When Can Babies Have Cinnamon? Facts, Benefits & More

One such question is “when can babies have cinnamon?” The answer to this question is that babies can have cinnamon once they start solids, which typically happens around six months old. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of cinnamon for babies and give you some tips on how to give it to them safely!

When Can Babies Have Cinnamon

Is It Okay To Give Cinnamon To Babies?

Cinnamon is frequently added to baby foods once babies start eating solids, and it is usually considered safe to do so in small amounts. When cinnamon is sprinkled on their food, most babies tolerate it well. 

However, excessive consumption can induce stomach discomfort, diarrhea, smelly gas and allergies. Furthermore, parents should be aware that there is a specific kind of cinnamon that is acceptable for infants.

Types Of Cinnamon

  1. Ceylon cinnamon has a crumblier texture than Cassia cinnamon and is less dense and finer. Its hue is slightly lighter brown and is considered to have a milder flavor since most of the taste, compared to Cassia cinnamon, is lost during cooking.
  2. Cassia cinnamon – It’s primarily used in baking since it has a strong and spicy flavor. Cassia cinnamon is the most popular variety, with a brown color and a hint of red.
  3. Korintje cinnamon – It is very popular in the United States and more affordable. In bakeries, it is mostly used to make dough and beverages.

Choose Ceylon cinnamon for your kid and avoid Cassia cinnamon, which is poisonous to a youngster’s health.

For moms concerned about when to feed their babies cinnamon, the ideal time to start is after they are six months old. Babies younger than 6 months who have yet to begin eating solids should not be given cinnamon in their formula.

How Much Cinnamon Should Be Used In Baby Food?

In general, less is more. Babies don’t require a lot of spices in their diet; all they need is a flavor to awaken their taste buds and stimulate the brain. A sprinkle is all it takes to add interest to the dish. Because commercially processed applesauce is generally full of a tiny amount of cinnamon, you may easily allow your infant to try it for the first time.

Is It Possible To Add Cinnamon To Oatmeal For Babies?

Cinnamon is a delicious ingredient that adds warmth and health to breakfast porridge. It may be the ideal morning meal with jam, peanut butter, or fruit.

Cinnamon’s Health Benefits For Infants

  • Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory effects that assist in the recovery from injuries and the prevention of illness.
  • Cinnamon is beneficial for digestion and increases a baby’s stomach capacity. It preserves the stomach lining, which prevents digestive fluids from damaging it.
  • It improves respiratory health by reducing blockages in the airway and promoting healthy breathing.
  • Roasting the spice on the teeth prevents cavities while also healing aching and bleeding gums.
  • Topical application also aids in the treatment of such ailments as eczema.
  • Cinnamon supplements can help children build up their immunity through immunization, as they can boost the immune system to combat antigens.

Is Cinnamon Beneficial For Teething Infants?

Cinnamon sticks are frequently given to teething infants as a method of treating their gum discomfort. The idea is that cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory qualities, together with its taste, relieve teething gums pain.

Side Effects Of Cinnamon

Your baby may get liver damage if he/she takes in large quantities of coumarin. This is a component that may be found in many other spices.

The following are some of the possible negative effects that your infant may experience:

  • A white or greyish-white area around the mouth, sometimes with a red hue – Use soap or water to clean it.
  • Diarrhea and an upset stomach can both be caused by sensitivity or overconsumption of cinnamon.
  • If you are thinking about consuming cinnamon while pregnant, I suggest to take in limited quantities.

Skin Reaction

The newborn’s skin will develop rashes, redness, and inflammation in a matter of minutes after being exposed to the allergen. Itching, redness, blisters, or eczema are among the physical symptoms.


Swelling of the lips and throat, narrowing of the airways, vomiting, choking, lightheadedness, drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness are all signs that something is wrong.

Choosing And Storing Cinnamon For Baby Food

Only acquire organically grown cinnamon from a reputable source or dealer. The sticks will keep for around a year if kept in an airtight container, and the powder is good for about six months if stored likewise. Although the powder has a stronger flavor and scent, it lasts less time because of its higher potency.

Precautions to Keep in Mind

If you’re trying to introduce cinnamon to your infant for the first time, it’s a good idea to get a skin patch test at the doctor’s office.

Furthermore, if the youngster is on any blood-thinning medication, avoid cinnamon. Look for cinnamon in the ingredients of items bought from supermarkets to ensure that it is not present.

As with all herbs and spices, moderation is important; too much cinnamon can lead to serious stomach issues.

How To Incorporate Cinnamon In Baby’s Diet?

Here are a few meals to try:

  • Coconut milk, cinnamon, and mashed banana are stirred together to make a tropical drink.
  • Rice pudding with a peach and vanilla cinnamon flavor.
  • Homemade almond milk, toasted with cinnamon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can a 7-8-month-old have cinnamon?

Ans: After your baby reaches six months of age, cinnamon is typically regarded as safe to give in tiny quantities. Cinnamon does not usually cause allergic reactions in children or adults.

Q2: Can babies have cinnamon with food?

Ans: It can be a fantastic method to add taste to their first meals, such as apple or sweet potato puree. 

Q3: What spices can babies not have?

Ans: Avoid anything spicy, such as cayenne pepper or chilies, since it might irritate and upset their tummies.

Q4: Can babies have cinnamon toast?

Ans: A fun finger food breakfast for your baby to practice self-feeding while exploring new tastes, this fast and delectable cinnamon toast is a wonderful little dish to serve them with.

Q5: Can a 6-month-old have cinnamon applesauce and cinnamon oatmeal?

Ans: Yes, these are both great options for babies! 

Q6: Can a 4 month old baby eat cinnamon raisin bread?

Ans: No, it’s best to wait until the baby is a bit older and can handle chewing before giving them cinnamon raisin bread.


So, when can babies have cinnamon? After your baby reaches six months of age, cinnamon is typically regarded as safe to give in tiny quantities. Ideally, start with a very small amount of cinnamon and increase gradually as you watch for any signs of allergies.

When it comes to spices, moderation is key—too much of any one spice can cause serious stomach issues in babies. Try adding a pinch of cinnamon to pureed fruits or vegetables, oatmeal, or even homemade almond milk. As always, if you have any concerns about introducing new foods to your child, be sure to speak with their pediatrician first.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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