When is it Too Late to Start Breastfeeding? Nursing Tips

Many women are under the impression that they need to start nursing their babies as soon as they are born. But this is not always the case. Some women do not feel comfortable breastfeeding until later in their child’s life.

When is it Too Late to Start Breastfeeding?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your child up till 2 years of age or more, so you might not be as late to start breastfeeding as you think. 

When is it Too Late to Start Breastfeeding

Is It Ever Too Late To Start Breastfeeding?

It is always beneficial to breastfeed your baby, no matter how old they are. All mammals instinctively know how to provide their young with milk, and human mothers’ milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants.

It doesn’t matter whether breastfeeding is natural; it’s never simple. We all understand that there are numerous causes why breastfeeding may have been stopped or begun at birth. Maybe you were unaware of the health benefits of nursing, didn’t have anybody to turn to for support, or were separated from your baby because of medical or financial concerns. Perhaps you’re welcoming a kid into your family via adoption or surrogacy.

Although there are many personal factors to consider, breastfeeding may still be an option for you. Below are a few tips that can help make the process go more smoothly:

  • If you have given birth or been pregnant before.
  • Whether you have breastfed before.
  • A nursing baby.
  • Professional and family networks.
  • Thorough knowledge of what’s required.
  • It requires plenty of kindness oneself and patience.

Can You Resume Breastfeeding After A Pause?

Your body will remember, no matter how old your baby is or how long you breastfeed. If you breastfed before or are worried about having a low milk supply, there’s a high chance you’ll be able to start breastfeeding again.

Babies are naturally inclined to breastfeed, and even when there is no breast milk, they frequently want to nurse for comfort. Breast milk production rises once your body recognizes the need, causing your baby to eat more frequently. A good cycle of supply and demand emerges as a result of this.

If you want to maintain a steady milk supply, try to nurse or pump as often as your baby would typically eat – around eight to twelve times per day. In addition to nursing or pumping, you can increase breast stimulation by massaging your breasts and manually expressing milk.

When Is It Too Late To Start Breastfeeding?

There is good news for anybody looking for answers; it is never too late to begin nursing.

Mothers who start nursing their babies within the first month or two post-birth have an easier time than those starting later. However, this does not mean that mothers cannot successfully nurse if they begin after the fifth month or if they have adopted their baby. It might be more difficult initially, but with practice, it gets better.

11 Ways To Ensure A Successful Relactation

  1. Maximize your time with your baby by sleeping close by and wearing them in a carrier or sling. Consider bathtime an opportunity to bond, as well. 
  2. If your baby is resistant to latch, try waking them up when they’re half asleep.
  3. Place your baby’s skin-to-skin tummy on your chest while feeding them breast milk from your nipple.  
  4. Keep an eye out for hunger signals so you can offer a feed before your baby gets too upset. The following are some examples of food cues:
  • Children often put their hands in or near their mouths.
  • Licking or smacking your lips will make them look greaseless.
  • The tortoise’s limbs frequently perform flips and twists as it moves about.
  • A suction noise or movement.

5. The nighttime is the best time to feed or express milk as prolactin levels are at their highest. Doing so in the morning will also help to produce an ample milk supply. 

6. To maintain your full milk supply, try pumping for 20 minutes, resting for 10, and then repeating this process until you’ve pumped for 60 minutes.

7. Consider using an electric double breast pump to increase your milk production.

8. When your baby feeds, gently squeeze the breast while the nurses encourage milk production.

9. You should have a hand pump on hand for rapid expression. Alternatively, you can manually express your baby. If pumping is too difficult, remember that your kid is the greatest pump of all time.

10. Offer your breasts to each feed and tell your body: Make more milk.

11. Before feeding or expressing, take a comforting warm bath or shower as the heat can help stimulate milk flow. 

Is It Possible To Begin Breastfeeding If You’ve Never Done So Before?

Yes. Because you built your body to breastfeed, and pregnancy hormones stimulate milk production, you should be able to produce milk after only a few days of exclusively breastfeeding.

The following tips will be helpful in relaxation and establishing a milk supply. It is beneficial to give your baby skin-to-skin time as this strengthens your connection and allows the baby to latch on.

Bottle feeding, unlike breastfeeding, has its technique and is known to produce milk more quickly. If your baby seems unhappy throughout the early days, ensure they get enough food with additional milk.

You can offer very little milk to your infant if you can express it to them. This helps them acclimate to flavor changes and reap the benefits of all that wonderful nutrition. You may give your kid extra milk while they nurse by drip-feeding.

Is It Okay To Breastfeed An Adopted Baby?

If you’re adopting or using a surrogate, there’s still a chance you can breastfeed your baby via induced lactation. If you’ve never been pregnant before, this may take longer than relaxation; however, it’s still possible to exclusively breastfeed your adopted child.

While hormone treatment may help milk production, it isn’t always necessary. You should speak to your doctor and get a lactation consultant’s support to discuss the best options for you. You must also discuss when is it too late to start breastfeeding.

If you have a partial supply of milk, pump regularly to increase the amount of milk produced. Your baby’s rooting reflex during breastfeeding will be strongest if you can attend their birth and start breastfeeding. Nursing provides many advantages for mothers and babies beyond simple nutrition.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1: How late can you start breastfeeding?

Ans: There is no definitive answer, as every mother and baby pair differs. However, it is possible to start breastfeeding even if you’ve never done so.

Q2: Is it okay to start breastfeeding after 2 weeks?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to start breastfeeding after two weeks.

Q3: Is it normal to start breastfeeding after 4 months?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to start breastfeeding after four months.

Q4: Is it possible to get a milk supply after drying up?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to get a milk supply after drying up.

Q5: Is it okay to start breastfeeding after 5 days?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to start breastfeeding after five days. However, establishing a milk supply may be more difficult if you’ve never done so before.


However, breastfeeding is possible even if you’ve never done so. If you have a partial supply of milk, pump regularly to increase the amount of milk produced.

Your baby’s rooting reflex during breastfeeding will be strongest if you can attend their birth and start breastfeeding. Nursing provides many advantages for mothers and babies beyond simple nutrition. If you’re interested in starting breastfeeding, speak to your doctor and get a lactation consultant’s support to discuss the best options for you.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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