How To Organize Baby Clothes? Easy Creative Ways

Organizing baby clothes can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! In this blog post, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to organize baby clothes in a way that makes sense for your family. Having everything organized will make getting dressed much easier – for both you and your baby!

How To Organize Baby Clothes

How Many Clothes Should A Baby Have?

A baby needs a lot of clothes. They grow so quickly that you’ll be doing laundry almost every day! It can be tough to keep up with all the clothes, especially if you don’t have a good system in place.

For a newborn, you’ll want to have around eight bodysuits or one-piece outfits. A good rule of thumb is to have one outfit for every day of the week, plus a few extras in case of accidents. If you’re doing laundry every day, you don’t need to keep a huge stash of clothes.

How To Organize Kids’ Clothes By Size?

1) Filter By Size

To begin, separate your baby’s clothing by size and arrange them in stacks to make the process go more quickly. After you’ve sorted your baby’s clothes by size, hanging or folding them is a good idea.

2) Hide Outdated Sizes

You’ll notice that your baby won’t wear all of his or her clothes at once, which means you’ll have to store them away from the regular pile.

3) Label The Storage Bins

You’ll have everything you need to know where to look when your little one outgrows their adorable onesies and needs clothes that fit them. This method allows you to quickly locate your child’s clothing later on.

4) Every Three Months, Purge Your Baby’s Clothing

To do so, grab all of your baby’s current clothing in the same size. Then make three groups out of the items:

  • Clothes that still fit.
  • Clothes that don’t fit.
  • Clothes that are no longer in use or have stains.

5) Donate Clothes You Don’t Need

It’s time to figure out what you’re going to do with all of your baby’s clothes after you’ve gotten rid of the ones they currently wear and those that no longer fit them.

  • Donate them to a charity or cause.
  • Keep them for your future child.

6) Take The Bigger Sizes

If you find that a lot of your 3-6 month clothing no longer fits your baby, it’s time to go through the 6-9 month bin of clothing and start sorting, according to ideas four and five. Grab the sleepers, onesies, and all the essential clothes that your baby may need.

7) Set Zones And Categorize

Decide where you want everything to go and set up zones, starting with the dresser. Inside the dresser drawers, add space dividers to increase your baby’s dresser storage capacity.

Other Creative Ways Of Organizing Baby Clothes

1) Freezer Bags

Organize out-of-season apparel or objects that are still too big into plastic baskets. They can be found online or at a dollar store, and command hooks may be used to hang them quickly.

2) Bookshelves

The bookshelf may be used to store tiny shoes or even baskets brimming with onesies and dummies. The numerous hanging rods will then be able to handle the rest of your outfit.

3) Shoe Organizer

Wondering how to organize baby clothes without a closet? A hanging baby shoe organizer allows you to store clothing objects while taking up very little room. These clothes may be easily matched by day of the week or month.

4) Wire Baskets

Baskets with a variety of patterns and colors are fashionable in the bedroom. They’re also ideal for storing pajamas or diapers, as well as providing a pop of color to the room. You can even use them to put baby blankets so that it doesn’t clutter the crib. 

5) Toy Bins

A set of plastic bins may be used to store baby clothes. Labeling the containers is simple, and they can contain a lot of stuff.

6) Under The Crib

The floor beneath the crib is plenty of storage space to house clothes. You may make a bespoke drawer to store clothes under your baby’s crib if you’re handy. Just make sure the crib is strong enough to hold the weight. 

7) Hanging Baskets

For anyone who wants to know how to organize baby clothes, this simple basket storage hack is genius. All you need are a handful of plastic crates and a package of cup hooks, which can be found at many discount shops.

8) Wall Mounted Basket

Baskets might be positioned on the dashboard or in front of the driver’s seat to hold changing table essentials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How to store baby hats?

Ans: You could use a hat box, an over-the-door pocket organizer, or even just a regular storage bin.

Q2: Is size 0-3 months the same as 3 months?

Ans: No, 0-3 months is a size range and usually refers to newborn clothing. Once your baby hits the three-month mark, they will likely need clothes that are sized specifically for them.

Q3: Should I keep baby clothes?

Ans: You’ll be ready to go for at least the first two months as long as you have a few white onesies, socks, and sleepers on hand.

Q4: Do you hang onesies?

Ans: You can, but you don’t have to. Some people prefer to fold their onesies, while others like to hang them.

Q5: How to fold baby clothes?

Ans: Start by folding the garment in half, then folding it in thirds. Once you have a long, narrow rectangle, simply fold it in half again.


So, how to organize baby clothes? Organizing your baby’s clothes doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little creativity and some simple hacks, you can easily create a system that works for you and your family. 

The best ways to organize baby clothes vary depending on your needs and the amount of space you have, but with a little effort, you can create a system that’s both functional and stylish. You can organize baby clothes by color, size, season, or even by type of clothing.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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