Can You Eat Octopus When Pregnant? Is It Safe

If you’re pregnant, deciding what to eat can be tricky. You may want to enjoy delicious foods and treat yourself, but are concerned about the safety of ingesting them during pregnancy.

One food item that causes confusion for soon-to-be mothers is octopus – so if you’ve ever wondered “Can You Eat Octopus When Pregnant?”, read on…we’ve got all the answers!

From nutritional benefits to options for prenatal consumption, here’s everything you need to know about eating octopus while expecting!

Can You Eat Octopus When Pregnant

Is It Safe For Pregnant Women To Eat Cooked Octopus?

Even if it is fully cooked and served cold, as long as it has been prepared and stored properly, it will still be safe to eat. Some examples of these types of dishes are listed below:

Grilled Octopus

Grilling octopus is a common dish in Greece and Spain. This method usually ensures that the Octopus is fully cooked.

Boiled or Baked Octopus

Octopus is frequently boiled before being cooked with another method to make it less chewy. 

Whole Baby Octopus

They’re only safe to eat when the innards have been taken out of the head and cooked all the way through.

Fried Octopus Balls (Takoyaki)

Takoyaki is a Japanese appetizer or snack dish that’s very popular. Because the octopus chunks in Takoyaki are fully cooked when deep-fried, they’re the seafood suitable for pregnant women. On the other hand, Takoyaki is frequently accompanied by a sauce, particularly a mayonnaise-based one, so be sure the mayonnaise isn’t made from pasteurized eggs before diving in.

Unsafe Octopus Dishes For Pregnant Women

Octopus Salad

Pregnant women can eat Octopus that is fully cooked and then served cold in a salad if it has been stored at the proper temperature. However, when eating out at restaurants or similar establishments, be wary of pre-made meals.

Octopus Carpaccio

The Octopus is generally boiled before being sliced thinly for carpaccio, but it can also be eaten raw. Pregnant women should check if the carpaccio is made from raw or cooked Octopus, as Raw Octopus may contain harmful bacteria.

Marinated Or Pickled Octopus

You could eat it safely if cooked in advance and then placed in the marinade. The presence of vinegar and other typical Marinade ingredients has a mild antibacterial effect but is not enough to make fresh Octopus suitable for pregnant women.

Octopus Sashimi

If the octopus sashimi has been boiled briefly, it is safe to eat for pregnant women. However, if it is served raw, pregnant women should avoid it.

What Is The Level Of Mercury In An Octopus?

Because Octopus is taken from all over the world, determining the exact mercury content in Octopus is difficult since it depends on where it was harvested. There’s no need to believe that the level of mercury changes when cooked Octopus is cooked any other way.

In light of the EDF’s assessment of Octopus as having a moderate amount of mercury, and in the absence of scientific evidence to refute this, the fact can conclude that Octopus falls into the low to moderate mercury category. Thus, pregnant women can eat Octopus safely.

According to the APA, it is ok for pregnant women to consume a meal of two 6oz servings of Octopus per week. This equates to approximately 170g, or one-fourth of an average-sized octopus.

Advantages Of Eating Octopus While Expecting Your Baby

Wondering, can you eat Octopus when pregnant? Octopus is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Frying, baking, or poaching octopus in butter or oil may add fat and calories to your dish.

Cardiovascular health Is improved.

It lowers triglycerides and fats in your blood, raising the risk of stroke, abnormal heartbeat, heart attack, and cardiac disease.

Cancer Prevention

Taurine, a chemical found in octopuses, has an amino acid that aids in reducing inflammation in the body and acts as an antioxidant to protect against cell damage caused by cancer. Octopus also includes high amounts of additional antioxidants, such as selenium, vitamin B12, and folate.

It Avoids Neural Tube Defects

Octopus contains large quantities of vitamin B12 and iron that may help prevent anemia. 

Are There Risks To Eating Octopus While Pregnant?

Bacteria transform mercury into a more deadly form that accumulates in fish’s fatty tissues as it settles in water bodies. Here are some possible risks that’ll answer your question.

  • The fetus’ growing nervous system might be harmed by the presence of mercury in Octopus. If therapy is delayed, it may also harm organ systems such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, and brain.
  • Octopus may be contaminated with microorganisms or dangerous pathogens like Salmonella that can cause food poisoning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is Ceviche safe to eat during pregnancy?

Ans: Ceviche can potentially make people ill if eaten by pregnant women or those who are nursing.

Q2: Is it safe to consume seafood and fish during pregnancy?

Ans: If you want to add seafood to your diet, you and your baby will also benefit since many fish have important health advantages.

Q3: Can you eat raw Octopus when breastfeeding?

Ans: It’s not recommended to eat raw Octopus when breastfeeding. Octopus can be a source of Anisakis, a nematode worm, which causes food poisoning or toxoplasmosis. This contagious disease can be fatal to your infant.

Q4: Can you eat squid when pregnant?

Ans: Some benefits of eating squid include its low calorie and fat content, high protein, vitamin B12 levels, and omega-three fatty acids.

Q5: How long does an octopus take to get disgested?

Ans: Octopus generally takes around two hours to get digested, depending on the individual. If you have any concerns about how long it will take for Octopus to get digested, please consult with a medical professional.


Octopus is nutritious seafood that pregnant women can safely consume. It is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Pregnant women can benefit from fish and their unborn children by following the guidelines above. The high amount of mercury in fish might hurt the fetus’s or newborn’s developing nervous system. Please consult a medical professional if you have any questions about what types of seafood are safe to eat during pregnancy.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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