It can be so frustrating when your baby won’t stay latched during breastfeeding. This can lead to poor nutrition for the baby and can cause problems for both mother and child down the road. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the reasons why this might happen, as well as some solutions that you can try.

Why Is It That My Baby Is Not Latching While Breastfeeding?
Too Much Milk
The most prevalent reason for baby latching, unlatching, and becoming frustrated while nursing is an insufficient or excessive milk supply. To discover why your baby isn’t staying latched on and crying, pay attention to the baby’s mouth.
Your engorged breast may release too much milk too quickly, preventing your baby from processing it. If your kid is latching and unlatching while nursing, it’s possible he or she will start with a deep latch and then slip back to a shallow one.
Too Slow Milk
If your baby won’t latch, it does not necessarily imply that you aren’t producing enough milk. It’s only because your baby isn’t getting the amount of milk she requires at the moment.
If your baby won’t latch, it does not necessarily imply that you aren’t producing enough milk. It’s only because your baby isn’t getting the amount of milk she requires at the moment.
Working parents who bottle-feed their babies may find their milk supply to be too slow in comparison to the bottle, causing their babies to latch and unlatch to speed up milk flow.
Growth Spurts
During these phases, they have altered behavior, such as a baby wanting to feed more frequently, fussing, recessed chin, crying, biting your nipple, and latching and unlatching repeatedly while nursing. They won’t sleep either. Around 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months old, you might anticipate a baby to have growth spurts.

Developmental Milestone
Developmental milestones, such as the ability to sit up alone or feed from a bottle, can also impact how a baby feeds at the breast. While feeding, some babies become more distracted, while others desire to nurse more frequently than normal. You may also notice that your baby is melting together and screaming unusually while nursing.
Teething Baby
A teething infant is in agony because of their sore gums. You may see your baby fussy and clingy during teethes, causing their feeding behavior at the breast to change.
Other Potential Reasons That Baby won’t Stay Latched
Sick Baby
The sick infant behaves differently while nursing. Your baby is more likely to latch and unlatch when she has a stuffy nose. It’s difficult for babies to breathe when their noses are congested. When they unlatch, they do so to breathe from their mouth.
Gassiness In The Baby
Burping is one of the most common causes why babies won’t latch. Your infant will gulp considerable air if you have a rapid let-down or too much milk. A gasy child is a fussy one. While nursing, trapped air might cause stomachache and irritability in the baby.
Comfort Nursing
The baby may also come to the breast for comfort rather than nourishment. If your toddler comes to your breast for consolation nursing, she desires to suck but does not want milk. As a result, whenever she has milk in her mouth, she unlatches herself. She’ll take it and suck on it again when you offer her a nipple.
The Size Of Your Breasts Or Nipples
It is already difficult for a newborn to acquire the ability to drink breast milk. Large-breasted mothers will have to keep their nipples held throughout the feeding of their children. Don’t worry; this won’t last long. As a result, your kid will learn how to sip milk from your lap.
Solutions That Will Help Your Baby Stay Latched
Solution For Fast Milk Flow
- Before feeding, put some of the milk into a bottle or express it by hand and then return your baby to the breast immediately after the first let-down has passed.
- Feeding your baby in a relaxed posture is beneficial. Gravity will help to reduce your milk supply by slowing down the flow of milk.
- When you have a letdown, remove your baby from the breast. Allow any extra milk to pool on a towel. After the let-down has subsided, offer the breast again.
Solution For Slow Milk Flow
- To stimulate the let-down, massage your breast with your fingertips or pump it before feeding. When you notice the flow, feed your baby to your breasts.
- If you believe that your milk supply is genuinely insufficient, consider taking nutritional supplements or postnatal vitamins designed to boost your milk production.
Solution For Distraction
If your baby is too enthralled with her surroundings and curious, feed her in a quiet, dark place.
Wearing a nursing necklace for mom was also beneficial. A nursing necklace for a preoccupied baby not only keeps her occupied while feeding, but it’s also an excellent sensory toy for your child.
Solution For Teething
Give your infant a teether or something cold to gnaw on before feeding if you think she’s teething.
Solution For Sick Baby
If your baby isn’t latched because of nasal congestion, try putting 1-2 drops of nasal saline in her nose just before feeding. Check for baby booger in the nose and wipe it out. When feeding your infant, you may keep the cold mist humidifier running.
Solution For Gassiness
Feed them frequently. Burp them in between and after feedings to relieve gas pain and keep them comfortable at the breast. Infants will benefit from tummy exercises or gas drops to alleviate gas discomfort. If your baby won’t stay latched try a pumping session after feeding your baby.
Solution For Comfort Nursing
If you believe your baby has an overabundance of milk, hold the baby’s head and try feeding him in the laid-back breastfeeding position and let gravity assist with your milk flow.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Baby acts hungry but won’t latch on. What to do?
Ans: If your baby is acting fussy and seems hungry, try burping them or offering them a teether. If they are still acting hungry, try feeding them in a quiet, dark place.
Q2: Baby pushes away or pulls off when breastfeeding?
Ans: If your milk isn’t flowing fast enough, your infant may become irritated by the lack of breast milk and pull off the nipple in the hopes that there will be more when she re-attaches. To encourage extra milk production, massage your breasts.
Q3: Why is my baby fighting the breast and not latching all of a sudden?
Ans: Many of us are familiar with the typical cries of a newborn baby. It’s difficult for babies to quiet down and breastfeed when they’re genuinely distressed. Of course, fussiness during nursing might be worrisome in some situations.
Q4: Is it normal if the baby stops latching after 2-3 weeks?
Ans: Yes, it is normal for a baby to stop latching after a few weeks. If you’re concerned, try feeding your baby in a quiet, dark place.
Q5: My baby refuses to breastfeed but is ready to take the bottle. Is it okay?
Ans: Yes, it is okay for your baby to refuse the breast but take the bottle. This may happen when your baby is full or not hungry. If you’re concerned, try offering your baby a smaller amount of milk.
If your baby is having trouble latching, there are a number of things you can try to help her. If she’s hungry, try burping her or offering her a teether. If she’s distracted, try feeding her in a quiet, dark place.
If she’s teething, try giving her something cold to gnaw on before feeding. And if she’s sick, try putting some nasal saline in her nose just before feeding. With a little patience and trial and error, you’ll find the solution that works best for you and your baby!