Why Is Baby Suddenly Fussy? 10 Reasons

Here is an overview of why the baby is suddenly fussy. My wife and I have experienced this so many times. For the first two months, our child was an absolute dream. But then, around eight weeks old, she started to get fussy. She would cry for no apparent reason, and nothing we did seemed to soothe her. If you’re struggling with a fussy baby, don’t worry. I have gathered all the information through personal experience and research to help you. Here’s what you need to know about the baby’s sudden fussiness.

Why Is Baby Suddenly Fussy

Why Is Baby Suddenly Fussy?

All parents will have different thresholds for understanding what is considered fussy behavior from their baby. However, as you and your child get to know each other better, you’ll start being able to read them more easily.

  • Feeling heated or chilly
  • Feeling hungrier than usual
  • Excessive Crying or kicking.
  • Tense body language
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Smiling less often
  • Vomiting, Runny or hard stools, or increased urine wetting

10 Common Reasons For Baby Fussiness

If you are thinking about why is baby suddenly fussy, there are 10 common reasons why:


If your baby’s cries sound like they usually do when they’re sleepy, then it might be that they are still tired.

Even if your baby has just woken up from a nap, it may still feel exhausted but have trouble falling asleep. Younger infants can only be fully awake for around 60-90 minutes at a time, therefore it’s vital to allow them to rest after every 90 minutes or so in the early days. You may also discover that as your baby grows and demands change, you’ll need to update your regimen slightly to meet their requirements. This might imply moving bedtime ahead by half an hour or establishing a bedtime routine to help your child fall asleep.


Your baby may need to feed more often or for longer periods as it grows. This is especially the case for breastfed babies who may need to be fed every 1-1.30 hours during the first six months of life.

While your baby may seem to be consuming a lot of milk, it may only be consuming a tiny portion to fill its tiny stomach. Babies’ tummies are tiny. Thus they process milk rapidly and become hungry more frequently than adults.

Digestion Problems

When your baby takes in more milk, she may get stomach issues like gas. Their organs are expanding and becoming used to new germs from germs that we encounter daily so they will experience stomach upset from time to time.

Burping them before and after a feed is good practice to minimize gas, and if you position the baby, so their head is elevated during feeds, it may reduce reflux symptoms. If you’re unsure whether your baby has reflux or excess gas, consult a medical professional for guidance.


If your baby cries for three hours or more every day without apparent cause, it may be diagnosed with colic. Colic generally begins at around 6 weeks and might go on for as long as 12 weeks, depending on the case. Researchers have struggled to discover a reason for colic, but, normally, some babies cry for no reason. Speak with your doctor if you want assistance or advice regarding colic.


If you don’t think your baby is colicky but appears in discomfort, inspect them for any apparent symptoms, such as scratches or red stains on their skin. If you’ve looked for typical indicators of wet diapers, gas, and discomfort and still can’t figure out why your baby is frequently crying, it’s time to see a doctor.


Teething pain is one of the most frequent causes of discomfort in infants. Pain may start long before a tooth appears and typically occurs with red or swollen gums, hand-chewing, excessive drooling, and crying.

Teething symptoms usually peak at night, making it difficult for your baby to get relief through rest and sleep. You can purchase over-the-counter gels and powders that numb the pain or help reduce inflammation associated with teething. Additionally, there are a plethora of gadgets and toys on the market that cool down when placed in the refrigerator tha, help provide some measure of comfort for babies (and parents) during this trying time.

Dirty Diaper

They can fill a diaper immediately after changing them if their dislike of anything wet in their diaper is strong. Some babies can withstand a small amount of urine before becoming distressed, while others are uncomfortable at seeing even a tiny drop.

Over stimulation Or Under Stimulation 

It isn’t easy to balance keeping your child interested without overstimulating them. Try engaging with your kid by chatting and playing with them, but if they’re fussing or you know they’ve been awake for a long time, avoid forcing the play.


You should double-check that your baby’s clothing isn’t too restricting or excessively swaddled. You should ensure that all zippers, buttons, and ties are fully closed not to irritate. All clothing components, including vests and diapers, should be examined.


There’s possibly no underlying problem, and your baby is adjusting to new milestones like rolling over, lifting their head or weaning.

Every benchmark your baby hits is a major accomplishment; sometimes, they just need to fuss as they get used to something new. If you think your infant is having difficulty meeting any of the milestones, reach out for guidance from your family’s healthcare provider.

What Does A Fussy Baby Mean?

In most cases, a fussy baby means your baby is average. That’s correct.

Try to relax and brew yourself some soothing chamomile tea. It’s draining when your baby won’t stop crying, you’re so tired, and everything appears so difficult.

Fussy Baby At 3 Months From A Growth Spurt

Many babies have growth spurts in their first year of life. Babies going through growth spurts typically get hungry frequently throughout the day and night.

During a growth spurt, babies sleep more often and for longer periods. Growth spurts usually last 3-4 days up to a week, after which your baby’s fussiness should decrease.

How To Know What Is Normal And What Is A Problem?

You may know how to deal with the symptoms, regardless of whether they are typical or severe. After a feeding, for example, or when your child hasn’t filled a diaper for a while, you’ll notice patterns and periods when they’re fussy.

Infants often cry at night if their needs are unmet and they can’t sleep well. This is normal, and babies can usually be calmed by feeding, burping, changing diapers, swaddling, or rocking. However, if there is no pattern to the fussiness and it feels different from usual, you will need to investigate the problem.

Why Is Baby Suddenly Fussy At Night?

  • The energy to keep up with your child’s needs for food and touching can leave you feeling irritable, uncomfortable, or out of control. Infants’ growth spurts are a source of worry for parents, especially when they’re not ready. But this stage passes rather quickly. By the two-week mark, your baby should have stopped feeding every few hours.
  • Slower milk letdown. The change in milk quantity might irritate your baby.
  • If your baby is gassy, it will likely be uncomfortable due to the inability to pass the gas out of the system.
  • An overstimulated infant. Because your baby’s immature nervous system is more reactive to bright lights, sounds, and changes in its surroundings, it may be noisy and restless. For instance, you may notice that the light from a television in a dark room irritates your child, or perhaps the volume alone sets him off.

When Will My Baby Outgrow Fussy Evenings?

At 2 to 3 weeks of age, you may notice your newborn becoming more restless at night. This time will almost certainly be followed by a growth spurt and increased cluster feeding.

The 6-week mark is often when babies become most fussy in the evening. If you’re at that point, remember that it won’t last forever! Although there’s no specific time when the “witching hour” ends, it’s typically around 3 to 4 months old.

How To Calm A Fussy Baby?

  • Wearing your baby is a great way to keep them close while freeing up your hands for other tasks. Plus, being close to your heartbeat can be very soothing for babies.
  • A change of scenery is always medicinal, and babies especially love it when you take them on walks. The rhythmic pattern of your movement can also be a great way to soothe them. And if you’re feeling up to it, meeting another adult for some chatting while you walk will do wonders for your mental state!
  • Sometimes, to get your baby to calm down, you must create an environment conducive to relaxation. This means dim lighting, minimal noise, and wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket. Sometimes, this might even persuade your infant to take a short nap.
  • Can’t seem to get your baby to calm down? Try giving them a massage. Not only is touch extremely relaxing, but it’s also an amazing bonding experience for you and your little one. Even if you’re not using any oil or fancy technique, the most basic form of massage will still do the trick.
  • During bath time, begin. Water might be a fantastic diversion for youngsters and an excellent distraction. You’ll also have a clean infant after!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When should I worry about baby fussiness?

Ans: If your baby is crying more than usual, it’s important first to rule out any medical causes.

Q2: Why are my 2 months old fussy all of a sudden?

Ans: Many possible explanations for a sudden change in fussiness, including teething pain, growth spurts, and oversensitivity to stimuli. If your baby is displaying other symptoms, such as a fever or diarrhea, it’s best to consult with your pediatrician.

Q3: Can babies be fussy for no reason?

Ans: Although it may seem like there’s no reason for your baby’s fussiness, there’s usually an underlying cause. If unsure of the reason, try to rule out any medical causes first and observe your baby’s cues.

Q4: Is my baby in pain or fussy?

Ans: If your baby is exhibiting other signs of discomfort, such as Crying, irritability, and fussiness, they’re likely in pain.

Q5: Is my baby sick or fussy?

Ans: If your baby is displaying other symptoms, such as a fever or diarrhea, it’s best to consult your pediatrician. However, if your child is only fussing and there are no other signs of illness, they’re probably just going through a phase.

What To Do Next?

Be sure not to overstimulate your baby during the day, as this can make it harder for them to wind down at night. If you think your infant might be fussy or crying more than usual, it’s always best to understand the cause. Check out our guide on “Toddler crying uncontrollably for no reason” to get more information.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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