Temper Tantrums In 5 Year Olds – Control Tantrums

Most kids this age tend to have tantrums occasionally. Toddler temper tantrums can range from mild (such as whining or pouting) to full-blown screaming and kicking. In most cases, they are simply a way for the child to express their feelings and get what they want.

How to control temper tantrums in 5 year olds?

We as parents can guide our children and help them calm down during a temper tantrum by first calming ourselves down and then the child. Also, taking them for a short walk away from the public spot & talking to them in a calming voice, and teaching them breathing exercises are some of the tried and tested ways of calming an irritated child.

However, there are times when a child’s temper tantrums can be dangerous or harmful. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of temper tantrums in 5-year-olds and how to deal with them effectively.

What Is A Temper Tantrum?

A tantrum is an outburst of emotion that typically comes from a lack of patience. They may include kicking, screaming, hitting, and biting to express their frustrations and try to obtain what they desire. In addition, they might throw objects and hold their breath for extended periods as a form of protest.

Many times, temper tantrums will happen when a child feels tired, hungry, or doesn’t get their way. It is important to remember that tantrums are not always caused by bad behavior but are simply a result of the child’s development.

Temper Tantrums In 5 Year Olds

What Is The Difference Between A Tantrum And A Meltdown?

The primary distinction between tantrums in 5-year-olds and meltdowns is that:

  • A tantrum is a response to aggravation or rage.
  • A meltdown is a consequence of emotional or sensory overload of a child’s feelings.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Tantrum?

  • Your child manages to be partially talkative and engaged.
  • They are a natural consequence of feeling frustrated, angry, or not obtaining their way.
  • Children will be interested to see what your response is.
  • Children will scream, but they’ll be able to negotiate.

Characteristics Of A 5 Year-Old Emotional Meltdown:

  • Meltdowns are not goal-oriented. Children are less vocal and communicative.
  • Melancholic disorders are characterized by painful emotional outbursts, often triggered by events in the subject’s past or current life.
  • They are out of a youngster’s reach or ability to reason.
  • The child loses control physically.
  • Children will be unable to make sense of what is happening around them.
  • Your children will be unable to bargain with you. They will fight to relax.
  • Children may become quiet following a loss of control.

What Causes Temper Tantrums In 5 Year Olds?

The most common causes of a 5-year-old child’s tantrums are:

  • Tiredness.
  • Overstimulation.
  • Not feeling heard.
  • Hunger.

Some children act out of anxiety about a certain aspect of their life. Perhaps the assurance that a tantrum has always led to them receiving what they desired in the past, and your child throwing a fit now is a way to elicit a particular reaction from you.

How to Deal With Tantrums in 5-Year-Olds?

1. Stay Calm

When your child is in a full-fledged tantrum, the most difficult thing you can do is the opposite. You are modeling to your kid a peaceful, unshakable haven from which to return.

2. Recognize Their Frustration Or Rage

When your youngster believes you have ignored or overlooked him, he or she may throw a tantrum. As a result, acknowledge that you comprehend their feelings of anger and irritation and that when they’ve cooled down, you’ll be able to discuss it.

3. Speak In A Slow Tone 

When your kid wants a response from you, 5-year-olds throw frequent tantrums. As a result, it’s sometimes better not to say anything when a tantrum is in progress. However, if you must discuss something or express your emotions, do so in a slow, confident, and neutral tone of voice to control temper tantrums.

4. Shift Them To A Safe Place

If your youngster is thrashing about, attempting to fling things, and smacking nearby objects, move them to a secure location if possible. This can also assist in preventing a tantrum since they are being removed from a harmful environment.

5. Move To A Private Space

If your youngster throws a fit in public, it’s only natural to be embarrassed. To focus on dealing with the tantrum without preoccupying yourself with what others are thinking, go to a more remote location.

6. Wait For It To Cool Down And Then Have A Talk

No matter what’s going on, take your time and wait for the tantrum to end. You can then discuss with your 5-year-old about their behavior getting worse and educate them on how to properly express their emotions after the conflict is finished.

3 Things You Should Never Do When Your Child Is Having A Temper Tantrum

1. Don’t Raise Your Voice

Raising your voice will just add to the problem. Try to remain cool and composed during your 5-year-old’s tantrums, no matter how difficult it may be.

2. Don’t Give Up

I understand how tempting it is, especially if the tantrum occurs in a public place. However, once you give in to your 5-year-old’s demands, you’ve already lost. And if your kid gets what they want through a fit of rage, they will continue to throw fits to get their way in the future.

3. Don’t Try Bribing Or Negotiating

It’s never a good idea to entice them or offer them a reward in exchange for stopping. Bribing gives undesired tantrum behavior an incentive and power to control events, as well as reward them.

Tips To Prevent Temper Tantrums In 5 Year Olds

1. Create A Spot To Calm Down

If your child is upset, encourage them to calm down in a quiet place where they can rest and unwind. Allow your kid to feel safe in a neutral setting before attempting to persuade them to listen to you or talk about how they’re feeling in a non-threatening atmosphere.

2. Deep Breathing

Breathing exercises are a wonderful technique to relax and may be difficult to teach a young child. As a result, teddy bear breathing is an entertaining method. Balance a teddy bear on its stomach and walk it around using the ups and downs of your breathing.

3. Use Emotional Development Toys To Your Advantage

After a tantrum, using emotional developmental toys or emotional flashcards might help you discuss how they were feeling before and during the tantrum, as well as what caused it.

5. Modeling by Example

By setting a good example and listening to what your child has to say, you may help them develop excellent listening abilities.

Other Preventive tips include –

  • Talk openly about their emotions.
  • Positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  • Listen to your overly emotional child.
  • Be empathetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is it normal for 5 year olds to show temper tantrums?

Ans: In a nutshell, yes, 5-year-old rages are natural. While tantrums are more prevalent in younger kids who don’t yet have the communication and emotional awareness to identify what they want.

Q2: Why do kids melt down?

Ans: Several reasons can contribute to a child’s meltdown, such as exhaustion, overstimulation, hunger, or a change in routine.

Q3: My 5-year-old is screaming when not getting his way. How to discipline 5 year old tantrums?

Ans:  If your child throws tantrums, the best thing you can do is to remain calm and try not to give in to their demands. You can also try distraction or redirection techniques. For example, if they’re throwing a fit because they want a toy, you can offer them something else that’s just as good.

Q4: When should I be concerned about my 5-year-old temper tantrums?

Ans: When you’re dealing with disruptive tantrums that last more than 25 minutes, there may be underlying issues.

Q5: What is typical for a 5-year-old?

Ans: At 5-6 years, your child should be able to handle emotions more easily and meet new people, make friends, engage in social play, communicate better physically, and have a longer attention span. It’s beneficial for children’s development to spend time with them playing games or doing simple chores.

Q6: How to Deal with 6 and 7-year-old Temper Tantrums?

Ans: Some tips include remaining calm, using distraction techniques, and avoiding giving into demands.


Temper tantrums are a common occurrence in young children. They often happen when kids are tired, hungry, or overstimulated. While it can be frustrating to deal with tantrums, there are some things you can do to prevent them from happening.

Some tips include creating a calming space for your child, teaching deep breathing exercises, and using positive reinforcement. You may also demonstrate positive conduct by remaining calm and paying attention to your child.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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