18 Month Old Tantrums: Steps To Deal With Them

If you have an 18-month-old child, there’s a good chance you’ve already been through (or are currently going through) the temper tantrum phase. Tantrums can start as early as 6 months old, but tend to peak around 18 months.

So, How to deal with 18 month old tantrums?

Tantrums in 18-month-old toddlers are a common and normal part of their development. These outbursts are usually caused by frustration or a desire for independence and can be managed by providing a calm and consistent response, setting clear boundaries, and redirecting their attention.

In this blog post, we will discuss why 18-month-old tantrums happen, and what you can do to help your child during this difficult time.

18 Month Old Tantrums

What Is A Temper Tantrum And What Causes Them In Children Aged 18 Months Or Younger?

Toddler temper tantrums are a display of anger, frustration, or disappointment, usually in the form of crying, yelling, or both. Toddler tantrums are most common in young children aged 18 months or younger.

There are many different causes of temper tantrums, but the most common one is simply that the child is overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to express themselves. Other causes can include hunger, fatigue, boredom, or overstimulation.

When children don’t have their fundamental requirements met, they may act out.

The majority of tantrums are due to a child’s fundamental needs not being adequately satisfied. 


Due to their young age, 18-month-olds tend to have a wide variety of food preferences.

Make preparations for this “ebb and flow” pattern, as well as enough food for your primary meals and a variety of nutritious snacks throughout the day.


Children frequently neglect to drink. They are so happy and energetic that they frequently forget to drink, even if you leave their container out for them. Keep an eye on how much they consume, especially on hotter days, to ensure that they are getting enough liquids.


Tiredness is one of the main reasons for 18-month-old tantrums at night. Your kid will often forget to sleep or entirely miss naps as a result of their more active schedule.

If left untreated, this can lead to them not being able to sleep.

The greatest solution to this issue is to stick to a rigorous nap and bedtime routine so that your child gets enough sleep.

Babies up to one year old sleep approximately ten to twelve hours each night and take one two-hour nap during the day (or sometimes shorter naps that are also 2 hours in length).

A consistent bedtime procedure may also offer a sense of security, protection, and control.

These acts combine to give a less weary, more confident mood, and fewer 18-month-old fits of rage when someone says no. You must treasure your youngster by keeping him or her occupied at all times. This should include both indoor and outdoor play as well as activity time at home and outside. Finally, this will keep their analytical and cognitive minds active, resulting in fewer tantrums and more rest time.

They Are Upset About Something Else

External irritants, such as colds, toothaches, ulcers, blemishes, bumps, and bruises can all cause 18-month-old tantrums.

All toddlers encounter similar difficulties, even if they are experiencing only minor issues.

As a result, your young child may be more fragile at specific times and you will need to be more patient and empathetic.

Take notice of any developmental changes they may be going through and account for them while responding to 18 Month Old Tantrums.

How To Tell If Your Child’s Tantrum Is Normal Or If It Requires Further Attention?

Most tantrums are normal and will pass with time and patience. However, in the case of terrible twos, tantrums last for more than a few minutes, or if they are accompanied by other concerning behaviors, it may be time to seek professional help. Here are some signs that your child’s tantrum may require further attention:

  • Your child is frequently having tantrums that last for more than a few minutes.
  • Your child is having difficulty calming down after a tantrum.
  • Your child is engaging in self-destructive behaviors during or after a tantrum (e.g., hitting their head, punching walls, etc.).
  • Your child is exhibiting other concerning behaviors (e.g., excessive tantrums, aggression towards others, self-injury, etc.).

The Three Types Of Tantrums And How To Deal With Each One

There are three types of childhood temper tantrums: the angry tantrum, the frustrated tantrum, and the sad tantrum.

Angry Tantrum Or Angry Outbursts

Angry 18 month old tantrums are characterized by yelling, hitting, or kicking. It is important to remain calm when dealing with an angry tantrum, as getting angry yourself will only escalate the situation. Instead, try to redirect the child’s attention to something else or provide them with an outlet for their anger such as punching a pillow.

Frustrated Tantrum

The frustrated tantrum is characterized by crying and whining. This type of tantrum is often caused by frustration over not being able to do something or not understanding something.

Drinking from cup is also an issue parents face as a frustrated tantrum.

Sad Tantrum

The sad tantrum is characterized by crying and sometimes includes body language such as slumped shoulders or a pouty face. This type of tantrum is often caused by feelings of sadness, loneliness, or exhaustion. In these cases, it is important to offer comfort and reassurance to the child. Try hugging them or offering words of encouragement.

Each type of tantrum requires a different approach, but in all cases, it is important to remain calm and try to understand the root cause of the tantrum.

What To Do When Your Child Has A Temper Tantrum In Public?

Stay Calm

The most effective approach to responding to a toddler that is getting into a small fury and preparing for a major tantrum is to remain cool.

If you get aggressive and angry, you will be demonstrating to your kid that this is the proper method of expressing emotions when upset.

Instead, stay cool and figure out the most effective way to resolve the problem so that your kid can return to normal.


18-month-old tantrums when told “no” can be handled by ignoring them.

When you ignore the behavior you give it no attention with which to get any worse.

Remember, this does not imply you should neglect your youngster.

It’s important not to pay attention to the attempts to get your attention because this may be the reason for your temper tantrum in the first place.

Children require attention to feel happy and content.

If you pay more attention to negative conduct, your youngster will eventually resort to the most basic method of getting your attention: throwing a tantrum.


Children are often distracted by a variety of factors, especially 18-month-olds.

A joke, laughter, a toy, a song, food, a pet, or anything else your youngster shows an interest in may help you divert them away from a tantrum.

When your child is hooked, distract them by asking questions or making comments that pique their interest. After they’ve been successfully distracted, have a talk with them about why throwing a tantrum isn’t the proper method to gain attention or receive what they desire.

Giving your toddler a soft toy (such as a teddy bear or doll) to hold at night is one more technique to avoid 18-month-old temper tantrums.

This might provide them some peace of mind to go to sleep.

It’s not the end of the world if they play with the toy before going to sleep.

It’s about coming up with creative answers to little challenges, as well as losing the war at times.

Tips For Preventing Temper Tantrums From Happening In The First Place

They usually happen when we least expect it and can ruin our day.

Children thrive on routine and predictability. When things are out of their usual routine, it can trigger a tantrum.

Sudden changes can be very overwhelming for a child and may lead to a tantrum.

Avoid situations that are known to trigger tantrums. If your child is sensitive to loud noises, try to avoid places where there will likely be a lot of noise.

How To Help Your Child Calm Down After A Tantrum?

It’s no secret that tantrums can be stressful for both parents and children. There are, however, ways to assist your youngster in regaining control of himself or herself after a tantrum. Here are some pointers:

Try to stay calm. It can be difficult, but remember that your child is likely acting out of frustration or feeling overwhelmed. If you respond with anger, it will only make the situation worse.

Talk about what happened after the tantrum has ended. This will help your child to understand why their behavior was not acceptable and how they can better handle their emotions in the future.

Most importantly, be patient. Tantrums are a normal part of childhood and they will eventually outgrow them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is a child’s temper tantrum?

Ans: A tantrum is an outburst of anger and frustration, usually in children. It can be caused by many things, such as fatigue, hunger, or being overstimulated.

Q2: Why do 18-month-olds have tantrums?

Ans: There are a few reasons why 18-month-olds might have tantrums. One reason could be during child development called the “Terrible Twos.” This is when kids start to become more independent and want to do things on their terms. They might also have tantrums because they’re trying to communicate their needs and wants, but they don’t yet have the words to express themselves.

Q3: How can I prevent my 18-month-old from having tantrums?

Ans: There are a few things you can do to prevent a toddler tantrum, such as making sure your child is well-rested, keeping them on a routine, and providing them with healthy snacks and meals. You should also try to avoid situations that might trigger a tantrum, such as being in large crowds or being around too many loud noises.

Q4: What should I do when my 18-month-old has a tantrum?

Ans: When your child is having a tantrum, the best thing you can do is stay calm and try to distract them with something else. You can also provide comfort and support, but avoid giving in to their demands.

Q5: Is it normal for 18-month-olds to have tantrums?

Ans: Yes, it’s perfectly normal for 18-month-olds to have tantrums. Most children will have tantrums at some point during their childhood. Tantrums are a part of growing up and learning how to express emotions appropriately.

Q6: How long do 18-month-old tantrums last?

Ans: Tantrums can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. They usually peak within a minute or two and then start to dissipate.

Q7: Should I be concerned if my 18-month-old has tantrums?

Ans: Tantrums are typically nothing to be concerned about, but if they’re happening frequently or lasting for a long time, it might be worth talking to your child’s doctor. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and provide you with additional resources and support.


If you’re feeling frazzled, take a few deep breaths before responding. Second, provide some structure and routines for your child throughout the day.

 Lastly, offer lots of love and patience. Temper tantrums are normal at this stage of development and will eventually pass. With a little understanding and some TLC, you can help your child through this challenging time.

My name is Mark Joseph, and I’m on a mission to help new parents navigate the world of parenting. With over 5 years of experience as a parenting coach, I’m here to provide you with insight into all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your newborn baby. Instagram Linkedln Facebook

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