How Much Does Surrogacy Cost? Breakdown & How To Pay

If you are considering surrogacy as an option to build your family, you will undoubtedly have many questions about the process and the cost. How much does surrogacy cost? And what factors can affect the overall cost of surrogacy?

In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the cost of surrogacy and answer some of the most common questions about pricing.

What is Surrogacy?

It’s also sometimes referred to as “gestational surrogacy” because the surrogate doesn’t provide any genetic material for the baby.

This surrogacy process can be costly, so it’s important to understand all the surrogacy costs before you begin. Once you have found a surrogate, you will need to undergo some legal processes to ensure that everyone understands and agrees to the surrogate compensation and arrangement.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost

After the legalities are sorted, you will then need to undergo fertility treatments to help the surrogate become pregnant. If the surrogacy is successful and the baby is born healthy, you will then need to pay the surrogate for her time, effort, and loss of income.

Overall, surrogacy can be a costly process. However, it can also be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost?

Surrogacy necessitates the involvement of a wide range of professionals, including but not limited to medical and fertility specialists, as well as psychologists, social workers, and attorneys.

There are many assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures involved (egg donation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)) as well. The surrogate herself is another character in this play.

Agency Compensation

The cost of hiring a surrogacy agency is known as the surrogate agency compensation. The matching procedure, comprehensive journey assistance, and coordination of the surrogacy professionals involved are all included in this charge.

Carrier Costs

The carrier is the woman who will carry the baby — that is, the surrogate. The surrogate is compensated a lump sum for carrying the pregnancy and each embryo transfer made.

In addition to this, agencies consider money for travel expenses for medical screening and future embryo transfers, as well as a maternity clothing allowance that is greater in the case of multiple pregnancies. Any other monthly expenditures, such as housekeeping for the last month of pregnancy.

Screening Costs

The prospective baby’s parents must be pre-approved by the carrier, who will undergo a psychological evaluation and a police record check to ensure that the surrogate working with the agency is safe and ready to commit.

Legal Services Fee

A surrogacy lawyer is hired as soon as possible in the process to guarantee that everything is done lawfully and that all parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

An attorney from our firm will assist intended parents in understanding local surrogacy laws, completing the surrogacy contract, and establishing parental rights with the assistance of the agency.

Intended parents will be responsible for paying for their legal representation, as well as the drafting of the contract and parentage establishment.

Psychological Support

Some organizations have in-house qualified social workers or counselors, while others outsource the service. Intended parents will probably not be asked to pay for this service if it is available in-house. In some cases, this service becomes an add-on charge. Even if everything is going well, psychological support before, during, and after the trip is essential.

Health Insurance

This is a crucial stage in the process, and it’s typically covered in the contract stage. When the carrier’s insurance does not cover surrogacy or is not surrogate-friendly, a new policy will be required. A life insurance policy for the carrier, which may range from $250,000 to $500,000 in value depending on the circumstances of your case and other factors, will also have to be acquired.

Contingency and Other Costs

Several agencies include a “contingencies” line to their cost overview – this may include charges for local monitoring of the carrier before and after the embryo transfer, as well as payments made to the carrier in the event of a c-section or other invasive treatment.

The following are several miscellaneous expenses: escrow account charges, an international intended parents fee, and the cost of a rematch if no surrogacy agreement is reached with the first match.

Other Cost Considerations to Remember: Refunds and Savings

When it comes to signing off with an agency, look for the fine print for their return policy; some provide a free rematch, while others have a price tag. There’s also the so-called “sibling journey policy,” which means intended parents who return to the agency for a second round after completing a successful first surrogacy journey get a discount.

Surrogacy Financing Options

It’s time to start thinking about how you will finance your surrogacy journey.

For most couples, financing surrogacy is not something they can do on their own. You may need to consider one or more of the following options:

  1. Insurance – All insurance providers do not cover infertility treatment, and the extent of coverage varies from state to state. Only fourteen states require insurance companies to reimburse infertility treatments. There’s also extra surrogacy insurance, which, while it may be pricey, usually covers the surrogate’s medical expenses. All other expenditures must be budgeted based on what will be covered and what won’t be covered by insurance.
  2. Loans – Loans are frequently used by those who are intending parents to finance their surrogacy trip. Some organizations provide loans specifically for fertility treatment and surrogacy.
  3. Grants – In a few situations, organizations may give financial assistance to couples who want to have a kid in unusual circumstances. You’ll need to fulfill certain requirements and typically require an infertility diagnosis.
  4. Fundraising and Crowdfunding – According to them, it requires a village to raise a kid. There are several online crowdfunding platforms available; select one with no fees so that 100% of what you collect goes toward your goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is surrogacy covered by insurance?

Ans: Most likely, intended parents will be required to acquire a gestational surrogate insurance policy since many policies exclude surrogacy. On behalf of the carrier, some surrogate agencies are responsible for locating and submitting such applications. It is dependent on the range of services offered by the agency. As a result, it’s a good idea to verify it and bear in mind that it’s another expenditure item.

Q2: How much does traditional surrogacy cost?

Ans: Traditional surrogacy turns out to be less costly than gestational surrogacy because the expenses do not include an egg donation fee. Because gestational surrogacy clearly indicates that the surrogate mother is not biologically related to the kid she carries, however, it necessitates more legal formalities and procedures.

Q3: Is surrogacy or adoption cheaper?

Ans: Surrogate services are generally more expensive than adoption alternatives. In this situation, tens of thousands make a significant impact. Adoption has several methods of implementation in addition.

Q4: Do surrogate mothers get compensated if they miscarry?

Ans: If you have a miscarriage or a failed transfer, you will be reimbursed to the extent permitted by your contract. Don’t worry about having to pay for any pregnancy-related expenses since they will be included in your base compensation.

Q5: How much does surrogacy cost if you hire a friend or close family member?

Ans: Using a friend or family member will only reduce the surrogate expense if the woman decides not to be paid for the surrogacy. Otherwise, the cost of surrogacy using a friend is similar to that of a gestational carrier chosen by an agency and may range from $100,000 to $200,000.


The costs will depend on a variety of factors, including whether you choose traditional or gestational surrogacy, whether you use an agency or go it alone, and whether you have insurance coverage.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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