Why Does My Pregnant Belly Look Smaller Some Days? Reasons Behind It

Are you wondering why your pregnant belly can look so different from day to day? You’re not alone – every mother-to-be experiences fluctuation in the size and shape of their bump. It turns out, there are many things that can affect how big (or small) our bellies appear during pregnancy; from hormones to posture, these changes can leave us feeling confused and a little uneasy about the size of our beautiful bumps.

So, Why does my pregnant belly look smaller some days?

The simplest explanation for this is that our digestive tract has digested all the food from the previous night making the abdominal area or a pregnant belly appear small unlike during the daytime when our system still holds the undigested food.

Read on for more information about why your pregnant belly looks smaller sometimes – understanding what’s going on could help put your mind at ease.

Why Does My Pregnant Belly Look Smaller Some Days

Is It Normal for Your Belly to Shrink During Pregnancy?

When women are expecting, they anticipate that their bodies will change. Your belly should increase in size over time, not shrink, during a healthy pregnancy.

You should feel your own body changing as your uterus expands and your baby gets larger. If you see that your belly bump is no longer growing or getting smaller over time, you should speak with an OBGYN.

A shriveled bump or a bump that has stopped growing might indicate a problem with your baby’s growth or the pregnancy. Your OBGYN will check and measure your bump and possibly do an ultrasound scan to ensure everything is OK with the baby.

Why Does My Pregnant Belly Look Smaller Some Days?

You might have just told your family and friends about the news. And now you’re waiting for the moment when your stomach will reveal itself so that others may know you’re expecting. Unfortunately, you could be wondering, on some days, my pregnant tummy appears smaller, and on other days it appears larger.

Comparing your belly size or existing belly fat to a friend’s or family’s during pregnancy is inaccurate. Your belly size throughout pregnancy depends on numerous factors rather than the baby. Here are some of those reasonings:

It’s Your First Pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, your tummy may appear smaller than it would on someone with previous children. This is because, until now, your huge abdominal muscles in the region have not been stretched. These muscles are generally firm and toned.

This is especially true if you’ve never been overweight. The muscles in your tummy region can hold your baby securely and high.

You’ve Had Previous Pregnancies

Contrary to popular belief, your stomach muscles will be affected if you have had a baby before. This is because the abdominal muscles must stretch for there to be room for the growing baby.

These muscles don’t become as toned when you give birth. They remain flexible after the pregnancy and are no longer as toned. Your bump may appear sooner and larger than normal, even though your baby is the same size as in your first pregnancy.

Your Height

Your uterus can grow upwards instead of pushing outwards. Consequently, this gives the appearance of a smaller belly.

As a result, rather than growing upwards, your uterus will expand outward to accommodate your developing child.

No Room Left

During pregnancy, your body must accommodate a fetus, placenta, fluid, and umbilical cord. Your intestines will be pushed behind the growth of your uterus as one way to accommodate it. If this occurs, you’ll have a big belly with a wide appearance.

Amniotic Fluid Content

The majority of the fluid in your body is replaced during your first 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, as your baby grows, it will produce more amniotic fluid from urine output and respiratory secretions. Some pregnancy issues can be related to an excess or a shortage of amniotic fluid. Consult with your doctor on this topic.

Your Baby’s Position 

In the last few months leading up to delivery, he will turn his body downwards into a head-first position. He may move into a posterior position where his face faces your pregnancy belly.

Pregnancy Belly Concerns

Are you wondering why does my pregnant belly look smaller some days? Other things like how much you weigh will also affect the size of your baby bump.

You Appear Wider

This may be the reason for your baby’s transverse posture. This implies that he is lying sideways rather than up or down. You may need to have a cesarean section if your kid does not turn into a head-down position after delivery.

You Look Small or Big

Despite eating healthily, exercising regularly, and following through with your prenatal checkups, you may hear remarks that you appear to be small for your gestational age. Some people will even ask if you’re eating enough.

You have nothing to be concerned about as long as your midwife or doctor keeps track of your baby’s size according to your birth date. It might be due to the amniotic fluid in your belly in either scenario. Don’t take the remarks you get from your doctor personally.

You’re Carrying High 

Some women carry their babies high and close to the front of their bodies.

For many women, this is how their baby settles into the womb during the first two trimesters of pregnancy. For some women, however, this position persists until they give birth. The reason for this has to do with abdominal muscle strength.

You’re Carrying Low

Although this is unpleasant, certain pregnant women are built to carry their children in this manner.

The weight of the second baby presses down on the first one, causing them to be unable to support the womb as they could during the first pregnancy. This creates an illusion that your baby has lowered in anticipation of delivery, especially if you are close to your due date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is it common for your stomach to fluctuate in size during pregnancy?

Ans: Although there’s no “normal” size or shape for a pregnant belly, numerous factors can affect the appearance of your pregnancy belly. So if you receive any comments about your appearance, don’t feel pressured – everybody is different!

Q2: Is it typical to appear pregnant one day and not the next?

Ans: Yes. As previously said, your pregnancy-belly size is determined by several elements. Your abdominal muscles must also rest from supporting your expanding belly. There is no specific technique for determining how your tummy will look when you expect it.

Q3: Why is a pregnant belly sometimes soft and other times hard?

Ans: The hardness or softness of your pregnant belly usually depends on how much gas you have that day. If your stomach feels harder, it’s probably because you need to fart! However, if you’re concerned about the consistency of your pregnant belly, please consult with a medical professional.

Q4: Do 9 months of pregnancy look smaller sometimes?

Ans: No, pregnancy doesn’t look smaller sometimes. Pregnancy generally lasts 40 weeks, and most women will show signs of pregnancy around week 20. However, every woman is different, so some may show up earlier or later than others.


Pregnancy is an amazing, confusing, and overwhelming time in a woman’s life. So many changes are happening- both physically and emotionally. If you have any concerns whatsoever about your pregnancy, please speak to your doctor or midwife immediately. They will help ease your mind and allow you to enjoy this special time more thoroughly.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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