Do Strollers Expire? Everything To Know

I have bought a few strollers in my lifetime. When I first had my baby, I hunted for the perfect one. I spent a lot of time researching strollers and their durability.

So, Do strollers expire?

The quick answer to that would be a NO. Nonetheless, you need to keep a few things in mind before making a purchase like for instance, which terrain you’d be most using the stroller at, all its attachments are fine and at their correct places, etc.

I’ve gathered all the information I could get from personal experience and research. Here’s what you need to know about the expiration date of strollers.

Do Strollers Expire

Do Strollers Expire?

Strollers don’t come with an expiration date, which is good news. They are designed with safety features as the primary concern, of course. The main reason behind using a stroller is to make it easier for parents when they have to transport their infant from one place to another.

Although your child can still ride in the stroller without it, it’s equipped with different features than when you use it as a car seat. It’s important to ensure that all straps are secure and functioning properly before using them.

How long do strollers last? The first and most important element in this equation is how much you use it. If you’re a light user, it’s conceivable that your stroller will only last a few years before needing to be replaced.

Why Don’t Baby Strollers Expire?

We all know that consuming expired milk could be dangerous, but the same idea doesn’t cross our minds when considering car seats, bassinets, strollers, and other long-lasting baby products.

Strollers practically never come with an expiration date because they are built to last a long time. Even if it somehow becomes damaged, you can just stop using it. A broken stroller cannot cause anyone harm or other issues. Accidents do occasionally happen, though. A perfect example would be if a stroller seems completely fine and falls apart the next.

Metal, plastic, and textiles are the most frequent materials utilized to build baby strollers. With this in mind, don’t expect this procedure to take place overnight; with appropriate care and frequent usage, your regular stroller should last a long time.

Benefits Of Strollers  

Strollers have a lot of advantages, including:

  • Instead of carrying their child everywhere they go, this invention gives parents a break by freeing up their hands.
  • This product provides additional storage for essential items that the baby and parent may need throughout the day.
  • The stroller allows the parent to go about their day while keeping an eye on the baby since it gives them hands-free freedom.
  • When doing activities like jogging or walking with the baby, the stroller lets you do exercises like this.
  • The car seat’s primary purpose is to protect and secure the child while in transit.
  • Double strollers enable parents to take their babies for a walk.

Is It Recommended To Purchase A Used Stroller?

Now that we’ve answered your question, “Do strollers expire?”, it’s time to check if you can purchase a used one or not. Used strollers are cheaper and just as good quality-wise, which is amazing because being a parent costs a lot of money. You’ll need every dollar you can save when it’s time to buy your baby all the other things they need.

When buying something second-hand, you must exercise equal caution as if purchasing something new. Accept nothing that makes you uneasy about strollers since they are inherently hazardous.

Tips For Purchasing A Used Stroller

If you’re looking for a used stroller, there are a few places you can check. To save money on shipping, try checking local listings first. You can often arrange to pick up your purchase from the seller directly.

I’d let some dents and scratches slide, but not obvious damage like this. Look for any of the following:

  • A good way to tell if your tire is flat is if the pressure gauge does not move when you check it, and there is no wobbling on the wheels.
  • The brakes, if they exist, are in excellent working order.
  • Every attachment needed is included.
  • The fabric is spotless and free of stains.
  • The straps are tight, and the snaps or fasteners hold everything in place.

When Is The Right Time To Get Rid Of Stroller?

There is no official guideline for when you should get rid of your stroller, but there are some things to think about. If your stroller is starting to show signs of wear and tear or isn’t big enough for your growing kid, it may be time to say goodbye.

What Can You Do With An Old Stroller?

Here are some pointers:

  • You could try selling your old stroller online or at a nearby market.
  • Many cities offer free recycling for old strollers or even allow you to purchase a new one.
  • Although it may be difficult to part with, you can usually save money on baby gear by trading in your old stuff during special events at retailers.

Can I Sell A Baby Stroller?

If your stroller is in excellent condition and has been used sparingly, you might get a high resale price.

While luxury stroller brands like Britax, Uppa Baby, Bugaboo, and Baby Jogger hold more resale value, budget brands like Graco tend not to.

However, even though you want to make some money from selling your used stroller, remember that the person buying it might have been in a less fortunate financial situation when they bought their new one. So please don’t take advantage of them.

Can I Upgrade My Old Stroller For A Newer Model?

Most large retailers, such as Walmart and Target, offer trade-in programs for car seats at specific times during the year. However, finding a trade-in program for strollers will be less easy. The main reason car seats receive this special treatment is that they do expire eventually. Retailers would rather give customers credits for turning in their old car seats to feel more secure about making a new purchase at the store.

Your best chance of ‘trading in’ a stroller will likely be at a local consignment shop. A positive connection with a consignment shop is an excellent method to acquire low-cost goods you can’t locate elsewhere.

Do Pawn Shops Take Baby Strollers?

If you take your stroller to a pawnshop, they will likely give you cash for it, especially if it is in good condition. If you think you might need the baby items again in the future, I recommend taking them to a consignment shop so that you can get more store credit than money at a pawn shop.

Can You Recycle Strollers?

If your stroller is in excellent condition, your best option is to sell it, consign it to a store, or give it away to someone who will get some use. If the stroller isn’t in working condition, break it down as much as you can or contact locally to see if anyone wants it.

Please don’t just leave a broken stroller at Goodwill and go home. Only high-quality functional items are acceptable at Goodwill and other thrift shops.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why do strollers and car seats expire?

Ans: The main reason car seats receive this special treatment is that they expire eventually. Retailers would rather give customers credits for turning in their old car seats to feel more secure about making a new purchase at the store.

Q2: How can you tell how old a stroller is?

Ans: The best way to check how old a stroller is, is to look for the manufacturing date on the stroller. Most companies put this information on a sticker somewhere on the stroller. If you can’t find it there, check the owner’s manual or contact the company directly.

Q3: Do strollers have a manufacture date?

Ans: Most companies put the stroller’s manufacturing date on a sticker. If you can’t find it there, check the owner’s manual or contact the company directly.

Q4: Do strollers have serial numbers?

Ans: Yes, strollers usually have a serial number that you can use to track the stroller’s history.

Q5: How many years can you use a stroller?

Ans: A stroller’s lifespan greatly depends on how frequently you use it and how well you take care of it; however, most strollers will last between three to five years if used regularly. If properly cared for, your stroller can last even longer.

What To Do Next?

Be sure not to overlook the value of your old stroller when you’re ready to upgrade to a new one. With a little effort, you may be able to get some money for it or trade it in for something else you need. Don’t forget to check expiration dates, as some strollers have them.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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