Weird Things That Happen Before Labor – 8 Early Signs

Are you pregnant and counting down the days until your baby arrives? If so, you’re not alone! For expecting mothers, the last few weeks of pregnancy can be some of the most nerve-wracking yet exciting times as labor nears.

During this stretch, it’s normal to experience a flurry of emotions and physical changes that may leave you feeling a bit confused.

So, what are the weird things that happen before labor?

Before labor, women may experience various strange sensations and symptoms, including a “bloody show,” increased vaginal discharge, diarrhea, nesting instincts, and Braxton Hicks contractions. These signs indicate that the body is preparing for labor, but not all women experience them, and they may not necessarily predict the onset of labor.

We’ve gathered up all sorts of weird things that often happen just before labor starts to help prepare you for what lies ahead.

Weird Things That Happen Before Labor

Common Signs Of Labor

Your Cervix Dilates

When your cervix dilates beyond 3cm, you may be in labor! If you’re having your first child, the baby drop will happen closer to your due date (about 2-4 weeks after conception.) If this is a second pregnancy, your baby may not drop until labor begins.

Cramps Or Back Pain

You may experience this sign when your muscles and joints are shifting toward delivery, which can indicate that labor is on the way.

Bloody Show

You’ll notice if you have a bloody show since, well, it’s bloody. This may be observed after wiping in the bathroom or while wearing underpants. It’s an excellent indicator that labor is on its way!

Weight Loss

You might notice a weight reduction in the days before labor. You may lose anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds of water weight.

Fatigue Or Nesting

It might be tough to know what to do during those last few days before labor begins. You may either be conserving energy for childbirth or getting in some last-minute nesting! This is probably one of the weird things that happen before labor but it is also a sure sign that you are close to your due date.

Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks contractions are often called false labor pains since they can occur weeks or even months before actual labor begins. They’re caused by the uterus contracting and relaxing in preparation for childbirth.

Your Water Breaks

Before labor begins, just 15% of women experience the rupture of their amniotic sac. If it occurs, you’re going into labor, which is great!

Different Discharge Before Labor

Pregnancy, labor, and postpartum may all be characterized by various kinds of discharges. One to watch for is pink, brown, or slightly bloody discharge.

The bloody show occurs after you have lost your mucus plug. The mucus plug is often lost around the time of delivery, showing that your body is getting ready to go into labor. The discharge of the mucus plug is generally followed by a bloody display.


Your body produces more relaxin during pregnancy. Relaxin helps to make your muscles less tense, making childbirth easier. This affects all of your muscles, including your rectum muscle, which can cause constipation.

Non-Traditional Signs of Labor

Feeling Emotional – Mood Swings

Yes, this might be an indication that your hormone levels are shifting as you approach childbirth. Labor is a time of significant emotional upheaval for both you and your partner. You may be laughing one minute, sobbing the next, or raging in five minutes. 

Flu Symptoms

Diarrhea and nausea might be a sign of approaching labor, but if you start vomiting, see your doctor.

Weird Cravings

You’ve undoubtedly experienced some odd cravings throughout your entire pregnancy, but if you experience anything particularly strange in the final days leading up to delivery, likely, the kid will soon arrive.

Weird Things That Happen Before Labor

Acne Break Out

The final weeks of pregnancy are often characterized by a rush of androgens. This surge aids in the ripening of your cervix, but it might also cause one last breakout.

Baby Starts Moving A Lot

A typical indication of the labor approach is that the infant will move less than previously. They will squirm and shuffle about instead of kicking.

Your Pet Starts Acting Weird

The scent of your body may alter as you get closer to birth. This might influence dogs’ behavior and cause them to act differently.

Labor Dreams

Vivid dreams about going into labor might be a sign that your baby is on the way. This can be your mind’s method of assisting you in psychically preparing for the occasion.

Noticeable Loss Or Gain Of Appetite

Have you been eating a lot of food and still not feeling hungry at all? Perhaps your body needs to cleanse itself or you require energy for the impending childbirth.

Heightened 6th Sense – You Just “Know”

Knowing is not at all scientific. However, that does not negate the fact! You may just KNOW it at times.

Chills And Feeling Cold

You may be going into labor soon if you experience chills and become chilly at the end of pregnancy.

Increased Gas And Bowel Movement

Gassing and having a bowel movement may be an indication of labor approaching, especially later in pregnancy.

How Long Does Early Labor Last And What To Do When Experiencing Labour?

Expect your first contractions to last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours.

Contractions and back pains can make you feel overwhelmed. When you’re close to birth, though, you must remain cool. 

  • Relax. Stressing out can make the discomfort worse. Controlled breathing, easy movement, and meditation may help you cope.
  • Make a hospital bag and keep it on hand at all times. Extra clothes, baby outfits, basic toiletries, slippers, and blankets should all be included.
  • Consult your doctor for pain relievers. Epidural anesthesia is sometimes suggested by hospitals, while opioids are frequently advised.
  • When you’re still at home, get plenty of rest.
  • Examine the woman’s cervix and check for any red flags, such as uncontrolled vaginal bleeding, severe pelvic pains, or a fever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I am feeling weird before labor, is this normal?

Ans: You may find yourself feeling strange for up to a week before your labor begins. This is because your body is readying itself for delivery.

Q2: Do you have any apprehensions about going into labor?

Ans: Mood swings are a typical occurrence. You may be preoccupied with worry, mood swings, weeping, or a general sense of irritation throughout the weeks leading up to your delivery date.

Q3: How did you feel in the days coming up to your due date?

Ans: You may feel a burst of energy in the days preceding the delivery, as well as a desire to clean, organize, or prepare for the baby. Nesting is a term for this behavior, which is one of the more reassuring indicators that labor is approaching.

It will be a combination of anxiety, dread, delight, panic sometimes light pain in belly fat.

Q4: What happens the day before labor?

Ans: You could get diarrhea as a result of relaxin. The muscles around your rectum may relax as a result of this hormone.

Q5: Does the baby move like crazy before labor?

Ans: Some women report that their baby moves a lot in the weeks before delivery. This might be attributed to an increase in Braxton Hicks’s contractions, according to some theorists. 

Q6: What is silent labor?

Ans: It’s been suggested that their womb (uterus) shuts so softly that they don’t feel the contractions until the second stage of labor.

Q7: What are the common signs baby is coming before due date?

Ans: You may feel a burst of energy in the days preceding the delivery, as well as a desire to clean, organize, or prepare for the baby. Nesting is a term for this behavior, which is one of the more reassuring indicators that labor is approaching. It will be a combination of anxiety, dread, delight, and panic.

Q8: What are the emotional signs of labor approaching?

Ans: Mood swings are a typical occurrence. You may be preoccupied with worry, mood swings, weeping, or a general sense of irritation throughout the weeks leading up to your delivery date.


There are certain weird things that happen before labor, but don’t worry too much. Just be sure to stay calm and get plenty of rest. Nesting is a common behavior in the days leading up to labor, so if you’re feeling the urge to clean or prepare for your baby, it’s probably a sign that labor is approaching. And lastly, remember that every woman experiences labor differently, so there’s no need to compare your experience to anyone else’s. Just focus on getting through it one contraction at a time!

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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