belly and pregnant belly since it aids in the mother’s ability to bear a child and support its growth.

Excessive weight, the number of previous pregnancies, height, bone structure, muscle tone, and body form are all important factors in determining the shape and size of pregnant bellies.

Signs That You Are Pregnant

1. Changes in the toilet – Constipation and frequent urination can be caused by pregnancy hormones.

2. Pregnancy Aches and Pains – Hormonal changes and physical transformations may induce headaches, backache, and even painful nipples. Pain that eludes explanation might be a symptom of pregnancy.

3. Spotting isn’t always distinct from an irregular cycle and can appear right after conception.

Signs Of Having Belly Fat

Excess quantities of processed beverages, sweets, and cakes will eventually cause you to get fat. Because your belly fat will be softer and flatter than a pregnancy belly, it will sag more.

Tummy fat is not the only place where women store extra fat. The thighs and lower abdominal region of the female body contain fat as well.

If your tummy swells only at night, you may be experiencing bloating. There is an imbalance between the intestinal flora and sluggish bowels when you experience bloating.

It’s almost certainly going to be fat if you can compress various parts of your belly.

How To Reduce Stomach Fat?

There are several ways to reduce belly fat effectively: 

  • You may add soluble fiber to your diet by eating more berries or beans.
  • Increase protein intake.
  • Avoid sugar and reduce stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can you squeeze a pregnant belly?

Ans: Gentle pushing on your belly as it grows larger is fine. Hard jabs, kicks, or punches may be painful.

Q2: How early does your stomach get hard when pregnant?

Ans: Around 7 or 8 weeks into pregnancy, the uterus and baby’s development accelerate the formation of the belly.

Q3: How can you tell you are pregnant by hand pulse?

Ans: If you are pregnant, the pulse in your neck or wrist will be about 30% higher than normal.

Q4: How can you tell a woman is pregnant by her eyes?

Ans: If the woman is expecting, her eyes will sink deeper and smaller pupils will form, her eyelids will droop, and her cheeks will puff up. Her face may also acquire a rosy hue.

Q5: How long does it take for a woman to know she is pregnant?

Ans: It takes about 2 to 3 weeks after sex for pregnancy to happen.

Q6: What if I accidentally hit my stomach while pregnant?

Ans: While pregnant, your baby bump will undoubtedly be banged. If you have young children, the impact may be felt more than usual.

Q7: Why do doctors press on your stomach when pregnant?

Ans: To assess if your internal organs are normal, lay on your stomach and press against it.

Q8: Is it a baby bump or bloating?

Ans: Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including food allergies or meals that cause excessive gas in your stomach. It might also be induced by constipation or an illness like IBS.

Many of these will have symptoms such as stomach discomfort, rumbling sounds, or greater flatulence. If you have a swollen tummy without these signs, you may be pregnant.

Q9: How do you tell if you’re pregnant by your stomach?

Ans: The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by nausea/morning sickness, cramps, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas. When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, pregnancy begins; symptoms may begin as early as a week after implantation in certain individuals.

Q10: What happens to existing fat when pregnant?

Ans: The body will redistribute fat to make sure the baby has enough energy stores. This redistribution can cause stretch marks and cellulite.


Knowing the pregnant belly vs fat belly difference is crucial because both share many similarities. It’s important to be able to differentiate between the two so that you can better manage your health during pregnancy.

Tummy fat is not the only place where women store extra fat. The thighs and lower abdominal region of the female body contain fat as well. If your tummy swells only at night, you may be experiencing bloating.

There is an imbalance between the intestinal flora and sluggish bowels when you experience bloating. It’s almost certainly going to be fat if you can compress various parts of your belly. If you’re ever in doubt, consult with your doctor.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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