Why Does Baby Stomach Gurgle? Soothe Gassy Baby

Do you ever hear your baby’s stomach making strange noises? Don’t worry; you’re not the only one! Many parents are curious about why does baby stomach gurgle and what they can do to soothe their little ones.

This blog post will discuss the different types of baby stomach gurgles and how to make them stop.

Why Does Baby Stomach Gurgle

Is It Normal For Baby’s Stomach To Growl?

You don’t worry every time your stomach growls; you shouldn’t be concerned if your baby’s tummy is rumbling. The noises will become more apparent as your baby becomes a newborn and their digestive system matures.

You should only be concerned if your baby is fussy and their stomach makes a rumbling noise simultaneously. If your baby also has other symptoms that suggest digestive problems, make an appointment with their pediatrician to find out if the noises are linked to pain.

What Factors Contribute To Stomach Rumbling And Gurgling?

Lots of babies have noisy bellies, and there are many reasons why. Here is a list detailing some causes:

They Are Ravenous

Your baby’s stomach is gurgling and rumbling like yours when they are hungry because they require food.

If you hear your baby’s stomach growling, it is probably because they are hungry, and it has been two to three hours since their last meal. To stop the growling, simply feed them.

The stomach growls when we are hungry because it is empty. When the stomach has no food, its walls contract, pushing air around the emptiness. This moving air causes a gurgling noise that ceases once we start filling our stomachs with sustenance.

Your Baby Has Gas

When your infant is feeding, their stomach might produce strange noises. The sounds you hear are almost always not from their stomach but air and gas passing through their digestive system.

Strange noises are sometimes heard from your child’s body while crying during or after feeding. Gurgling sounds and signs of discomfort are often caused by trapped gas. Burping your baby daily will assist in moving the trapped gas out and alleviate your child’s discomfort.

They Need To Poop

Wondering why does baby stomach gurgle? The gastrointestinal system makes strange noises at every stage.

Your baby will pass gas like any grownup, which may be surprisingly loud for a tiny person. You may hear your baby grunting before filling their diapers with feces.

They Are Having An Allergic Reaction To Breast Milk

If your newborn baby is breastfed, the stomach sounds may originate from something you ate that didn’t sit well with them. Just like us adults sometimes get an upset stomach, so can babies.

Perhaps your baby’s stomach has difficulty processing something new to their diets, such as a spicy meal or an entirely different flavor.

Certain meals might produce more gas or make digestion more difficult than usual. Anything that disrupts good digestion may cause grumbling and growling noises.

Why Does Baby Stomach Gurgle While Sleeping?

Digestion is a noisy process; even though your baby sleeps, you may hear their stomach rumble and gurgle. Your baby’s stomach rumbling and burbling while asleep isn’t cause for concern.

When your infant is sleeping on their back, the noises you hear are most likely just milk and gas traveling through their digestive system. If your infant’s stomach rumbles while sleeping, there’s no need to be concerned if they appear satisfied and healthy. You’ll hear some noises as long as the digestive system functions; nothing unusual about that.

How Can You Comfort A Distressed Stomach?

Now that you know why does baby stomach gurgle or making growling sounds, it’s time to look at the solutions. Here are some solutions for relieving your baby’s discomfort:

Bicycle Legs

This will help release the trapped gas and get their digestion back on track.

Baby Massage

If your baby’s stomach is gurgling and growling while they seem uncomfortable, you may want to try massaging them to lessen the discomfort. Massage has also been found to aid constipation by encouraging the gas to flow through the digestive system.

Warm Bath

Warm water is effective for easing aches and pains and can encourage bowel movement.

Don’t Give Your Baby A Rest Straight After Feeding

While sitting baby upright, your child may more readily digest their food, and gas has less chance to build up and cause discomfort.

Burp Regularly

You may assist your baby in releasing gas more quickly by gently patting their back after every few breaths.

Gripe Water

You can alleviate colic and trapped gas with a set of gas drops from the pharmacy. Gripe water, which is made up of ingredients that are safe for use in babies over two weeks old, might also aid in the removal of gas through your infant’s body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I tell if my baby has gas?

Ans: The main signs that your baby has gas are if they are uncomfortable, have tummy pain, or are fussy. If you notice these symptoms, try some of the solutions above to help ease their discomfort.

Q2: What foods cause gas in infants while they are being breastfed?

Ans: Common foods that cause gas in breastfed infants include garlic, onions, spicy food, broccoli, and cabbage.

Q3: Why does my child keep spitting up?

Ans: Although it’s typical for children to split occasionally, parents should reconsider if the separations are continuous during feedings. This might be a sign of acid reflux, which happens when food in the stomach travels back up the esophagus instead of down. The process can cause aspiration or vomiting and is often uncomfortable and irritable for kids. Parents with concerns should speak to their pediatrician about possible remedies to reduce acid reflux in their children.

Q4: Is stomach gurgling harmful for youngsters?

Ans: Stomach noises from your baby are typically normal and indicate digestion; however, this is not always the case. Hearing loud, high-pitched noises could be a sign of an underlying gastrointestinal disorder or blockage in the digestive system.


If your baby is gassy, you can do a few things to help ease their discomfort. Try massaging their tummy, giving them a warm bath, or holding them upright after feedings. If you’re concerned about your child’s spitting up or stomach noises, speak to your pediatrician for more advice.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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